Dinosaur Extinction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dinosaur Extinction


Gee Gee raises her hand and asks, 'What happened to make the dinosaurs become extinct? ... we are in is 120 miles wide and 1 mile deep! It was a huge meteorite. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dinosaur Extinction

Dinosaur Extinction
  • By Brooke Bradley
  • Taylor Foote
  • Randi Tucker

  • The morning bell rings and Mrs. Martinez walks up
    to the front of the classroom and says, Good
    morning students! Today we are going to learn
    about something very excitingsomething that
    happened 65 million years ago, but scientists
    still dont know very much about it. Can anyone
    guess what it is?
  • Philip yells I know!! We are going to learn
    about the dinosaurs!
  • Great guess Phillip, says Mrs. Martinez.
    Class, what do you know about dinosaurs?
  • Benny raises his hand and says, I watched
    Jurassic Park and saw that they are still alive
    in the jungles!
  • Mrs. Martinez quickly tells the class, Oh no, I
    am afraid that that is just a story in a movie.
    There was actually a mass extinction 65 million
    years ago and there are no longer any dinosaurs
    on the earth. Only their fossils remain.
  • Linda questioningly asks, What is an extinction
    and how did it happen?
  • Mrs. Martinez then says, That is a great
    question Linda and that is exactly what we are
    going to learn about today.

  • All right, says Mrs. Martinez, I want everyone
    to close their eyes and imagine what the earth
    might have looked like 65 million years ago,
    before humans lived on the Earth and when
    dinosaurs roamed the land. What do you imagine
    that the earth looked like then? How about the
    dinosaurs? Okay open your eyes now. This is a
    picture of what geologists think that the world
    would have looked like 65 million years ago.
    (Teachers Show your students a map of the world
    in the Cretaceous period.)
  • Wow! says Gee Gee. What happened that made the
    world change?
  • Well says Mrs. Martinez, that is a great
    question! The world has changed slowly over
    time, but it also can change dramatically when
    there are catastrophic event such as earthquakes,
    asteroids or volcanoes.
  • So what happened to the dinosaurswhy aren't
    they still on the earth? asks Julie.
  • Yeah, I mean, humans are still on the earth and
    dinosaurs were bigger and stronger than us! adds

  • Mrs. Martinez then says, Well, first of all,
    lets make sure that everyone understands that
    humans have only been on the earth for 10 million
    years. This means that dinosaurs and humans
    never lived together. Dinosaurs lived millions of
    years before humans. Extinction is what happens
    when a species dies out, and this would probably
    result because the species cannot adapt to
    changes in the environment.
  • Gee Gee raises her hand and asks, What happened
    to make the dinosaurs become extinct?
  • I know, says Tom. I heard that there was a
    huge volcano that erupted and killed them.
  • No way, interrupts Phillip, it was an asteroid
    that hit them and killed them!
  • Mrs. Martinez clarifies for the class, Actually
    those are both theories that scientists have.
    Since humans were not on Earth when it happened
    we can only have theories about what happened.
    Everyone gather around Lindas computer and lets
    find some pictures of how a volcano eruption
    could have caused the dinosaur extinction.

  • WHOA! Says Julie, That was a sweet ride! Where
    are we?
  • There is no way that we are really in a
    volcanoI must be dreaming! says Tom.
  • Oh no! cries Linda. I didnt tell my mom that
    we were going on a fieldtrip.
  • Mrs. Martinez explains, I figured that the best
    way for you to understand how a volcano works was
    for you to go inside one! Dont worry, we will
    be back before school is over. Right now we are
    in the magma chamber. This is where the magma is
    melting and moving, and when there is enough
    pressure and gases built up it will travel up
    through the earth and blow off the top of this
    volcano. This magma is felsic and so it is very
    explosive. It looks like it is just about
    timeHOLD ON!
  • AHHH! The students scream as they are shot
    upward with the magma as it spews out of the
    earth. Mrs. Martinez and her class fly out of
    the volcano and meet up on the outside where they
    watch the aftermath of the explosion.
  • As you can see, Mrs. Martinez teaches, the
    lava caused quite an explosion, but it wasnt
    only the lava flow that would have caused the
    dinosaurs to go extinct. Following the volcano
    there was a lot of carbon dioxide build-up in the
    atmosphere that caused temperature changes that
    affected all of the life on the planet. This is
    just the first theorywho wants to go to Mexico
    and see where scientists think an enormous
    Meteorite hit and caused the extinction of the

