Title: Three
1 Threes Company
2The most powerful form of learning, the most
sophisticated form of staff development, comes
not from listening to the good words of others,
but from sharing what we know with others. By
reflecting on what we do and by sharing and
articulating our craft knowledge, we make
meaning, we learn. Roland Barth
- Introductions
- What Co-Teaching Is Not!
- What Co-Teaching Is!
- Why Do It?
- Problematic Concerns
- Three Approaches to Co-Teaching
- Three More Approaches
- Components of
- Co-Teaching
- How Do You Get Started?
- How Do You Get Better?
- Evaluation
4What Co-Teaching Is Not
- Collaboration
- Combining Classes
- Inclusion
- An Excuse
- to do Less
5What is Co-Teaching?
- A type of service delivery
- Two or more certified staff
- A contract
- Involves one group of students
- A single classroom
- Designed for specific objectives
- Mutual ownership
- Pooled Resources
- Joint accountability
6Why Do It?
- Three reasons to co-teach
7Dare to Try
8One Teach, One Observe
- Decide on specific observational information
- Agree on system for gathering information
- One teacher gathers information while one
delivers instruction - Analyze information together
9One Teach, One Drift
- One teacher accepts primary responsibility for
instruction - One teacher moves about the room assisting
students as needed - Demands little change on the part of the teachers
10Parallel Teaching
- Both teachers delivering same information
simultaneously - Each teacher has one half of the class
- Increases student participation and attention
11Ive lost my mind.. I think the kids took
12Station Teaching
- Content divided
- Students divided
- Students rotate through stations
- Often a third station included for independent
work - Each teacher delivers same content each time at
their station
13Alternative Teaching
- Intended for when several students need special
attention - Small group of students work with one teacher
- Larger group of students work with one teacher
- Can be used to insure mastery
- Can be used for pre-teaching
- Can be used for assessment
- Can be be used for enrichment
14Team Teaching
- Most complex
- Most satisfying
- Two teachers
- Delivering same instruction
- Large group
- Same time
- Instructional conversation
- Both move freely about the classroom
- Requires experience
- Requires a high level of comfort on the part of
each one
15Components of Co-Teaching
Classroom Management
Instructional Planning
Instructional Presentation
Familiarity with Curriculum
Physical Arrangement of the Classroom
16If at first you dont succeed --try setting more
realistic goals.
17How Do You Get Started?
- Identify a willing partner
- Talk to administration
- Set aside ample time to rehash all the components
- Plan a lesson
- Try it out
18How Do You Get Better?
- Reflect Often
- Evaluate Often
- Schedule Observations
- It Happens Naturally
19Dont be frustrated by your inexperience ------all
green things inevitably grow.
20Problematic Concerns
- Buy In
- Scheduling
- Planning
- Grading
- Parents
- Routines
- Discipline
- Feedback
- Distribution of work load
- Confidentiality
- Pet Peeves
21An error doesnt become a mistake until you
refuse to correct it.
22Marie T. Pink mpink_at_reading.k12.ma.us
Jessica Lynch jmeehan_at_reading.k12.ma.us
Kim Oliveira kim.oliveira_at_reading.k12.ma.us
23We are teachers There is no magic We do not walk
on water We do not part the sea We just love