Infrastructure, Research Programmes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Infrastructure, Research Programmes


HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH T. Sasipraba, P. Kuppusami, T.S. Shyju and S.S. Dawn Sathyabama University Chennai-600119, Tamilnadu – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Infrastructure, Research Programmes

T. Sasipraba, P. Kuppusami, T.S. Shyju and S.S.
Dawn Sathyabama University Chennai-600119,
  • Centre of Excellence for Energy Research (Funded
    by MHRD No F.No.5-8/2014-TS.VIIDt.24-09-2014
    for 2014-2018)
  • Objectives
  • To promote Education, Training, Research and
    Developmental Programmes in the novel and newly
    emerging areas of energy research
  • To develop efficient, cost effective and
    sustainable technologies for the energy needs of
    the nation
  • Focus on rural empowerment through green energy
    technologies relevant to national development
  • Provide consultancy to industries, RD
    organizations in the area of energy, energy
    conservation and management

Inauguration by Former President of India, His
Excellency Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, on
December 9th, 2014
Research Programmes
No. of Scientists 05 No. of JRFs 07 No. of
Project Fellow 01 No. of Journal Papers
22 Papers in Conf. Proceedings 20 Impact factor
range 0.6-3.29 No. of Patents 5
  • Establishment of Infrastructure Equipments
  • Publications in high impact Journals
  • Patents Filed
  • Certificate courses, Training Awareness
    Programmes for
  • Human Resource Skill Development
  • Technology Transfer Commercialization of
  • Consultancy Services
  • Workshops, National International Conferences
  • International Partnership with Institutes on
    Energy research
  • Visit to International Laboratories by Centre

Solar Photovoltaics
Design of Perovskite Based Solar Cell
Development of Solar Cell Materials
Fig. 2. XRD patterns of the ZnSnN thin films
Fig.1 SEM image of TiO2 Nanotubes
Power Carrier concentration (Cm-3 ) Mobility (Cm-2 V-1 S-1)
Zn-40W, Sn-10W -5.17E20 0.1110
Zn-40W, Sn-20W -4.84E20 3.44
Fig. 3 (a) Optical transmittance of NiO, (b)
Tauc plot for as deposited NiO and annealed NiO
Fig 4. Electrical Properties of ZnSnN
Energy Conversion Storage Fuel Cells
Electrical Conductivity of NiO-GDC Anode Material
Fig. 1 XRD patterns of NiO-GDC anode material
for SOFC
Fig. 2 Nyquist plots of NiO-GDC (a) 673K (b)
773K (c) 873K (d) 973K (e) Total conductivity
of NiO-GDC. (f) Arrhenius Plots of NiO-GDC with
NiO 50, 60, 65 Wt
Fig .1 (a) CV curves (b) Specific capacitance
as a function of scan rate of NiO-CeO2 thin films
(a) 1090
(b) 3070
(c) 5050
Fig 2. SEM images of NiO-CeO2 Nanocomposite Thin
Films (a) 1090 (b) 3070, (c) 5050
1. Microbial Oil Extraction for Enhanced Biofuel
2. Bioethanol from Macro Algae
  • The conditioned rejects of Kappaphycus alvarezii
    were subjected to pretreatment with different
    concentrations of NaOH, KOH, H2SO4 , HCl to
    increase the sucrose content for higher ethanol
  • The GC plots confirm the production of Bioethanol
  • Attempts were taken to blend Various wastes with
    algal biomass for enhanced bioethanol production.

Fig-2 Gas Chromatography of Bio-Ethanol
3. Bio-hydrogen from Food Waste
Fig-1 (a) SEM of C.vulgaris (b) Epi-Fluorescence
of C.vulgaris (c) Gc of FAME
  • Scanning Electron microscopy images clearly show
    the spherical cell shape of Chlorella vulgaris
  • The fatty acid is present in both saturated and
    polyunsaturated form while saturated form is
    dominating. Margaric acid (C170), palmitic acid
    (C161), and stearic acid (C181) acid are
    present in the highest for the fatty acids
    composition of Chlorella vulgaris
  • Fluorescence of red colour as seen in microscopic
    images indicates the presence of lipid globules
    in the cells of Chlorella vulgaris

Fig-3 Methodology of Bio hydrogen extraction
from Food Waste
4. Biodiesel production using solid acid
catalyst, reactor modeling and application of
crude glycerol for Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES)
Biohydrogen From Food Waste
  • Alkali transesterification of waste cooking oil
    with DES as partial substitute to methanol
    solvent has been investigated.