  • Okay everyone, says Mrs. Martinez, gather
    around the laptop and lets go to Mexico!
  • Lets go! yells the class.
  • Everyone gathers around the laptop and is sucked
    into the screen as Linda presses enter.
  • Wow where are we now? shouts Benny, Is this
    where the aliens landed when they came from outer
  • There are no such thing as aliens, says
    Phillip. This is where the meteorite landed 65
    million years ago! I am sure that this is what
    killed the dinosaurs!
  • Well, says Mrs. Martinez, we are here at the
    tip of the Yucatan Peninsula in the Gulf of
    Mexico where some scientists believe that a huge
    meteorite hit. This hole that we are in is 120
    miles wide and 1 mile deep! It was a huge
    meteorite. The impact of it hitting would have
    been enough to cause fires, seismic activity,
    volcanoes, acid rain, and huge storms, all of
    which would have changed the environment that the
    dinosaurs were living in.
  • This is huge! yells Linda, Do you think that
    there are more meteorites out in space that could
    come and hit us?
  • Im not afraid, challenges Julie. You just
    have to make sure that you arent standing where
    it hits!
  • Actually girls, explains Mrs. Martinez, the
    impact would have created enough of a change in
    the atmosphere that even if you were far away you
    still would have been affected. But I dont
    think you need to worry too mucha meteorite of
    this size hasnt hit the world in 65 million

  • Well, should we go? asks Mrs. Martinez.
    Everyone gather around the laptop! Back to
    class we go!
  • Before they knew it the students and Mrs. Lopez
    were back in through the computer and in their
  • Okay students says Mrs. Martinez, take your
    seats. We still have more to learn about the
    dinosaur extinction.
  • Why do we have to learn about this? whines Tom.
    I mean, it happened 65 million years ago, why
    does it matter?
  • Im glad you asked that Tom, comments Mrs.
    Martinez. It is important for us to understand
    the earth that we live in, and by learning about
    the dinosaurs extinction we are doing just that.
    What happened to the dinosaurs could happen to
    us if we are not careful.
  • What do you mean? Linda asks. Im scared!
  • Well I think that it would be fun to be in
    another volcano! giggles Julie.
  • Part of the reason that the dinosaurs could have
    gone extinct is because there was too much carbon
    dioxide in the atmosphere due to the volcanic
    eruption. If we arent careful we could create a
    human volcano, because we pollute the earth and
    it is causing a build up of carbon dioxide. It
    is important for us to be educated so we can try
    and stop the excess pollution in our world,
    explained Mrs. Martinez.

  • Now that we are all back lets take a moment and
    reflect on what we have learned today, says Mrs.
    Martinez. How about you all take out a sheet of
    paper and your markers. I want everyone to draw
    a picture of what you think happened to the
    dinosaurs, either the volcano theory or the
    asteroid theory! (Teachers pass out dinosaur
    pictures and have your students draw in which
    theory they think happened.)
  • I am going to draw a volcano and a meteoriteI
    think that both happened! says Gee Gee.
  • Benny shouts, I am drawing 5 volcanoes! I think
    that it would take that many to kill so many
  • Okay, interrupts Mrs. Martinez. Who is ready
    to share their pictures?
  • I am, I am! shouts Philip.
  • Me too, says Julie.
  • Hmm I still dont know if I buy this whole
    dinosaur story, says Tom. What proof is there
    that dinosaurs existed?

  • Well, says Philip, I once went to this museum
    and saw dinosaur fossils. I think that is proof
  • That is true, responds Mrs. Martinez. There
    are many bones that have been found that
    archeologists call fossils. These bones can be
    examined and put together in the shape that we
    know as a dinosaur. There are people that dig
    for them and study them, called archeologists.
  • Wow! That is cool! says Tom.
  • Gee Gee says, I want to see them!
  • Mrs. Lopez Well, I would love to take you to an
    archeological dig to see some, but I think that
    we have had enough adventure for one day!! Maybe
    next week!
  • All right! says Benny.
  • That was fun, remarks Julie. I think that we
    should go on field trips every day!
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