The Immunological System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Immunological System


Compare and contrast a cell mediated and humoral immune response ... Humoral Response ... A large number of clones are produced (primary humoral response) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Immunological System

The Immunological System
  • List and describe the major functions of the
    lymphatic and immunological system
  • Describe the structure of a lymph node
  • Describe the types of formed elements of the
    blood which are involved with an immune response
  • Compare and contrast a cell mediated and humoral
    immune response
  • Define, describe compare and contrast the various
    types of immunity (passive, active, acquired,
  • List and describe various disorders and diseases
    of the immunological system

Lymphatic System
  • Consists of two semi-independent parts
  • Lymphatic vessels
  • Lymphoid tissues and organs
  • Lymphatic system functions
  • Transport fluids back to the blood
  • Play essential roles in body defense and
    resistance to disease
  • Lymph excess tissue fluid produced when plasma
    fluid leaves the capillaries and enters the
    surrounding tissues carrying materials the
    tissues need it then enters lymphatic vessels, is
    filtered and re-enters the blood stream.
  • Harmful materials that enter lymph vessels
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Cancer cells
  • Cell debris
  • Materials returned to the blood
  • Water
  • Blood cells
  • Proteins
  • Properties of lymphatic vessels
  • One way system toward the heart
  • No pump

Lymphatic System Lymph Nodes
  • Filter lymph before it is returned to the blood
  • Defense cells within lymph nodes
  • Macrophages engulf and destroy foreign
  • Lymphocytes provide immune response to antigens
  • Most are kidney-shaped, less than 1 inch long
  • Cortex
  • Outer part
  • Contains follicles collections of lymphocytes
    (B and T cells)
  • Medulla
  • Inner part
  • Contains phagocytic macrophages

Lymphatic System Lymph Node Structure
Major Lymphatic Organs
Lymphatic Organs Spleen
  • Spleen
  • Located on the left side of the abdomen
  • Filters blood
  • Destroys worn out blood cells
  • Forms blood cells in the fetus
  • Acts as a blood reservoir

Lymphatic Organs Thymus Gland
  • Thymus
  • Located low in the throat, overlying the heart
  • Functions at peak levels only during childhood
  • Produces hormones (like thymosin) to program

Lymphatic Organs Tonsils
  • Tonsils
  • Small masses of lymphoid tissue around the
  • Trap and remove bacteria and other foreign
  • Tonsillitis is caused by congestion with bacteria

Lymphatic Organs Peyers Patches
  • Peyers Patches
  • Found in the wall of the small intestine
  • Resemble tonsils in structure
  • Capture and destroy bacteria in the intestine

(MALT) Mucosal Associated Lymphatic Tissues
  • Mucosal tissues are epithelial tissues which
    produce mucus and are moist associated with the
    digestive tract and the upper respiratory tract.
  • Includes
  • Peyers patches
  • Tonsils
  • Other small accumulations of lymphoid tissue
  • Acts as a sentinal to protect respiratory and
    digestive tracts

Immunological System
  • Pathogen any disease causing agent which
    interferes with the normal homeostatic state of
    the body. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and animal
    parasitic organisms all are pathogens. An
    antigen is a foreign molecule, usually protein,
    which stimulates an immune response by the body.

Immunological System
  • The body is constantly in contact with bacteria,
    fungi, and viruses
  • The body has two defense systems for foreign
  • Nonspecific defense system
  • Mechanisms protect against a variety of invaders
  • Responds immediately to protect body from foreign
  • Specific defense system
  • Specific defense is required for each type of
  • Also known as the immune system

Nonspecific Body Defenses
  • Body surface coverings
  • Intact skin
  • Mucous membranes
  • Specialized human cells
  • Chemicals produced by the body
  • These are the bodys primary means of warding off
    pathogenic invaders.

