Genetic Approaches to Understanding Periodontal Disease Risk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Genetic Approaches to Understanding Periodontal Disease Risk


Genetic Approaches to Understanding Periodontal Disease Risk – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Genetic Approaches to Understanding Periodontal Disease Risk

Genetic Approaches to Understanding Periodontal
Disease Risk Susceptability
  • Naheed Mohamed

  • Periodontal diseases are initiated by microbial
    plaque, which accumulates in the sulcular region
    and induces an inflammatory response. This
    response may progress in certain susceptible
    individuals to chronic destructive inflammatory
    condition termed periodontitis.

  • While microbial and other environmental factors
    are believed to initiate and modulate periodontal
    disease progression, there now exists strong
    supporting evidence that genes play a role in the
    predisposition to and progression of periodontal
    diseases. (Sofaer, 1990 Hart, 1994 Michalowicz,
    1994 Hassel and Harris, 1995 Hodge and
    Michalowicz, 2001)

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Immune Response
  • Production of inflammatory biochemical mediators,
    collectively known as cytokines (e.g., IL-1,
  • Cytokines signal other cells, such as fibroblast,
    to produce PGE2 and MMPs, which have been
    associated with bone destruction and connective
    tissue degradation, respectively.
  • Host response can be both protective and
  • Specific genes may determine the degree to which
    an individuals immune response is protective or
    destructive (Malo and Skamene, Trends in
    Genetics, 1994)

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  • Putative pathogens are essential to develop
    periodontitis, however, their mere presence is
    insufficient to initiate periodontitis. (Haffajee
    and Socransky, 1994)
  • The primary etiology for periodontitis is
    bacteria, however the extent and severity of
    periodontal lesions can be influenced by
    environmental factors, acquired factors, and
    genetic predisposition. (Kornman et al., 1997 and
    Salvi et al., 1997)

  • Genetic factors influence inflammatory and immune
    responses in general. Individuals may respond
    differently to common environmental challenges
    due to their genetic profile. Specifically
    different forms of genes(allelic variants), can
    produce variations in tissue structure(innate
    immunity), and inflammatory mediators
    (non-specific inflammation). Allelic variants at
    multiple gene loci probably influence
    periodontitis susceptability. (Kinane 2003).

Introduction to Genetics
Basic Terminology
  • Genome refers to all the genes carried by an
    individual or cell. The human genome consists of
    more than 3 billion pairs of bases contained in
    22 pairs of chromosomes, termed autosomes, and
    two sex chromosomes.
  • Chromosome a nuclear structure carrying genetic
    information arranged in a linear sequence.
  • Gene a functional and physical unit of
    inheritance that occupies a specific position
    (locus) within genome or chromosome. In other
    words, It is a sequence of nucleotides located at
    a particular position on a particular chromosome
    carrying a set of instructions usually directing
    the synthesis of proteins

Alternative form of a gene is ALLELE
  • Humans carry two sets of chromosomes, one from
    each parent. Single nucleotide polymorphisms may
    render two sets of equivalent genes different.
  • Allele one of several possible alternative
    forms of a given gene at a particular locus of a
    chromosome differing in DNA sequence
  • Different alleles are responsible for variation
    in inherited characteristics such as hair color
    or blood type.
  • In an individual, the dominant form of an allele
    is expressed
  • Homozygous the presence of identical alleles of
    one or more specific genes (e.g. A/A).
  • Heterozygous the presence of differing alleles
    of one or more specific genes (e.g. A/B).

More Definitions
  • Genotype the genetic makeup of an organism or
    cell distinct from its expressed features or
  • Phenotype the observable characteristics
    displayed by an organism as influenced by
    environmental factors and independent of the
    genotype of the organism. (Phenotype genotype x
  • Gene expression the process involving use of
    the information in a gene via transcription and
    translation leading to production of a protein
    affecting the phenotype of the organism
    determined by that gene.
  • Autosomal dominant the dominant effect of one
    gene located on an autosome regardless of the
    presence of the other normal copy.
  • Autosomal recessive A gene on an autosome that
    is required in two copies to be active in an
    individual. An individual who carries two such
    copies of the same abnormal gene will be
    subjected to effects from that gene.

