Title: in the Roaring Twenties
1in the Roaring Twenties
2Urban Growth
- Urban growth drove up land values and reshaped
the skyline of Americas cities forced
architects to build up - Launched first great era of skyscrapers
- By 1929, U.S. had more than 377 buildings with 20
or more floors - 1920 Census more Americans lived in cities than
rural areas for first time - 3.2 million immigrants poured into the country
and cities between 1919 and 1921
3Urban Growth
- Racial composition of cities also changed
- 1910 75 of African Americans lived on farms and
90 lived in the South - Great Migration during World War I
- 1.5 million moved to cities during 1920s to
escape sharecropping and debt peonage - Most settled in New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland
(307), Detroit (611), and Chicago (148)
4Urban Growth
5Urban Growth
- Competition for housing became a major source of
friction cities passed municipal residential
segregation ordinances, white realtors refused to
show houses in white areas to African Americans,
and neighborhood improvement associations
formed - Supreme Court ruled municipal resident
segregation ordinances were unconstitutional in
1917 - Whites resorted to the restrictive covenant
struck down by Supreme Court in 1948 - Zoning laws offered a more subtle way of
segregating cities segregated on the basis of
6Urban Growth
- Black metropolises or cities within cities
began to emerge in American cities Harlem, NYC - Racial prejudice made it impossible for African
Americans to escape these new ghettoes - Many white middle-class, white-collar workers
began moving to the suburbs made possible by
streetcars and the automobile - City congestion remained a serious problem
- Federal Highway Act of 1916
- Traffic signals, traffic circles, divided dual
highways, cloverleaf interchanges all introduced
during 1920s
7Consumer Economy
8Consumer Economy
- Henry Ford
- Introduced automated assembly line to cars in
1913 cut production time from 12.5 hours to 1.5
hours per car - He also cut prices six times between 1921 and
1925 a new Model T only cost 290 in 1925 - To increase productivity, he introduced a minimum
daily wage of 5 and shortened the workday to 8
hours in 1914 - In 1926, he shortened the workweek to 5 days
- Logic of mass production expanded production
allows manufacturers to reduce costs and
therefore increase the number of products sold,
and higher wages allow workers to buy more
9Consumer Economy
10Consumer Economy
- Alfred Sloan, president of General Motors
(1923-41) - The primary object of the corporation was to
make money, not just make cars. - Was convinced Americans were willing to pay extra
for luxury and prestige - Advertised cars as symbols of wealth and status
introduced yearly model change in 1927 - Developed a series of divisions that were
differienteated by status, price, and level of
luxury Chevrolet to Buick to Cadillac - Set up nations first national consumer credit
agency, 1919 - Revealed the importance of merchandising in a
modern consumer economy
11Consumer Economy
- Cars were the symbol of the new consumer society
- 1919, 6.7 million cars on American roads
- 1929, 27 million cars on American roads
- 60 purchased cars on credit with interest rates
of 30 or more - Cars revolutionized American way of life
- Promoted family togetherness?
- Created conflict between parents and teenagers?
- portable bedrooms?
12Consumer Economy
- Automobiles also transformed American landscape
- Roads and highways doubled during 1920s
- Increased government spending 2 billion/year
- Increased pollution 30,000 annual traffic deaths
- Automobile industry stimulated national economy
- By 1929 produced 12.7 percent of manufacturing
output and employed 1 of every 12 workers - Stimulated growth of steel, glass, rubber
industries and gasoline stations, motor lodges,
campgrounds, and hotdog stands
13Consumer Economy
- Other emblems of the consumer economy included
the telephone and electricity electrical
appliances became more common in American homes
(refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum
cleaners, toasters, etc.) - Labor-saving appliances increased standards of
cleanliness and imposed new pressures on
housewives - Ready-to-wear clothing was another important
innovation in the consumer economy standard
sizes defined by government in World War I
14Consumer Economy
15Consumer Economy
- Eating habits also underwent a shift from
starches (bread and potatoes) to more fruit and
sugar - More processed foods canning and freezing
innovations during World War I saved homemakers
enormous amounts of time - To stimulate sales and increase profits,
businesses expanded advertising, offered
installment credit, and created the nations
first regional and national chains
16Consumer Economy
17Consumer Economy
- Advertising agencies hired psychologists
- Built up name-brand identification
- Created memorable slogans
- Manipulated endorsements by doctors or
celebrities - Appealed to consumers desire for prestige and
status - By 1929, American companies were spending 3
billion a year on advertising - Uneeda Biscuits, first million-dollar advertising
18Consumer Economy
19Consumer Economy
- Use of installment credit soared during 1920s
- Banks offered home mortgages for first time
- 60 of all furniture and 75 of all radios were
purchased on credit - New consumer society emphasized spending and