First Line Defense Skin and External Surface
  • The skin
  • Physical barrier to foreign materials
  • pH of the skin is acidic to inhibit bacterial
  • Sebum is toxic to bacteria
  • Vaginal secretions are very acidic
  • Stomach mucosa
  • Secretes hydrochloric acid kills bacteria
  • Has protein-digesting enzymes
  • Saliva and lacrimal fluid (tears) contain
  • Mucus traps microogranisms in digestive and
    respiratory pathways

First Line of Defense Non-specific Cells
  • Phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages)
  • Engulfs foreign material into a vacuole
  • Enzymes from lysosomes digest the material
  • Natural killer cells
  • Can lyse (rupture) and kill cancer cells
  • Can destroy virus- infected cells

Secondary Line of Defense Inflammatory Response
  • Triggered when body tissues are injured in the
    affected area or tissues
  • Carried out in part by leukocytes ( basophils,
    mast cells, neutrophils, monocytes, and
  • Produces four cardinal signs
  • Redness
  • Heat
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Results in a chain of events leading to
    protection and healing
  • Prevents spread of damaging agents
  • Disposes of cell debris and pathogens
  • Sets the stage for repair

Inflammatory Response
Chemical Anti-microbial Agents
  • Complement
  • A group of at least 20 plasma proteins
  • Activated when they encounter and attach to cells
    (complement fixation)
  • Damage foreign cell surfaces
  • Has vasodilators, chemotaxis, and opsonization
    (marks pathogen for phagocytosis by monocytes and
  • Interferon
  • Secreted proteins of virus-infected cells
  • Bind to healthy cell surfaces to inhibit viruses

What is Fever?
  • Abnormally high body temperature
  • Hypothalmus heat regulation can be reset by
    pyrogens (secreted by white blood cells)
  • High temperatures inhibit the release of iron and
    zinc from liver and spleen needed by bacteria for
  • Denatures enzymes produced by bacteria that are
    necessary for their growth
  • Fever also increases the speed of tissue repair

Third Line DefenseThe Specific Immune Response
  • Antigen specific recognizes and acts against
    particular foreign substances
  • Systemic not restricted to the initial
    infection site
  • Has memory recognizes and mounts a stronger
    attack on previously encountered pathogens

Specific Immunity Two Forms
  • Humoral immunity
  • Antibody-mediated immunity
  • Cells produce chemicals for defense (antibodies)
  • Primary cells are B-lymphocytes
  • Cellular immunity
  • Cell-mediated immunity
  • Cells target virus infected cells
  • Primary cells are T-lymphocytes

Cells of the Immune System
  • Lymphocytes
  • Originate from hemocytoblasts in the red bone
  • B lymphocytes become immunocompetent in the bone
  • T lymphocytes become immunocompetent in the
  • Macrophages
  • Arise from monocytes
  • Become widely distributed in lymphoid organs

Lymphocyte Development
Humoral Response
  • B lymphocytes with specific receptors bind to a
    specific antigen which is on the surface of a
    macrophage which has phagocytized the pathogen,
    destroyed it, and placed some of the part of the
    pathogen on it surface. This can also be carried
    of by T-helper cells. (Presentation)
  • The binding event activates the lymphocyte to
    undergo clonal selection
  • A large number of clones are produced (primary
    humoral response)
  • Most B cells become plasma cells
  • Produce antibodies to destroy antigens
  • Activity lasts for four or five days
  • Some B cells become long-lived memory cells
    (secondary humoral response) and provide long
    term immunity against the pathogen

Humoral Response
Humoral Response Antibodies
  • Soluble proteins secreted by B cells (plasma
  • Carried in blood plasma
  • Capable of binding specifically to an antigen
  • Antibodies of each class have slightly different
  • Five major immunoglobulin classes
  • IgM can fix complement
  • IgA found mainly in mucus
  • IgD important in activation of B cell
  • IgG can cross the placental barrier
  • IgE involved in allergies
  • Antibodies inactivate antigens in a number of
  • Complement fixation
  • Neutralization
  • Agglutination
  • Precipitation

