Title: Future Directions in Communications Research
1Future Directions in Communications Research
- Andrea Goldsmith
- Stanford University
IEEE Communication Theory Workshop Maui, HI May
14, 2012
2Future Wireless Networks
Ubiquitous Communication Among People and Devices
Next-generation Cellular Wireless Internet
Access Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks Smart
Homes/Spaces Automated Highways Smart
Grid Body-Area Networks All this and more
3Future Cell Phones
Everything wireless in one device
Burden for this performance is on the backbone
Much better performance and reliability than today
- Gbps rates, low latency, 99 coverage indoors
and out
4Careful what you wish for
Exponential Mobile Data Growth
Leading to massive spectrum deficit
Source FCC
Source Unstrung Pyramid Research 2010
Growth in mobile data, massive spectrum deficit
and stagnant revenues require technical and
political breakthroughs for ongoing success of
5- Can we increase cellular system capacity to
compensate for a 300MHz spectrum deficit?
Without increasing cost?
or power consumption?
6Are we at the Shannon limit of the Physical
We dont know the Shannon capacity of most
wireless channels
- Time-varying channels with memory/feedback.
- Channels with interference or relays.
- Uplink and downlink channels with frequency
reuse, i.e. cellular systems.
- Channels with delay/energy/ constraints.
7Rethinking Cells in Cellular
How should cellular systems be designed?
Will gains in practice be big or incremental
in capacity or coverage?
- Traditional cellular design interference-limited
- MIMO/multiuser detection can remove interference
- Cooperating BSs form a MIMO array what is a
cell? - Relays change cell shape and boundaries
- Distributed antennas move BS towards cell
boundary - Small cells create a cell within a cell
- Mobile cooperation via relaying, virtual MIMO,
analog network coding.
8Are small cells the solution to increase cellular
system capacity?
- Yes, with reuse one and adaptive techniques
(Alouini/Goldsmith 1999)
9The Future Cellular Network Hierarchical
- Todays architecture
- 3M Macrocells serving 5 billion users
- Anticipated
MACRO solving initial coverage issue, existing
PICO solving street, enterprise home
coverage/capacity issue
FEMTO solving enterprise home
coverage/capacity issue
Future systems require Self-Organization (SON)
(and WiFi Offload)
10SON Premise and Architecture
Mobile Gateway Or Cloud
IP Network
Small cell BS
Macrocell BS
11Algorithmic Challenge Complexity
- Optimal channel allocation was NP hard in
2nd-generation (voice) IS-54 systems - Now we have MIMO, multiple frequency bands,
hierarchical networks, - But convex optimization has advanced a lot in the
last 20 years
Innovation needed to tame the complexity
12Green Cellular Networks
How should cellular systems be redesigned for
minimum energy?
Research indicates that significant savings is
- Minimize energy at both the mobile and base
station via - New Infrastuctures cell size, BS placement, DAS,
Picos, relays - New Protocols Cell Zooming, Coop MIMO, RRM,
Scheduling, Sleeping, Relaying - Low-Power (Green) Radios Radio Architectures,
Modulation, coding, MIMO
Gerhard Fettweis talk
13Antenna Placement in DAS
- Optimize distributed BS antenna location
- Primal/dual optimization framework
- Convex standard solutions apply
- For 4 ports, one moves to the center
- Up to 23 dB power gain in downlink
- Gain higher when CSIT not available
6 Ports
3 Ports
14Coding for minimum total power
Is Shannon-capacity still a good metric for
system design?
Computational Nodes
On-chip interconnects
Extends early work of El Gamal et. al.84 and
15Fundamental area-time-performance tradeoffs
- For encoding/decoding good codes,
- Stay away from capacity!
- Close to capacity
- Large chip-area
- More time
- More power
Encoding/decoding clock cycles
16Reduced-Dimension Communication System Design
- Compressed sensing ideas have found widespread
application in signal processing and other areas. - Basic premise of CS exploit sparsity to
approximate a high-dimensional system/signal in a
few dimensions. - We ask how can sparsity be exploited to reduce
the complexity of communication system design
17Sparsity where art thou?