  • The highest conversion was of 95.8 at the
    optimum conditions
  • Bio-diesel produced was in compliance with ASTM
    standards and Kinetics of reaction was
    investigated. The reaction follows first order
    (n1) kinetics. The activation energy calculated
    was 32.92kJ.

Fig-4 NMR of DES from Bioglycerol
Human Resource Development during 2014-2016
  • Courses Offered
  • M.Tech (Research ) -1 Ph.D Programmes -7
  • Skill Development
  • Awareness Programme
  • An Awareness Workshop on Waste A Resourceful
    Neglect (WARN), August 2015 130 participants
    from various colleges within Tamilnadu
  • Awareness programme on Domestic Waste Recycling
    for Energy Recovery, July 2015 25 Women Self
    Help Group Members at Chitlapakkam, Chennai
  • (ii) Training programmes
  • Bio-Diesel Training Programme 9 Programmes 60
    Graduate Students all over Tamilnadu
  • RENEW Project Training, October, 2014 October
    2015, October 2016 Total no. of participants -28
  • 3. Hands on Training on Synthesis and
    Characterization 16 programmes with
    participation of 125 research scholars.
  • (iii) Orientation Programme
  • 1. One Day Orientation Programme on Scope and
    Opportunities of Post Graduate Energy Studies(
    SCOPE) , Feb 2015, 60 undergraduates
  • Rio22 - An Interactive Session with Dr. H.
    Annamalai, University of Hawaii, 9th February,
    2016, 75 Participants from Sathyabama
  • Workshops/ Conferences
  • International Conference on Energy Materials
    (ICEM-2014), 28th -30th July 2014, Sathyabama
    University in association with National Institute
    for Material Science, Tsukuba, Japan 110
  • National workshop on Recent Trends in X-ray
    Diffraction Techniques (RTX-2014) , Nov 28th
    29th, 2014 65 Participants
  • International Conference on Nanoscience and
    Nanotechnology for Energy Applications
    (EApp-2016), In association with Institute Jean
    Lamour, University of Lorraine France, June 27th
    29th 2016 185 Participants

Areas of Consultancy and Income Generated during
S.No Consultancy offered to Nature of Consultancy Amount Collected (Rs)
1 Anna University, Bharath University, VIT and PSG Thickness measurements by DEKTAK stylus profiler 55, 000
2 Anna University, Sathyabama University and N.NM Jain Engineering College Potentiostat-galvanostat Impedance Spectroscopy 1,50,000
3 Bharath University Hall Effect measurements 45, 000
4 Anna University, Chennai B.S Abdul Rahman University, Chennai SRM University, Chennai GKM college of Engineering, Chennai ISRO-VSSC, Trivandrum VIT University, Chennai Optical property Measurements by UV-Visible spectroscopy 90, 000
S.No Consultancy offered to Nature of Consultancy Amount Collected (Rs)
5 Panimalar Engineering college, Chennai Optimization of Transesterification Conditions 400
6 St.Josephs college of Engineering Chennai. Optimization of Transesterification Conditions Optimal Additive Addition for Performance Improvement Characterization of Biodiesel for quality assessment 47,255
7 S.R.M University Optimization of Transesterification Conditions Optimal Additive Addition for Performance Improvement Characterization of Biodiesel for quality assessment 16,608
8 Meenakshi Engineering College Optimization of Transesterification Conditions Optimal Additive Addition for Performance Improvement 2964
9 Sathyabama University Optimization of Transesterification Conditions Optimal Additive Addition for Performance Improvement Characterization of Biodiesel for quality assessment 56,213
Total Total Total 4,63,440
1. Research Areas
Development of cost effective Zn-Sn-N absorber material and hybrid organic-inorganic Perovskite thin film solar cells with improved efficiency Development of high performance electrode materials for Intermediate Temperature SOFC applications Development of metal oxide and nitride based thin film supercapacitors with high power density, high specific capacitance, high cyclic stability and long life Expansion of Biodiesel operated Sathyabama University Buses. Technology innovations to make the Biodiesel plant a Zero Waste Unit Scale up of Bioethanol and Biohydrogen process
2. Clean Room Facility for Device Fabrication
  • 3. New Courses to be Offered
  • Masters Ph.D programs
  • M. Sc (Energy Science)
  • M. Tech (Energy Engineering )

Year Allotted Utilized Remarks
2014-2015 1.5 Cr 1.5 Cr Manpower , Equipments, Consumables etc.