Genetic Variance
  • Different forms of genes are called allelic
  • Allelic variants differ in their nucleotide
  • When a specific allele occurs in at least 1 of
    the population it is called a genetic
  • When a nucleotide change is very rare and not
    present in many individuals it is often referred
    to as a mutation.

Sources of Variation
  • Mutation alteration of the genomic sequence
    compared to a
  • reference state. Not all mutations have
    harmful events
  • (silent mutation). (lt1 of population)
  • Polymorphism a region on the genome that varies
  • individual members of a population present in
  • significant number of individuals. (gt1 of
  • Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) a
  • caused by the change in a single nucleotide
    believed to be the most common genetic variation
    between individual humans.

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
  • A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, or SNP, is a
    small genetic change, or variation, that can
    occur within a person's DNA sequence
  • An example of a SNP is the alteration of the DNA
    segment AAGGTTA to ATGGTTA, where the second A
    is replaced by a T
  • On average, SNPs occur in the human population gt
    1 .

  • A change in nucleotide that occurs in the
    population with a frequency of ? 1
  • Reported
    Sequence AAGTACGGCTC
  • SNP Sequence
  • Occurs approximately every 300 to 1000 bps.
  • Coding
    Region Changes Synonymous TTTPhe

  • TTC Phe

  • Non-Synonymous GTT Val

  • GGT Gly

  • Stop codon TAC

  • TAA Stop
  • Changes that occur in the promoter region, 5 and
    3 UTR(untranslated region), and intron may alter
    expression levels

Gene Expression
Environmental Exposures
  • Differences in physiologic functioning of
    proteins due to polymorphisms can be enhanced by
    certain environmental exposures (eg smoking,
    diabetes, microbes).
  • If the protein functions in the inflammatory
    process then certain polymorphisms can increase
    or decrease risk for disease phenotype.
  • Epigenomics (link between environment and its
    effects on gene expression)

  • study of heritable changes in genome function
    that occur without a change in DNA sequence. This
    includes the study of how patterns of gene
    expression are passed from one cell to its
    descendants, how gene expression changes during
    the differentiation of one cell type into
    another, and how environmental factors can change
    the way genes are expressed.
  • The discovery that enzymes can re-organise
    chromatin into accessible and inaccessible
    configurations revealed epigenetic mechanisms
    that considerably extend the information
    potential of the genetic code. Thus, one genome
    can generate many 'epigenomes', as the fertilised
    egg progresses through development and translates
    its information into a multitude of cell fates.

Genetic Basis of Disease
  • Genetic variance and environmental exposures are
    the key determinants to phenotypic differences.
  • Simple Mendelian Diseases follow predictable
    simple patterns of transmission. In most cases a
    single gene locus is the major determinant of
  • Complex genetic disease are more prevalent (gt1),
    do not follow simple pattern of familial
    distribution, and are the result of interaction
    of multiple different gene loci as well as
    environmental factors.

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Complex Genetic Diseases
  • No correlation between presence of allele and
    occurrence of disease.
  • Associated polymorphisms not directly causally
  • Each polymorphism contributes to a small part of
    the disease process, sometimes requiring multiple
    genes to develop disease phenotype.
  • Environmental factors are also critical to

Methods of Genetic Analysis
  • Familial Aggregation
  • Twin Studies
  • Segregation Analysis
  • Linkage Studies
  • Association Studies

Evidence for the Role of Genetic Variants in
  • German studies of familial nature in the early
    20th century have shown aggregation of chronic
    forms of periodontitis in families. This
    strongly suggested genetic predisposition. (Revd
    by Hassell Harris 1995)
  • Note Important consider shared environment in
    these types of studies, due to interaction of
    genotypic expression and environment.

Evidence Studies
  • Michalowicz et al. (1991) studied dizygous twins
    reared together and apart and monozygous twins
    reared together and apart.
  • Mean probing depth and attachment level varied
    less for MZT than DZT.
  • Alveolar bone ht. showed significant variations
    related to difference in genotype.
  • Twin groups had similar OH and smoking hx.
  • Concluded genetics plays a role in susceptibility
    to periodontal disease.

