Title: Computer development history
1Lecture 2
- Computer development history
- History of computer development
- Computer generation
- Programming language
3History of Computer Development
- Charles Babbage
- Design first modern computer
- Invent
- difference engine
- Analytical Engine (main part of copmuter system)
4History of Computer Development
- Count Ada Lovelace
- First programmer
- Assist in developing instruction for Babbage
device computation
5History of Computer Development
- Herman Hollerith
- Develop first computer using electrical power
- Founder of electronic punch card
6History of Computer Development
- John V. Atanasoff Clifford Berry
- Build first electronically operated digital
computer - ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer)
7History of Computer Development
- ENIAC (Electronik Numerical Integrator and
Calculator) - J.Mauchly J.Presper Eckert
- Main general purpose electronic computer
- Used in world war II
- Used to solve mathematical problem
- Use vacuum tube
8History of Computer Development
9History of Computer Development
- UNIVAC 1 (Universal Automatic Computer)
- First generation comercial computer
- For scientific and comercial applications
- Eckert Mauchly send first UNIVAC to U.S Census
Bureau in 1951.
10History of Computer Development
11History of Computer Development
- UNIVAC characteristic
- Easier to use compared to ENIAC
- Less vacuum tube (more reliable)
- Stored program found by John Von Neumann
- General purpose
- Use machine language
12History of Computer Development
- Apple Computer
- Found by Steve Jobbs dan Steve Wozniak in 1977
- First computer with easy to use screen and
13History of Computer Development
14Computer Generation
- First Generation
- Second Generation
- Third Generation
- Fourth Generation
- Fifth Generation
15Computer Generation
- First Generation
- 1940s early 1950s
- Vacuum tube as switch
- Bulky, slow, easily heated
- Always fail
- Stored program concept (Von Neumann)
- Assembly Language
16Computer Generation
- Second Generation
- 1950s mid 1960
- transistor as switch
- Smaller and faster (x1000)
- Less heat, more reliable, cheap
- The usage of high level language begins
17Computer Generation
- Third Generation
- Late 1960s
- Silicon chip as switch
- Smaller and faster (x1000)
- More reliable
18Computer Generation
- Fourth Generation
- 1970s current
- Single processor microchip as switch
- Very low cost and afforded by individual
19Computer Generation
- Fifth Generation
- Japan founded artificial intelligence in the mid
1990 - Expert system, natural language
- Communication and network
21Programming Language
22Programming Language
- Machine language
- Low level language
- Use number
- Data and program instruction is 0 and 1(0n/off)
- Program written in other language must be changed
to machine language before execution
23Programming Language
- Assembly language
- Low level
- Use mnemonic code, abbreviation
- Program written in this language is translated by
assembler into machine language program code
before execution
24Programming Language
- High Level Language
- Exist 1960
- Similar to English
- Program written in this language is able to
overcome more complex problem/task - Translator is known as compiler which change
program to machine language before execution - Commercial application such as C/C
25Example of High Level Language for Displaying
Hello World
- Cobol DISPLAY Hello World
- Basic PRINT Hello World
- C printf (Hello World)
- Java System.out.println(Hello World)
- C coutltlt Hello World
26Programming Language
- Very High Level Language
- Known as 4GL
- Program is written shorthand form
- Able to handle hundreds instruction lines (3rd
generation language can handle few lines only) - Example Query Language
27Programming Language
- Natural Language
- Similar to spoken English Language
- Natural Language translate human instruction into
codes that understandable by computer - Also known as knowledge base language
- Interact with knowledge base