Chapter 27- Atomic/Quantum Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 27- Atomic/Quantum Physics


Chapter 27- Atomic/Quantum Physics The Sun Why do we see the sun as yellow instead of green or blue or pink? Blackbody Spectrum Photon ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 27- Atomic/Quantum Physics

Chapter 27- Atomic/Quantum Physics
The Sun
  • http//
  • Why do we see the sun as yellow instead of green
    or blue or pink?

Blackbody Spectrum
Photon Theory of Light
  • Light is transmitted as tiny particles called
  • The amount of energy in a photon depends on its

h Plancks Constant 6.626 x 10-34 Js f
frequency of light c speed of light ?
wavelength p momentum
The Photoelectric Effect
  • When light shines on a metal surface, electrons
    are emitted from the surface

Photocells (p.829)
  • When the photocell is in the dark, the ammeter
    reads 0 (no current)
  • When light with a high enough frequency shines on
    the current flows in the circuit

  • KEmax of the emitted electrons can be found by
    reversing the voltage and making the C electrode
  • The electrons are repelled by C, but the fastest
    electrons will still make it across
  • There is a minimum voltage, Vo, called the
    stopping voltage. No current will flow if the
    voltage is less than the stopping voltage
  • Kemax e Vo

Photoelectric Effect
  • Einsteins Theory Predicts
  • Increasing the intensity of the light does not
    make the electrons go faster.
  • This is because although more photons are
    striking the surface, they have same energy
  • Increasing the frequency of the light beam
    increases the energy of the photons which changes
    the maximum KE of the ejected electrons

Photoelectric Effect
  • The work function, Wo, is the minimum amount of
    energy necessary to get an electron off the
    surface of the metal
  • fo is the cutoff frequency. If the light beams
    frequency is below that, then no electrons will
    be emitted

Compton Effect
  • A.H. Compton scattered xrays from various
  • Found out that the scattered light had a lower
    frequency than incident light
  • Since frequency decreases, wavelength increases
  • Used conservation of momentum to determine that
    the photon transfers some of its energy to the

de Broglie Wavelength
  • Light sometimes behaves like a wave and sometimes
    like a particle
  • Louis de Broglie came up with the idea that
    particles might also have wave properties

De Broglie wavelength of a particle
de Broglie Wavelength
  • The wavelength of large objects is very small
  • For a 0.20 kg ball travelling at 15 m/s

de Broglie Wavelength
  • Determine the wavelength of an electron that has
    been accelerated through a potential difference
    of 100 V

Davisson-Germer Experiment
  • The spacing of atoms in a crystals is on the
    order of 10-10 m, so one could be used as a
    diffraction grating
  • In 1927, Davisson and Germer scattered electrons
    from the surface of a metal crystal. The
    wavelength they got matched the predicted de
    Broglie wavelength

Bohr Model of the Atom
  • Electrons orbit the nucleus in circular orbits
    called stationary states
  • When an electron jumps from one state to another,
    light is either absorbed or emitted
  • The energy required to go between states is a
    fixed amount

Bohr Model of the atom
  • If an electron jumps from a higher state to a
    lower state, it emits a single photon of light

Energy Level Diagram (p. 847)
  • n 1is ground state, n2,3,4.. Are excited states
  • To completely free an electron in the ground
    state, youd need to put in 13.6 eV of energy
    (ionization energy of Hydrogen)

Energy Level Diagram
  • How much energy to go from ground to n2?
  • How much energy to go from n2 to n4?

Energy Level Diagrams
  • What are the possible transitions for an electron
    in excited state n3?
  • 3?1
  • 3?2
  • 2?1

Emission Spectra
  • A materials emission spectrum show the
    wavelengths of the photons emitted when electrons
    jump to lower energy states

Absorption Spectra
  • The absorption spectrum of a material shows that
    gases can absorb light at the same frequencies at
    which they emit

Absorption/Emission Spectra
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