Evidence Studies
  • Segregation analysis in North American families
    performed by Marazita et al (1994).
  • Studied gt100 families, segregating aggressive
    forms of periodontitis, and found support for
    autosomal dominant transmission. Concluded
    autosomal dominant inheritance with 70
    penetrance occurred in Blacks and non-Blacks.

Evidence Studies
  • Boughman et al (1986) found an autosomal dominant
    form of LAgP in an extended family in Southern
    Maryland. In this family type III dentinogenesis
    imperfecta and a localized form of AgP were
    segregating as dominant traits.
  • Gene for DGI-III had been previously localized to
    chromosome 4, performed linkage analysis and
    showed close linkage of gene for AgP to this
    DGI-III gene.

Evidence Studies
  • Hart et al (1993) evaluated support for linkage
    of AgP near chromosome 4 in different population
    of families (14 AA and 4 caucasian).
  • Results showed that in these populations no
    linkage existed . Results could mean that this
    population had a different form of AgP than the
    Maryland kindred.

Syndromic Forms of Periodontitis
  • Severe periodontitis presents as part of the
    clinical manisfestations of several monogenetic
  • Significance of these conditions is that they
    clearly demonstrate that a genetic mutation at a
    single locus can impart susceptibility to

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Papillon LeFevre Syndrome
  • Clinically characterized by
  • Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis
  • Severe early onset periodontitis that results in
    premature loss of the primary and secondary
    dentition (distinguishes PLS from other
    plamoplantar keratoderma)
  • Prevalence 1/ 4million
  • No gender or racial predilection

CTSC gene encodes for Cathepsin C protease
  • CTSC gene lies on chromosone 11q14-q21 seven
    exons encoding for lysosomal protease cathepsin
  • It is expressed at high levels in a variety of
    immune cells including polymorphonuclear
    leucocytes, macrophages, and in epithelial
    regions commonly affected by PLS, including the
    palms, soles, knees, and oral keratinized gingiva
    (RT-PCR) (Hart et al., 1999).
  • Cathepsin C is a protease enzyme that processes
    and activates a number of granule serine
    proteases critical to immune and inflammatory
    responses of myeloid and lymphoid white blood

Mutations in CTSC gene
  • Mutations in Cathepsin C (CTSC) gene are
    implicated for PLS
  • For example
  • One exon 1 nonsense mutation (856C?T) introduces
    a premature stop codon at amino acid 286.
  • Three exon 2 mutations
  • single nucleotide deletion (2692delA) of codon
    349 introduces a frameshift and premature
    termination codon,
  • 2 bp deletion (2673-2674delCT) introduces a
    stop codon at amino acid 343, and
  • G?A substitution in codon 429 (2931G?A)
    introduces a premature termination codon.
  • Truncated or altered conformation of the protein
    may not be transported to the organelle and may
    not be able to activate protein kinases
  • In other words, Cathepsin C activity in these
    patients is nearly absent

Association between CTSC gene alterations and PLS
patients susceptibility to periodontal disease.
  • Two possible explanations
  • CTSC protein is implicated in activation of
    proteases related to phagocytosis, antigen
    presentation, local activation, and deactivation
    of cytokines and other inflammatory markers
    (Toomes et al., Nature Genetics 1999 101421-424)
  • CTSC influences periodontal progression through
    its role in epithelial differentiation or
    desquamation. Aberrant differentiation of
    sulcular and junctional epithelium may alter the
    mechanical barrier to periodontal pathogens
    (Toomes et al., Nature Genetics 1999 101421-424)

Polymorphism Studies on Periodontitis
  • Host response is predominantly influenced by
    genetic make-up.
  • Several features of hosts innate immune response
    may contribute to susceptibility to AgP and
    include epithelial, connective tissue,
    fibroblast, and PMN defects.
  • Aspects of the host inflammatory response namely
    cytokines are crucial variants influencing host
    respone in periodontitis.

