Title: ASME Management Division Meeting IMECE
1 ASME Management Division Meeting IMECE
- November 11, 2012
- Meeting Minutes
2Management Division Meeting Agenda
- Topics Start Time
- Welcome and Introduction 100 PM
- Review and approval of agenda 110 PM
- Discussion of Agenda topics -Part 1 115 PM
- Break 200 PM
- Discussion of Agenda topics-Part 2 210 PM
- Coffee and networking 300 400 PM
3Management Division Meeting Agenda
- Topics Start Time
- Review and approval of agenda 110 PM
- Summary and Appraisal of Key FY13 Activities
- Overview of Technical Communities Operating Board
(TCOB) activities - Discussion of FY12 and FY13 activities
- MD Newsletters
- Social Media channel
- MD Outreach
- ME Magazine Article Contribution
- Electoral planning for FY14 leadership team
- Joint Efforts with Other Groups
- CY2013 Event Planning
4The Management division is a diverse group that
is involved in several activities throughout the
The Management Division is one of the most
diverse groups within ASME
whose purpose is to promote the art and science
of engineering management
through a diverse set of activities every year
- Key Activities
- Support of Engineering Management Certification
program - Annual Retreat
- Annual IMECE conference meeting
- Local tours of engineering attractions
- Networking events
- Technical training events/seminars
- Group composition
- 10,000 globally located members
- Part of the Engineering and Technology
Management Group (ETMG) of ASME - Comprises of professionals with diverse set of
qualifications related to engineering and
- Mission of Management Division
- Promote the art and science of engineering
management - Foster the interchange of ideas
- Provide opportunities for education and training
- Recognize outstanding achievements by members
5Status of Key MD objectives for FY2013The
executive committee of the Management Division
(MD) focused on 3 key objectives for FY2013,
pursued selected activities in alignment with
these objectives and achieved mixed success
Objectives Activities Status
Engage our existing membership Publish 3 newsletters annually
Engage our existing membership Create a social media channel to enhance interaction
Engage our existing membership Organize periodic meetings (virtual and in-person) to discuss MD related issues
Engage our existing membership Selectively engage regional ASME chapters
Promote awareness of the MD Selective and periodic outreach to engineering management programs to attract students
Share leading engineering management practices / experiences Publish article in ASME magazine in early 2013
Share leading engineering management practices / experiences Jointly explore opportunities to create videos on leading practices with other divisions of ASME
Share leading engineering management practices / experiences Jointly explore opportunities to hold training classes with ASEM
Identify next generation of leadership Conduct electoral process and facilitate transition to next leadership team
Moderate progress but room for improvement
Can be completed with extra help
On track or completed
Did not start
Needs significant improvement
6Activity Status MD NewsletterTwo newsletters
have been published in CY2012 by the executive
committee resulting in growth of awareness about
MD activities and increased engagement with
current members
Key Objectives
Next Steps
- Expand the reach of the executive committee to
engage with MD members - Create a feeling of community
- Increase the awareness of MD activities
- Allow MD members to share knowledge and
expertise with the broader community - Publish 3 newsletters annually
- Two newsletters published (June 2012, October
2012) resulting in several emails and points of
feedback from current member population - Contributions related to
- Impact of social media on product design
- Project management certification
- were published
- On track to publish 3rd newsletter before LTC
- Continue efforts related to publication of
newsletter - Assess and execute on opportunities for
- Meeting Minutes
- Continue publishing newsletter at established
intervals (3 a year) - Need content from broader MD members Chetan to
follow up
7Activity Status Social Media Channel The
foundation for the social media channel has been
laid and additional work related to engagement
and content strategy needs to be executed in to
order to ensure success of the initiative
Key Objectives
Next Steps
- Expand the reach of the executive committee to
engage with MD members - Enable MD members to communicate with each other
- Create a feeling of community
- Increase speed and frequency of communication of
the MD community - Align with the ongoing efforts of ASME towards
becoming more social
- Proposed LinkedIn merger to bring the ASME
Engineering Management Group under the ASME Group
is in progress awaiting feedback from ASME staff - Management Division's Twitter account is up
live - Follow us on _at_ASME_MD
- Proposed link on ASME Facebook page to ASME.org
web page of the Management Division to be
discussed at the conference - Outline and implement strategy for engagement
- Align with broader ASME policy and procedures on
social media governance
- Meeting Minutes
- Wolfgang to develop content strategy for engaging
MD members through social media channel - Wolfgang to ensure alignment with broader ASME
social media policy. Erin Dolan to provide copy
of policy to Wolfgang and MD exec committee
8Activity Status Engineering Program Outreach
While a focused effort was made to engage with
selected engineering management programs, the
challenges encountered resulted in lack of known