borrowing over thrift and saving - Nations families spent a declining proportion of
income on necessities, more on appliances,
recreation - Older industries (textiles, railroads, steel)
declined and newer industries (appliances,
automobiles, aviation, chemicals, entertainment,
and processed foods) surged ahead
20Consumer Economy
- During the 1920s, chain-store movement
revolutionized retailing Woolworths - Interlocking networks of banks and utility
companies played a critical role in promoting
financial speculation of the 1920s
- Radio was most significant appliance to enter
American homes in the 1920s Sales went from 60
million (1922) to 426 million (1929) - 1919, first commercial radio station 500 by 1925
news, musical variety shows, advertisements,
soap operas, and comedies - Blunted regional differences and imposed similar
tastes and lifestyles
- Radio made Charles Lindbergh an instant hero when
he became the first person to fly solo across the
Atlantic in 1927 - Amos n Andy debuted in 1926 spread racial
stereotypes Italian gangster and tightfisted Jew
- Phonograph sales surged from 190,000 in 1923 to 5
million in 1929 replaced piano in many homes - Fueled by popularity of jazz, blues, and
hillbilly music - Fiddlin John Carson broke hillbilly music
into popular culture in 1923 - F. Scott Fitzgerald called the 1920s, the Jazz
24Jazz Age
- Single most significant instrument of mass
entertainment was the movies - Movie attendance grew from 50 million patrons a
week in 1920 to 90 million a week in 1920
Americans spent 83 cents of every entertainment
dollar at the movies and 75 of the population
went to a movie theater each week - By the 1920s, the film industry had relocated to
Hollywood ideal climate and cheap labor
- Hollywood released 700 movies each year and
dominated worldwide film production - A small group of companies controlled the film
industry Paramount, 20th-Century Fox, and MGM
kept actors, directors, and screenwriters under
contract - Movies in the 1920s introduced the sex appeal
Greta Garbo and Rudolph Valentino - Hollywood also reinforced stereotypes
28Spectator Sports
29Low-Brow Middle-Brow Culture
- Mah Jong and crossword puzzles
- Golf, tennis, and bowling
- Dance crazes fox trot, Charleston, jitterbug
- Egyptian fad in 1922
- Pole-sitting
- Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey
- Confession magazines
- Time, Readers Digest, New Yorker, Vanity Fair
- Book-of-the-Month Club
30Avant Garde
- Playwright Eugene ONeill
- Writers William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, F.
Scott Fitzgerald, and Thomas Wolfe published
their first novels - Poets Hart Crane, e.e. cummings, Countee Cullen,
Langston Hughes, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and
Wallace Stevens - Artists Charles Demuth, Georgia OKeeffe, and
Joseph Stella pioneered nonrepresentational and
expressionist art forms
31Avant Garde
The Figure 5 in Gold (1928) Charles Demuth
32Avant Garde
My Egypt (1927) Charles Demuth
33Avant Garde
Brooklyn Bridge (1919-20) Joseph Stella
34Avant Garde
Radiator Building at Night, New York
(1927) Georgia OKeeffe
35Avant Garde
- The 1920s marked Americas entry into the world
of serious music - 50 symphony orchestras founded
- Julliard, Eastman, and Curtis music
conservatories founded - Aaron Copeland and Charles Ives
- George Gershwin
36Avant Garde
- World War I left many American intellectuals and
artists disillusioned and alienated saw the war
as a senseless mistake - T.S. Eliot called the United States a wasteland
- Sinclair Lewis critized American middle class in
Main Street (1920) and Babbit (1922) - Won Nobel Prize for Literature
- H. L. Mencken
37Lost Generation
- Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott
Fitzgerald - Existentialism maintains that life has no
transcendent purpose and that each individual
must salvage personal meaning from the void - The Sun Also Rises (1926)
- A Farewell to Arms (1929)
- The Great Gatsby (1925)
- so we beat on, boats against the current, borne
back ceaselessly into the past.
38The Sex Debate
- If all girls at the Yale prom were laid end to
end - I wouldnt be surprised.
Dorothy Parker - Practically every newspaper featured articles on
prostitution, venereal disease, sex education,
birth control, and the rising divorce rate. - City life nurtured new sexual attitudes end of
courtships, rise of dating - Sigmund Freud
- Increase in premarital sex after 1900 especially
generation that reached maturity in 1920s - Margaret Sanger vs. Comstock Law (1873)
39Margaret Sanger
- Bobbed her hair
- Painted her lips
- Raised her hemline
- Danced the Charleston
- Smoked and drank alcohol publicly
- Openly talked about sex
- Dated without chaperones
- Wore high heels and felt hats
- In reality, womens sexual experiences were
typically limited to one or two partners, one of
whom she married. This narrowed the gap between
men and women and moved society towards a single
standard of morality.
41The Clash of Cultures
- The 1920s was a decade of intense cultural
conflict, the Protestant culture of rural America
was being undermined by the secular values of an
urban society - Country vs. City
- Native vs. Immigrant
- Protestant vs. Catholic and Jew
- Fundamentalist vs. Liberal and Science
- Conservative vs. Progressive
- Wet vs. Dry
- The chief battlegrounds in this culture war
were gender, immigration, prohibition, and
evolution in public schools.
