Title: Rights and Responsibilities
1Rights and Responsibilities
- Unit Information
- English First Additional Language
- Grade 10 11
- Can learners manage their rights?
2Rights and ResponsibilitiesLearning Outcomes
- By the end of this unit you will
- Know your rights
- Engage in the code of conduct of your school
- Know that rights go hand-in-hand with
3Rights and ResponsibilitiesLearning Outcomes
- Participate in a learning circle to investigate
the link between rights and responsibilities - Complete an Opinion Poll within the Learning
Circle - Analyze the information gathered in the Opinion
4Rights and ResponsibilitiesLearning Outcomes
- Produce a Power Point Presentation to show the
results of the investigation done in the Learning
Circle - Compile a report on the findings and share it
with all stakeholders - Produce a Bill of Childrens Rights on a Chart
with accompanying Responsibilities.
5Rights and Responsibilities
- Childrens Charter of South Africa
- Children have the right to protection
- Children have the right to health
- Children have the right to a name and nationality
- Children have the right to be heard
6Rights and Responsibilities
- Childrens Charter of South Africa
- Children have the right to freedom of expression
- Children have the right to freedom of religion
- Children have the right to a family life
- Children have the right to education
- Go TO http//www.anc.org.za/misc/childcht.html
7Rights and ResponsibilitiesIt is your
Responsibility to complete the following Tasks
- Complete Visual Ranking Tool
- Complete the Opinion Poll on the Learning Circle
- Analyze the information from the Opinion Poll
- Do a Power Point presentation on the findings
- Write a report on the findings
- Produce a poster to show that rights go
hand-in-hand with responsibilities. - Consult the Learner Sample
8Rights and ResponsibilitiesTimeframe
- Week5-7 Responses
- Consider responses and re-enter into discussions
if necessary - Discuss different responses
- Draw conclusions and make recommendations
9Rights and ResponsibilitiesYou have the Right to
be Assessed as follows
- Opinion Poll completed in full
- Rubric to Assess your participation in the group
- Rubric to Assess your Power Point Presentation
and Poster - Rubric to Assess your Writing
- Use the following support tools to prepare your
final product. - Design, creativity and originality
- Bibliography
10Rights and ResponsibilitiesTimeframe
- Week 1 Preparation
- Introduction of project
- Setting up the learning circle
- Complete Visual Ranking Tool
11Rights and ResponsibilitiesTimeframe
- Week 2 Hello
- Meet Learning Circle participants
- Interact with Opinion Poll and discuss it with
Group members and Learning Circle participants.
12Rights and ResponsibilitiesTimeframe
- Week 3-4 - Data gathering
- Maintain continuous contact with Learning Circle
in which you answer and discuss the questions in
the Opinion Poll. - Start working on first drafts of presentations.
- Consult and include relevant statistics i.e.
teenage pregnancy, juvenile delinquency,
education drop-out rates, etc.
13Rights and ResponsibilitiesTimeframe
- Week 8-9 Sharing
- Finalize the Power Point presentation and present
it - Finalize the Report and present it to all
stakeholders. - Complete the poster
14Rights and ResponsibilitiesTimeframe
- Week 10 Goodbye
- Enquire how the findings were received
- Discuss possible follow-ups for this project
- Regards to all who were involved in the project.
15Rights and ResponsibilitiesPossible Resources
- http//www.anc.org.za/misc/childcht.html
- Other Internet Sources
- MSEncarta
- Statiscics SA