To exploit sparsity, we need to find
communication systems where it exists
- Sparse signals e.g. white-space detection
- Sparse samples e.g. sub-Nyquist sampling
- Sparse users e.g. reduced-dimension multiuser
- Sparse state space e.g reduced-dimension network
18Compressed Sensing
- Basic premise is that signals with some sparse
structure can be sampled below their Nyquist rate -
- Signal can be perfectly reconstructed from these
samples by exploiting signal sparsity - This significantly reduces the burden on the
front-end A/D converter, as well as the DSP and
storage - Enabler for white space, SD and low-energy
radios? - Only for incoming signals sparse in time,
freq., space, etc.
Rob Calderbanks Talk
19Software-Defined (SD) Radio
- Wideband antennas and A/Ds span BW of desired
signals - DSP programmed to process desired signal no
specialized HW
Today, this is not cost, size, or power efficient
Compressed sensing reduces A/D and DSP burden
20Sparse Samples
Sampling Mechanism (rate fs)
- For a given sampling mechanism (i.e. a new
channel) - What is the optimal input signal?
- What is the tradeoff between capacity and
sampling rate? - What known sampling methods lead to highest
capacity? - What is the optimal sampling mechanism?
- Among all possible (known and unknown) sampling
21Capacity under Sub-Nyquist Sampling
- Theorem 1
- Theorem 2
- Bank of ModulatorFilter?Single Branch ? Filter
22Joint Optimization of Input and Filter Bank
- Selects the m branches with m highest SNR
- Example (Bank of 2 branches)
low SNR
Capacity monotonic in fs
highest SNR
2nd highest SNR
low SNR
How does this translate to practical modulation
and coding schemes
23Ideal Multiuser Detection
Signal 1
Signal 1 Demod
Iterative Multiuser Detection
Signal 2
Signal 2 Demod
MUD proposed for LTE (closes link at -7dB SNR)
Why Not Ubiquitous Today?
Power and A/D Precision
24Reduced-Dimension MUD
- Exploits that number of active users G is random
and much smaller than total users (ala compressed
sensing) - Using compressed sensing ideas, can correlate
with Mlog(G) waveforms - Reduced complexity, size, and power consumption
10 Performance Degradation
25Reduced-Dimension Network Design
Random Network State
Reduced-Dimension State-Space Representation
Sparse Sampling
Approximate Stochastic Control and Optimization
Sampling and Learning
Utility estimation
26Feedback in Communications
- Memoryless point-to-point channels
- Capacity unchanged with perfect feedback
- Feedback drastically increases error exponent
(L-fold exponential) - Feedback reduces energy consumption
- Capacity of channels with feedback largely
unknown - For channels with memory and perfect feedback
- Under finite rate and/or noisy feedback
- For multiuser channels
- For multihop networks
- ARQ is ubiquitious in practice
27Cognitive Radios
MIMO Cognitive Underlay
Cognitive Overlay
- Cognitive radios support new wireless users in
existing crowded spectrum without degrading
licensed users - Utilize advanced communication and DSP techniques
- Coupled with novel spectrum allocation policies
- Technology could
- Revolutionize the way spectrum is allocated
worldwide - Provide more bandwidth for new applications/servic
es - Multiple paradigms
- Underlay (exploiting unused spatial dimensions)
and Overlay (exploiting relaying and interference
cancellation) promising
28The Smart GridFusion of Sensing, Control,
29Wireless and Health, Biomedicine and Neuroscience
Body-Area Networks
Todd Colemans Talk
- Doctor-on-a-chip
- Cell phone info repository
- Monitoring, remote
- intervention and services
Ubli Mitras talk
- Communications research alive and well
- Communications technology will enable new
applications that will change peoples lives
worldwide - Design innovation will be needed to meet the
requirements of next-generation wireless networks - A systems view and interdisciplinary design
approach holds the key to these innovations