Immunological Polymorphisms
  • MHC or HLA genes determine our response to
    particular antigens.
  • Japanese study of AgP pts found a significant
    association for pts with atypical BamH1
    restriction site in the HLA.DQB gene (Takashiba
    et al. 1994).
  • Hodge Kinane (1999) found no assoc. in
    caucasian AgP pts and this restriction site.

IL-1 Gene Polymorphisms
  • In 1997 Kornman et al found an association
    between polymorphisms in genes enconding for
    IL-1a(-889) and IL-1B(3953) and an increased
    severity of periodontitis.
  • The specific genotype of the polymorphic IL-1
    cluster (called PST-periodontitis susceptibility
    trait) was associated with severity of PD in only
    non-smokers, and distinguished individuals with
    severe periodontitis from those with mild disease.

Genetic control of IL-1 Genes and Locus of SNPs
associated with controlling IL-1 biological
Genetic Susceptibility Test for periodontitis
tests for the presence of at least one copy of
allele 2 at the IL-1A 4845 loci and at least one
copy of allele 2 at the IL-1B 3954 locus.
IL-1A 4845 is being used because it is easier
to identify than IL-1A -889 and it is essentially
concordant with it. IL-1B 3953 has been now
renumbered as IL-1B 3954 because the current
convention indicates that the numbering of the
transcription should begin at 1 instead of zero.
Interleukin 1
  • A proinflammatory multifunctional cytokine.
  • Enables ingress of inflammatory cells into sites
    of infection
  • Promotes bone resoroption
  • Stimulates eicosanoid (PGE2) release by monocytes
    and fibroblasts
  • Stimulates release of MMPs that degrades
    proteins of the ECM.
  • Forms IL-1a and IL-1B

  • IL-1a is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in
    various immune responses, inflammatory processes,
    and hematopoiesis
  • This cytokine is produced by many cell types but
    is only secreted by monocytes and macrophages.
  • produced as a proprotein, which is cleaved by
    calpain and released in a mechanism that is still
    not well studied.

  • expressed in monocytes and macrophages
  • Inactive precursor cleaved by caspase-1 enzyme
  • Secreted to extracellular compartment
  • Wide spectrum of immune functions

IL-1 as modulator for Periodontitis
  • Kornman et al. (1997)
  • Genotype-positive non-smokers ? 18.9 times more
    likely to have severe periodontitis (when
    compared with genotype-negative non smokers)
  • No significant association between periodontal
    status and genotype detected when smokers were
    included in the statistical analysis.
  • 86 of the severe periodontitis patients were
    accounted for by either smoking or IL-1 genotype
  • Presence of allele 2 at IL-1A -889 or IL-1B 3953
    did not significantly increase the risk of
    periodontitis among smokers and non-smokers.

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IL-1 genotype and IL-1 protein
  • The specific periodontitis-associated IL-1
    genotype consists of a variant in the IL-B gene
    that is associated with high levels of IL-1
    production.(Poiciot et al 1992)
  • Patients positive for composite IL-1A (4845) and
    IL-1B (3954) periodontitis-associated genotype
    has higher level of IL-1B in GCF, but not in
    gingival tissue before and after treatment
    (Kornmann et al 1999)
  • Carriage of allele 2 in the (-889) locus resulted
    in an almost four fold increase of IL-1 protein
    levels in chronic periodontitis patients
    (Shirodaria et al., 2000)

Contradictory Studies
  • Meisel et al (2002)
  • Stated that the composite genotype showed strong
    interaction with smoking, whereas
    non-smokers,even genotype-positive were not at
    any increased risk
  • Papapanou (2001)
  • 132 periodontitis pts who were age and sex
    matched with controls did not show any
    association with the composite genotype and
  • Ehmeke (1999)
  • Of 33 pts, 16 were genotype positive. Following
    2yrs of maintanence tx, no difference in tooth or
    attachment loss between the two groups.