42The New Woman
- After Nineteenth Amendment, male politicians
passed laws guaranteeing womens rights to serve
on juries and hold public office - Set up a national system of womens and infants
health care clinics
43The New Woman
- Womens movement divided in the 1920s over the
Equal Rights Amendment - Pitted professional women against working-class
women - Womens movement also faced opposition from
federal government Spider Web chart - Adkins v. Childrens Hospital (1923)
- Women did not win new opportunities in the
workplace confined to traditional female jobs
and professionals consistently received less pay
than their male counterparts
- Initial compliance had more to do with supply and
demand than respect for the law private
enterprise filled the void - Smugglers, bootleggers, and moonshiners
- Neither federal nor state authorities had enough
funds to enforce prohibition - Lax enforcement and huge profits enticed
organized crime to enter bootlegging by late
1920s, liquor sales generated 2 billion annually
Al Capone
- In large cities, people openly defied the law 17
convictions of 7,000 arrests in New York City
President Harding - In 1923, New York became the first state to
repeal its enforcement law by 1930 six more
states had followed suit - Congress repealed Prohibition in 1933 with the
21st Amendment - National Anti-Cigarette League, 1903 by 1923, 14
states had outlawed cigarettes
- Charles Darwins theory of evolution caused a
split in American Protestantism Fundamentalists
vs. Liberals - Rise of Pentecostalism in early 1900s The
Fundamentals (1910-1915) - Religious revivals in West, South
- Billy Sunday
- Aimee Semple McPherson
49Scopes Trial
50Scopes Trial
- Emergency Quota Act, 1921
- National Origins Act of 1924
- Sacco Vanzetti Case, 1921
52Ku Klux Klan
- The KKK experienced a rebirth in the 1920s under
the leadership of Col. William Joseph Simmons
100 percent pure Americanism - Hired advertising agency to boost membership 5
million members by 1925 - Powerful political force influenced governors
and state legislatures - Continued to intimidate African Americans,
immigrants, Catholics, Jews and others who
violated moral standards (wife-beaters,
drunkards, bootleggers, gamblers, etc.) - A series of sex scandals and increasing violence
decreased power of the Klan by late 1920s
53Ku Klux Klan
54African American Protests
- After facing discrimination and segregation in
World War I and race riots in 1919-1920, African
Americans were more determined to fight
discrimination - National Urban League, 1911 focused on economic
issues (Washington) - NAACP, 1909 focused on civil rights and legal
action (Du Bois)
55African American Protests
- Supreme Court ruled against grandfather clause
(1915) and segregation ordinances (1917) - NAACP also fought against school segregation in
North and for federal anti-lynching bill under
James Weldon Johnson - A. Philip Randolph New Negro
- Marcus Garvey Universal Negro Improvement
Association, 1917
56African American Protests
57Harlem Renaissance
Black Belt (1934) by Archibald Motley, Jr.
58Harlem Renaissance
- Increasing interest in African American History
and Culture W. E. B. Du Bois - Fisk University Jubilee Singers
- American Negro Academy, 1897
- Negro dolls and all-Negro towns
- African Americans newspapers and magazines
appeared in 1910s - Association for the Study of Negro Life and
History Carter Woodson, 1919
59Harlem Renaissance
- Harlem became the center of African American
cultural expression - Poets Countee Cullen, Claude McKay and Langston
Hughes - Novelist Zora Neale Hurston
- Performer Paul Robeson
- If we must dieoh let us nobly die . . . dying,
but fighting back!
60Warren G. Harding(1921-1923)
61Return to Normalcy
- Americans wanted a partnership between government
and industry, instead of trustbusting in the
1920s Republicans offered the conservative
choice - Supreme Court, under Chief Justice William Howard
Taft, outlawed picketing, overturned national
child labor laws, and abolished minimum wage laws
for women states were responsible for protecting
individual citizens - Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover proposed to
eliminate competition and waste in the economy
through associationism 2000 trade associations
by 1929
62Return to Normalcy
- Charles Evan Hughes and Andrew Mellon were other
capable members of Hardings cabinet Ohio Gang
63Return to Normalcy
- Teapot Dome Scandal Secretary of Interior
Albert B. Fall was convicted of taking bribes - Attorney General Harry Daughtry
- Warren G. Harding died on 2 August 1923
64Election of 1924
65Calvin Coolidge(1923-1929)
66Twilight of Progressivism
- Coolidge had no desire to be a strong president
and believed that government should do everything
in its power to promote business interests the
business of America is business - The governments tilt toward business signaled a
retreat from progressivism - Robert La Follette (WI) and George Norris (NB)
tried to keep progressivism alive in Congress
had better luck at state and local level - By 1930, 43 states had passed laws providing
assistance to women with dependent children and
34 states had workers compensation laws NY
Governor Alfred E. Smith
67Election of 1928
Alfred E. Smith
Herbert Hoover
68Election of 1928