2015-2016 0.5 Cr 0.5 Cr Manpower Consumables and spares
2016-2017 0.5Cr being utilized Manpower Consumables and spares
2017-2018 1 Cr - Manpower , Equipments, Consumables etc.
2018-2019 0.5 Cr - Manpower Consumables and spares
Proposed Facilities for 2017-2019
S.No. Deliverable Likely cost (in Rs lakh)
1 Ionic Conductivity measurements for Thin Films 3.0
2 Study of electronic structure of materials by photolumincence spectroscopy 50.0
3 Upgradation of Thin Film Deposition Facilities for the preparation of energy materials 15.0
4 Clean Room Facility 20.0
4 Lipid recovery for Transesterification and its characterization 5.0
5 Oxidation Stability apparatus 14.0
6 TGA 4000 system for evaluation of DES 1.5
7 Food Waste Incubation unit for Biohydrogen production Biohydrogen reactor with purification unit 7.0
8 10 L Fermenter for Bioethanol Production with distillation set up 5.0
9 Recurring expenses for manpower 16.08
10 Contigency, consumables, capacity development Miscellaneous 5.92
Total 150.22 Lakhs
Our Efforts for Successful Sustainability of the
Centre for Energy Research
  • In-house Projects by University funding
  • New Research Projects Funded by Govt. Agencies
  • New Courses in M. Tech (Energy Engineering), M.Sc
    (Energy Science)
  • Ph.D programs
  • Consultancy Services
  • Technology Transfer Commercialization of
  • Skill development for Unemployed Youth thru
    Certificate/ diploma Courses/ Training progammes
  • Workshops, National International Conferences

(No Transcript)
Scientists and JRF Profile
S. No. Name of the Scientists/ Qualification Designation Specialization Years of Experience No. of Ph.D Scholars guided
1 Dr.T. Sasipraba (Co-ordinator) Ph.D Professor Dean (Co-ordinator) Wireless sensor networks Computational modeling, GIS 20 12