Clinical Significance of IL-1 Genotype
  • Bleeding Upon Probing
  • Lang et al. (2000)
  • after periodontal surgery, maintenance patients
    were monitored for BOP and tested for the
    candidate genotype.
  • no significant relationship between BOP and the
  • polymorphism when the entire study population
    was evaluated (N333).
  • - non-smokers genotype positive demonstrated
    significantly more bleeding (when compared to
    non-smokers genotype-negative).

  • Attachment loss
  • Kornman et al. (1997)
  • Reported 18.9 times greater risk (OR18.9) of
    finding severe periodonitis among non-smokers
  • McDevitt et al. (2000)
  • Among non-smokers or former smokers, genotype
    positive individuals had 3.75 greater odds of
    having moderate to advanced periodontitis than

  • Genotype and tooth loss
  • McGuire and Nunn (1999)
  • Genotype-positive individuals had a 2.7 greater
    chance than genotype-negative patients of losing
    a tooth.
  • Combined effect of being genotype-positive and
    heavy smoker increased the odds of tooth loss to
    7.7 compared with genotype-negative non-smokers.
  • PST can be helpful in treatment planning.

  • Genotype and healing after surgery
    De Sanctis and Zucchelli (2000)
  • Evaluated the impact of patients genotype on
    maintenance of gained clinical attachment after
    guided tissue regeneration (GTR)
  • At base line no difference between
    genotype-positive (N14) and genotype-negative
    (N26) with reference to clinical parameters
    (BOP, PD, and CAL)
  • At one year no difference (gain of CAL 5.1 mm vs
    5.2 mm residual PD 6.3 mm vs 6.4 mm)
  • At four years genotype positive patients
    demostrated a significantly greater loss of
    clinical attachment (2.3 mm vs 1.0 mm) and
    increased probing depth (2.2 mm vs 0.8 mm)

  • Periodontal Pathogens
  • Socransky et al (2000)
  • Found that the mean counts of specific species
    were higher in general IL-1 positive genotypes
    compared to negative subjects. Species detected
    at higher levels were those frequently detected
    with periodontal inflammation.

Prevalence of genotype positive individuals in
different ethnic groups
  • Frequency of many genetic alleles varies between
    ethnic groups, therefore, it is necessary to
    establish allele frequencies in populations
    before genetic test can be evaluated and used.
  • Caucasions
  • 29 of northern european caucasions were genotype
    positive (Kornman et al., 1997)
  • African Americans
  • 14.5 of non-diseased individuals and 8 of
    patients with localized form of aggressive
    periodontitis were genotype-positive. (Walker et
    al., 2000)
  • Chinese
  • 2.3 of sample of 132 mod-severe periodontitis
    cases were genotype-positive (Armitage et al.,
  • Hispanics
  • 26 of hispanic individuals with peridontitis
    were genotype-positive (Lopez et al., 2005)
  • Take home message Dissimilarity in the
    prevalence of genotypes in different ethnic
    groups precludes extrapolating data from one
    group to another.

Summary of IL-1 genotype in Periodontitis
  • Unlikely to be relevant in AgP
  • It is at best in linkage disequilibrium with the
    gene contributing susceptibility to chronic
  • It confers risk independent of that due to
  • The polymorphism is at best one of several
  • The polymorphism is a useful marker in only
    defined populations, relatively absent in some
    (Armitage et al 2000), and is too prevalent in
    others (Walker et al 2000).
  • Demonstration of functional significance of this
    gene polymorphism is yet to be confirmed.
  • Clinical utilization of these composite genotype
    polymorphisms for risk assessment and prognostic
    determination is currently premature.
  • (Kinane, 2003)

  • Mutations in the genes for interleukin-1 and its
    natural antagonist, the interleukin-1 receptor
    antagonist, may lead to an overproduction of
    interleukin-1, an important mediator of
    inflammation of the immune system. Even if only a
    few bacteria are present, an over activation of
    osteoclasts results in an increased degradation
    of periodontal soft and bone tissue. Patients
    with increased interleukin-1 levels require
    particularly intensive treatment strategies. In
    such cases, the GenoType PST plus test is a
    valuable tool for the optimization of follow-up
    and prophylaxis intervals and for the risk
    determination prior to extensive implant

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