Title: Mies Van Der Rohe Ludwig
1??? ?? ?? ?? Mies Van Der Rohe Ludwig
2Mies Van Der Rohe Ludwig
3Weissenhof Stuttgart1927
4Weissenhof Stuttgart1927
5Barcelona pavilion1929
6Barcelona pavilion1929
7Dr. Edith Farnsworth HousePlano
8Farnsworth HousePlano Illinois1945-50
9Farnsworth HousePlano Illinois1945-50
10Farnsworth HousePlano Illinois1945-50
11860 880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments - Chicago
12860 880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments - Chicago
13860 880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments - Chicago
14"the clearest structure we have done, the best to
express our philosophy,"
Crown Hall The College of Architecture The
Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago1952-56
15CrownhallIllinois Institute of Technology1952-56
16CrownhallIllinois Institute of Technology1952-56
17CrownhallIllinois Institute of Technology1952-56
"universal space."
18 Seagram BuildingNew York1954-58
19 Seagram BuildingNew York1954-58
20 Seagram BuildingNew York1954-58
21??? ????? International Style
22Philip Johnson