2 Dr.P.Kuppusami Ph.D Senior Scientist Physics, Metallurgy and Materials Science and Surface Engineering 35 6
3 Dr.T.S.Shyju Ph.D Scientist-D Thin Film Solar Cells 3 3
4 Dr.S.S.Dawn Ph.D Scientist -E Energy, Biowaste and Chemical Engineering 12 5
5 Dr.J. Ramkumar Ph.D Scientist-C Thin Film absorber materials for Solar Cell 1 -
S.No Name of the JRF Qualification Title of the project involved Specialization
1 Ajith Kumar. S M.Sc -Chemistry Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Inorganic chemistry
2 Durai G. M.Sc. M.Phil, B.Ed., Physics Supercapacitors Metal Physics
3 Karthik Kumar C. M.Sc - Applied Chemistry Solar Energy absorber Materials Thin Films
4 Vengatesh Panneerselvam M.Sc Chemistry Perovskite Structured Materials for Solar Cells Solar Cells
5 Priyadharsini.P MS.c, M.Phil Bioethanol Production Organic Chemistry
6 Santhosh. A MS.c, M.Phil, B.Ed Biodiesel Wash Water Treatment Environmental Chemistry
7 Alok Ranjan B.Tech, (M.Tech) Solid Acids for Biodiesel Production Chemical Engineering
8 R. Janice M.Sc Microbial production of biodiesel feedstock Biotechnology
S. No. Name of the Inventors Title of Invention Application No.
1. Mr.Ashish Mr.Yohan Mr.Ashwin Mr.Grennwell Dr.Ramachandran Hybrid Solar Collector 6425/CHE/2014
2. Mr Peeris Grennwell Dr,Ramachandran Dr.Anderson Dual Parabolic Hybrid Solar Collector 6422/CHE/2014
3. Mr. Ashish Yadav Mr. Yohan Simon Mr .Peeris Grennwell Dr.Ramachandran Multiple Reflecting Hybrid Solar Collector 6424/CHE/2014
4. Ms.Deepa Devapal, Mr.T.V.Sebastian, Mr.A.M.Kamalan Kirubakaran, Mr.B.Deependran, Mr.S.Jeyarajan Mr.P.V.Prabhakaran Process for Multilayer Thermal Barrier coating for protection of metallic substrates from extreme temperature conditions 4132/CHE/2015
5. Ms.R.Sreeja, Mr. Kamalan Kirubaharan, Ms.Deepa Devapal Mr.Prabhakaran. Metallo-Ceramic Adhesive Composition for high Temperature joining Applications of Metal Alloys. 6791/CHE/2015
Publications Web of Science Indexed Journals
S. No Title Author Name of the Journal Date of publication
1 Mechanosynthesis, Deposition and Characterization of CZTS CZTSe Materials for Solar Cell Applications Shyju T. S. Anandhi S, Suriakarthick R, Gopalakrishnan R, Kuppusami P Journal of Solid State Chemistry Vol. 227, (2015), 165-177.
2 Efficient TiO2 blocking layer for TiO2 nanorod arrays-based dye-sensitized solar cells RadhakrishnanSivakumar, Jeyagopal Ramkumar, SadasivanShaji, ManiduraiPaulraj Thin Solid Films, Vol. 615, pp. 171176(2016) 07 July 2016
3 Influence of Capping Ligand and Synthesis Method on Structure and Morphology of Aqueous Phase Synthesized CuInSe2 Nanoparticles J. Ram Kumar, S. Ananthakumar, S. Moorthy Babu Journal of Electronic Materials DOI 10.1007/s11664-016-4906-6 06 September 2016
4 Thermal Stability and Thermal Expansion Behaviour of ZrO2/ Y2O3 Multilayers Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique Maneesha Mishra, P. Kuppusami, S. Murugesan, Chanchal Ghosh, R. Divakar, Akash Singh, E. Mohandas Materials Chemistry and Physics (2015) http//,033.3.
5 Cu/TiO2 thin films prepared by reactive RF magnetron sputtering M. Sreedhar, I. Neelakanta Reddy, parthasarathi Bera, D. Ramachandran, K. Gobi Saravanan, Arul Maximus Rabel, C. Anandan, P. Kuppusami and J. Brijitta Applied Physics DOI 10.1007/s00339-015-9254-5.
6 HREM investigation of phase stability in alumina-zirconia multilayer films Chanchal Ghosh, Divakar Ramachandran, G. Balakrishnan, P. Kuppusami, E. Mohandas Material Science 38(2), (2015)1-7.
7 Influence of CeO2 Layer Thickness on the Properties of CeO2/ Gd2O3 Multilayers Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition Maneesha Mishra, P. Kuppusami, V. R. Reddy, C. Ghosh, R. Divakar, R. Ramaseshan, Akash Singh and E. Mohandas Vacuum 113 (2015) 64-74.
8 Mixed Dye From Nerium Oleander And Hibiscus Flowers As A Photosensitizer In Dye Sensitized Solar Cells N.T.Mary Rosana, D.Joshua Amarnath, K.L.Vincent Joseph , S.Anandan International Journal of ChemTech Research 09744290, Sphinx Knowledge House 6, 5022-5026, 2014.
9 Natural Sensitizers for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Applications N. T. Mary Rosana Joshua Amarnath.D, K. L. Vincent Joseph. A. Suresh S. Anandan, G. Saritha International Journal Of Scientific C Engineering Research Volume 5, Issue 3, March-2014.
10 Review on Heat Transfer enhancement Techniques in Thermal Energy storage Kanimozhi B, Prabhu.A, Anish.M, Harish Kumar Internal Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN 2248-9622, IJERAVol.4,/2014/PP.144-149.
11 Analysis on the Performance,Combustion And Emission Characteristics Of A CI Engine Fuelled With Algae Biodiesel J. Jayaprabakar, A.Karthikeyan Applied Mechanics And Materials ISSN No. 1662-7482 Trans Tech Publications, Vol. 591 (2014) Pp 33-37.
