Title: Animal Classification
1Animal Classification I. Taxonomy and Phylogeny
A. Taxonomy science of the
classification and naming of living
things B. Phylogeny study of the
evolutionary history of animals
2Animal Classification II. Taxonomic scheme
A. Hierarchy
3Animal Classification II. Taxonomic scheme
B. Naming of species binomial
nomenclature Homo sapiens Homo
sapiens Apis mellifera Apis mellifera
- Genus name is always capitalized and
- italicized or underlined
- species name is always lower case and
- italicized or underlined
4Animal Classification II. Taxonomic scheme
B. Naming of species binomial
Family Upupidae Upupa epops
African hoopoe
5Animal Classification III. Phylogenetic Tree
representation of phylogeny of animal groups,
traced back to initial common ancestor