response to the outreach efforts
Key Objectives
Next Steps
- Expand awareness of Management Division within
and outside of ASME - Attract current and potential members to the
Management Division - Explore opportunities to grow relationships with
selected engineering management schools
- Flyers and emails were sent out to selective
schools in Canada and the Houston area - Several challenges related to
- Channel management
- Value proposition
- Call to action
- Volunteer resources
- faced resulting in lack of response from
- Assess viability of initiative
- Modify call to action to post / distribute flyer
- Develop and pursue alternative strategy to manage
promotion through channel - Promote availability of 11X14 flyer for online
download to ASME student chapters and Sections - Continue appraisal of effort and account for
second order benefits related to current member
engagement with MD - Evaluate opportunities to promote knowledge
webcasts / seminars jointly developed with other
- Meeting Minutes
- Committee voted to continue outreach effort
- Chetan to generate outreach flyer
- Siva to coordinate outreach to local ASME student
chapters via digital channels
9Activity Status ME Magazine Article
ContributionMD is on track to publish an article
in the early part of CY2013 (target Q1) thereby
fulfilling its objective of promoting the art and
science of engineering management
Key Objectives
Next Steps
- Promote the art and science of engineering
management - Educate non MD members on engineering management
principles and issues - Leverage MD members knowledge and expertise in
relevant areas - Increase awareness of MD to the broader ASME
- Topic and author (Dr. Wolfgang Mueller Leydig)
identified for magazine publication - Jointly led effort between ME magazine and MD
- Continue collaborative efforts
- Ensure timely publication of article in ME
- Meeting Minutes
- Wolfgang to coordinate logistics of article
publication with Harry Hutchinson
10Activity Status Electoral planning for FY14
leadership teamMD is on track to conduct
electoral process during LTC 2013 and elect a
full roster of the executive committee
Key Objectives
Next Steps
- Identify and elect executive committee members
- Develop pipeline of talent and next generation of
leaders - Provide opportunities for leadership to MD
- Identifying and working with several high
potential members for the FY14 executive
committee - Senior leadership positions within executive
committee are on track to be filled for FY14
- Develop detailed list of positions and matching
candidates by Feb, 2013 - Conduct elections during LTC 2013
- Develop and execute plans for transition by SAM
- Meeting Minutes
- Chetan to drive electoral planning efforts.
Target Completion March 2013 (LTC)
11Activity Status Joint Efforts with Other
GroupsDue to several challenges related to lack
of resource availability and timing of
milestones, no major milestones were achieved in
this domain
Key Objectives
Next Steps
- Collaborate with groups internal and external
to ASME with similar objectives to MD - Leverage knowledge and expertise of other member
organizations for the betterment of MD members
- Several high quality ideas were proposed and
discussed within the executive committee - Proposed ideas continue to be relevant and
valuable to the MD members - However, due to several challenges related to
resource commitments, timing of milestones no
major accomplishments were achieved in this
- Assess viability of joint events with ASEM
- Focus on efforts related to video based knowledge
sharing with committed support from ASME staff - Identify target segments for promotion of videos
- Explore opportunities to collaborate within ETMG
organization (Safety Engineering and Risk
Analysis Division (SERAD), Technology and Society
(TS)) for IMECE session/s
- Meeting Minutes
- Ted Aanstoos to look into modalities of working
with ASEM - Ted Aanstoos to look into modalities of
sponsoring student award
12Activity Status CY2012 and CY2013 EventsThe
executive committee successfully conducted
several meetings in CY2012 resulting in
accomplishment of selected 2012 MD goals
Key Objectives
Next Steps
- Organize and conduct periodic in person
meetings to facilitate collaboration and
efficient administration - Provide opportunities for high touch
interaction with current MD members - Engage with broader ASME community
- MD meetings successfully conducted during LTC
2012, Summer Annual Meeting and IMECE 2012 - Several conference calls conducted during CY2012
resulting in achievement of selected 2012 MD
- Coordinate plans for
- Assess and implement opportunities for
improvement - Identify date for next conference call
- Develop set of milestones and plans to be
completed by next conference call
- Meeting Minutes
- MD to meet on sidelines of LTC 2013, SAM 2013 and
IMECE 2013 - Wolfgang to attend LTC 2013
- Chetan to work with ETMG (Steve Long) to
establish Management session during IMECE 2013
13Other Items
- Meeting Minutes
- Steve Long talked about the IMECE tracks and
noted that the management division did not have
any program allocations at the conference any
more. This has been a steadily declining trend
over the last few years. - Steve Long reported from the TCOB meeting that a
new accounting system has been announced Erin
Dolan to brief MD exec committee regarding
changes - Dr Mueller recommended that the meeting agenda
closely follow the annual report template moving
forward. Motion proposed and approved.
14Conference call-in info
- Dial-In number 866-359-4571
- Intl DialIn 1-281-319-9876
- Conference code 2125917052