Humoral Response Antibody Action
Cell Mediated Response
  • Antigens must be presented by macrophages to an
    immunocompetent T cell (antigen presentation)
  • T cells must recognize nonself and self (double
  • After antigen binding, clones form as with B
    cells, but different classes of cells are
  • Cytotoxic T cells
  • Specialize in killing infected cells
  • Insert a toxic chemical (perforin)
  • Helper T cells
  • Recruit other cells to fight the invaders
  • Interact directly with B cells
  • Suppressor T cells
  • Release chemicals to suppress the activity of T
    and B cells
  • Stop the immune response to prevent uncontrolled
  • A few members of each clone are memory cells

Cell Mediated Response
Specific Immune Response
Immunity Against Pathogens
  • Acquired Immunity is how your body protects
    itself against pathogens.
  • Active immunity (natural or artificial) is long
    lived because you undergo an immune response and
    produce B and T memory cells.
  • Passive immunity (natural or artificial) is
    short lived because you receive antibodies from
    another source and do not produce them yourself,
    therefore there are no memory cells.

Comparison of a Primary and Secondary Immune
  • Memory cells are long-lived
  • A second exposure causes a rapid response
  • The secondary response is stronger and longer

Diseases and Disorders of the Immune System
  • Many small molecules (called haptens or
    incomplete antigens) are not antigenic, but link
    up with our own proteins. Pollen, pet dander,
    mold spores, dust mite feces, and certain types
    of foods can form hapten-protein complexes.
  • The immune system may recognize and respond to a
    protein-hapten combination
  • The immune response is harmful rather than
    protective because it attacks our own cells
  • Abnormal, vigorous immune responses
  • Types of allergies
  • Immediate hypersensitivity (Most serious)
  • Triggered by release of histamine from IgE
    binding to mast cells
  • Reactions begin within seconds of contact with
  • Anaphylactic shock dangerous, systemic response
  • Delayed hypersensitivity
  • Triggered by the release of lymphokines from
    activated helper T cells
  • Symptoms usually appear 13 days after contact
    with antigen

Diseases and Disorders of the Immunological
System Allergic Response
Diseases and Disorders of the Immunological
System Auto Immune Diseases
  • The immune system does not distinguish between
    self and nonself
  • The body produces antibodies and sensitized T
    lymphocytes that attack its own tissues
  • Multiple sclerosis white matter of brain and
    spinal cord are destroyed
  • Myasthenia gravis impairs communication between
    nerves and skeletal muscles
  • Juvenile diabetes destroys pancreatic beta
    cells that produce insulin
  • Rheumatoid arthritis destroys joints
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) affects
    kidney, heart, lung and skin
  • Glomerulonephritis impairment of renal function

Diseases and Disorders of the Immunological
System Self Tolerance Breakdown
  • Appearance of self-proteins in the circulation
    that have not been exposed to the immune system
    bodys immune system becomes sensitized to these
    proteins and responds
  • Eggs
  • Sperm
  • Eye lens
  • Cross-reaction of antibodies produced against
    foreign antigens with self-antigens
  • Rheumatic fever antibodies that destroy
    Streptococci pyogenes bacteria also attach to
    and destroy the valve tissues of the heart.

Diseases and Disorders of the Immunological
System Immunodeficiency
  • Production or function of immune cells or
    complement is abnormal
  • May be congenital or acquired
  • Includes AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency

Diseases and Disorders of the Immunological
System HIV and AIDS
  • HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a
    retro-virus which is transmitted through
    contaminated body fluids. It infects ,
    replicates within, and destroys the T- helper
    cells of the immune system. The virus originated
    in Africa and has become a pandemic infecting
    people all over the world. It can be transmitted
    by sexual intercourse, sharing of needles by IV
    drug users, blood transfusions or use of blood
    products, through pregnancy or nursing by a
    mother which is infected to her child.

Diseases and Disorders of the Immunological
System HIV and AIDS
  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the
    result of HIV infection. Since the bodys immune
    system is compromised, pathogenic and
    opportunistic organisms now infect the body and
    grow rampantly. Not only pathogenic organisms
    but certain types of cancer kept in check by the
    immune system, now commonly appear. It is the
    opportunistic infections which cause the death of
    individuals suffering from AIDS.

Immunological System HIV and AIDS
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