12 Natural Green Pigments to Transform Sunlight Into Electricity, N. T. Mary Rosana, Joshua Amarnath D and K.L. Vincent Joseph Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 09757384 JOCPR7(4) 15-17, 2015
13 Comparison of Homogeneous Base Catalyst and Heterogeneous Catalyst for Biodiesel Transesterification A.Annam Renita, Aravindh Kumar.J International journal of Chem. Tech Research 09744290, Sphinx Knowledge House, (2) 651-654,2015.
14 Control of Green House Gas Emissions by Energy Recovery from the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste through Bio Methanation Process Murugesan.V, Joshua Amarnath D International Journal of ChemTech Research 09744290, Sphinx Knowledge House 8(3) 1168-1174, 2015.
15 Pigments for Generating Electric Power-An Overview N.T.Mary Rosana, Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 09758585 RJPBCS 6(1), 691-698, 2015.
16 Reduction of Pollution At India-Review of Wind Energy P.Kumar, A.John Rajan International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , RIPResearch India ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, pp. 16169-16180, Number 6 (2015).
17 Review on Phase Change Materials in Thermal Energy Storage System B.Kanimozhi, Amit Arnav, Eluri Vami Krishna,R.Thamarai Kannan Applied Mechanics Materials ISSN 1662-7482, Trans Tech Publications, Vols. 766-767(2015), Pp- 474-497
18 Experimental Investigation on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of A Ci Engine With Rice Bran And Micro Algae Biodiesel Blends Jayaprabakar.J, Karthikeyan A, Aashwin Josiah Anu Shajan J ournal Of Chemical And Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN 0974-2115, Issue 7 2015,Pp 19-22.
19 Combustion Characteristics of A Ci Engine Fuelled With Macro and Micro Algae Biodiesel Blends Jayaprabakar J, Karthikeyan A, GokulaKannan K, Ganesh Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences AJCHPS ISSN 0974-2115, Issue 7 2015, pp 68-71
20 Analysis Of Various Materials For Service Platform In Wind Turbine Generator Sriram.V, Applied Mechanics And Materials TransTech Publications Volume 766-767(2015), Number 534-538.
21 Review on Phase Change Materials in Thermal Energy Storage System B.Kanimozhi, Amit Arnav, EluriVamsi Krishna, R.Thamarai Kannan, Applied Mechanics and Materials , Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 766-767 (2015) pp 474-479.
22 Sustainable Energy Technologies Challenges and Opportunities P. Kuppusami ( SCOPE15) Centre for Excellence for Energy Research, Sathyabama University, Chennai. 27th Feb, 2015,
23 Bioenergy Prospective One Day Workshop on Scope Opportunities of Post Graduate Energy Studies Dawn S S ( SCOPE15), Centre for Excellence for Energy Research, Sathyabama University, Chennai 27th Feb, 2015,
24 Influence of Substrate Temperature on the Adhesion Property of YSZ Coatings on Inconel 718 Prepared By EBPV T. Dharini, P. Kuppusami, A. Kamalan Kirubaharan, R. Ramaseshan, Arul Maximus Rabel and S. Dash International Conference on Recent advances in NanoScience And Technology (RAINSAT-2015 July 8-10, 2015
25 Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Electron Beam Evaporated Cubic YSZ coating on Inconel-690 A.M. Kamalan Kirubaharan, P. Kuppusami, D. Ramachandran and Akash Singh International Conference on Recent advances in NanoScience And Technology (RAINSAT-2015) July 8-10, 2015, Sathyabama University, Chennai-600119
26 Structural, Optical and Electrical properties of Cadmium Sulphide thin films by Thermal Evaporation Shyju T.S. International Conference on Recent advances in NanoScience Technology (RAINSAT-2015) July 8-10, 2015, Sathyabama University, Chennai-600119
27 Environmental Stress Control to enhance lipid content in Oleaginous Microalgae for Biodiesel production Nirmala.N, Dawn S S International Journal of ChemTech Research Vol 9, No 2, pp 237- 241, 2016
28 Statistical Evaluation of Ferementative Hydrogen Production from Food Wastes Using Mixed Microflora Lakshmi Devi R, Dawn S S, , 6th World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC) Australian Technology Park, Sydney, Australia. 11-14 October 2015
39 Effect of the Cu content on the structural, electrical and optical properties of p-type ZnSCu thin films synthesized by RF magnetron co-sputtering Chamorro W., Boulet P., Migot S., Miska P., Shyju T.S., Kuppusami P., Pierson J.F., Transparent conductive materials from fundamental understanding to applications of the E-MRS 2015 Fall Meeting, which will be held at the from Central Campus of Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) September 14 to 18, 2015.
30 Applications of X-ray Diffraction in Thin Films P. Kuppusami National workshop on Recent Trends in X-ray Diffraction Techniques (RTX-2014), Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sathyabama University, Chennai. Nov 28th29th, 2014
31 Microstructure and Nanomechanical Behaviour of Electron Beam Evaporated Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films on Ni Base Superalloys T. Ponmudi Selvan, A.M. Kamala Kirubakaran, T.S.Shyju and P. Kuppusami Int.Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Process for Strategic Sectors ( ICAMPS2015) The Indian Institute of Metals, Thiruvananthapuram. 13-15, 2015
32 Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Inconel-690 by In-situ High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction D. Ramachandran, A. M. Kamalan Kirubaharan, Arul Maximus Rabel and P. Kuppusami Int.Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Process for Strategic Sectors (ICAMPS 2015) during at Trivandrum by The Indian Institute of Metals, Trivandrum. Abstract no. C62. May 13-15, 2015
33 Microstructure, optical and electrical properties of thermally evaporated CZTS thin films for solar cell applications T. S. SHYJU T and P KUPPUSAMI 8TH Int. conference of Advanced Technologies of Materials Research Society of Singapore and 16th IUMRS Int.Conference in Asia together with Photonics Global Conference 2015, Symposium B Earth Abundant Materials for Solar Energy Harvesting ICMAT15-A-347428 SUNTEC, Singapore. June 3 July, 2015
34 Microstructure and NanomechanicalBehaviour of Electron Beam Evaporated Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Films on Ni Base Superalloy T. Ponmudi Selvan, T.S. Shyju, A.M. Kamalan Kirubaharan, Deepa Devapal and P. Kuppusami Materials Science Forum Vols. 830-831 (2015) pp 691-694
35 Upcoming research areas in materials characterization and testing P. Kuppusami One Day National Workshop on Material Characterization and Testing 2016 (NWMCT-2016) 20th February 2016,
36 Design And Fabrication of Solar Seed Sprayer Ashish Lovely, J.Senthil kumar, Kaja Bantha Navas, Nishant Gaurav, Sivashanmugam, IndiaREIRD609 / National Cnference on Renewable Energy Innovations For Rural Development, ISBN 978-93-83083-56-5, Rural Energy Centre, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Tamilnadu, PP.102 / 2014.
37 A Comparative Study on Sintering Behaviour of Low and High Density Pellets of Ni-YSZ by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy P.Kuppusami, T.Dharini, Ajith Kumar Soman, A.M. Kamalan Kirubaharan, Arul Maximus Rabel Proc.of the EApp-2016 ISBN 978-93-83409-13-6 P.73, 2016
38 Electrical Conductivity of NiO-GDC Anode Material for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Ajith Kumar Soman and P. Kuppusami , Arul Maximus Rabel ISBN 978-93-83409-13-6 P.76, 2016
39 Characterisation of NiO-CeO2 Nanocomposite Thin Films Prepared by EBPVD for Supercapacitor Applications Durai.G, P. Kuppusami and A.M. Kamalan Kirubaharan ISBN 978-93-83409-13-6 P.122, 2016
Scopus Indexed Journals/Conferences
Sl. No. Name of the Authors Title of the paper Name of the Journal / Conference with ISSN No Name of the Publisher India/Abroad Vol. / PP/ Issue/Year Impact Factor
40 K.Viswanathan, T.S. Shyju, D.Ramachandran, G. Pradhaban Electric properties of ZnO thin films by RF Magnetron sputtering technique Materials Today Proceedings Elsevier 3 (2016) 15481552.
41 Nirmala.N, S.S. Dawn Environmental Stress Control to enhance lipid content in Oleaginous Microalgae for Biodiesel production International Journal of ChemTech Research Sai Scientific Communications Research Vol 9, No 2, pp 237-241, 2016 0.598
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