Documentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Documentation Giving credit to a source for words and ideas borrowed from a source Quotations Paraphrases Basic rule: Everything you use that is from a source has to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Documentation

  • Giving credit to a source for words and ideas
    borrowed from a source
  • Quotations
  • Paraphrases
  • Basic rule Everything you use that is from a
    source has to be documented.

Exception Common Knowledge
  • Basic information available in numerous sources
    (common rule of thumb 5 or more)
  • Generally speaking, you can regard something as
    common knowledge if you find the same information
    undocumented in at least five credible sources
    (Stolley, Brizee, and Paiz, Purdue Online Writing
  • Information commonly known by the general
    population or within a particular field of study
  • NOT opinions, analysis, interpretations, original
    research, or exact wording, etc.

Common Knowledge Documentation
  • Paraphrased common knowledge No documentation
  • Quoted common knowledge Documentation required
    (exact words themselves are typically not common
  • When in doubt, document to avoid possible
    plagiarism or ask your instructor.

Documentation Format (MLA)
  • Two Components for Documentation
  • In-text Citation (Parenthetical Citation)
  • Works Cited page

In-text Citation
  • Information in the text of your essay that links
    each borrowed quote or paraphrase to a source
    listed on the Works Cited page
  • Tells your reader that the information or words
    are not yours.
  • Tells your readers whose information or words
    they actually are.

The Basics
  • Introduce the quotation or paraphrase.
  • Include the authors last name in the
    introduction to the quotation or paraphrase or in
    parentheses at the end.
  • Include the page number in the parentheses (if a
    page number is available).
  • See the PowerPoints for quoting and paraphrasing
    for examples of basic in-text citation.
  • Now for some special cases. . . .

Multiple Authors
  • Two authors Cite both.
  • One article notes that wayfinding is often
    overlooked in designing educational institutions
    (Gunderson and Schmidt 231).
  • Gunderson and Schmidt note that wayfinding is
    often overlooked in designing educational
    institutions (231).

  • Three authors Cite all three.
  • Another source states that this oversight has
    become the focus of numerous multidisciplinary
    studies (Terazzo, Lewis, and Iwakura 42).
  • Terazzo, Lewis, and Iwakura state that this
    oversight has become the focus of numerous
    multidisciplinary studies (42).

  • More than three authors Cite the first and et
  • Evidence from one of these studies suggests
    awareness of wayfinding needs is growing, but
    actual change is lagging far behind (Bartulis et
    al. 160).
  • Evidence from Bartulis et al. suggests awareness
    of wayfinding needs is growing, but actual change
    is lagging far behind (160).

No Author and/or No Page
  • Typically, use an organization or company name in
    place of an author.
  • Beware of truly anonymous sources.
  • If there is no page number, simply omit it.

Examples Quotation
  • The Society for Experiential Graphic Design
    states that Wayfinding may not always be
    considered sexy, but it has evolved into a highly
    integrated, user-focused, and increasingly
    technology-driven discipline with huge social and
    economic implications for cities, hospitals, and
    other public spaces.
  • According to one professional organization,
    Wayfinding may not always be considered sexy,
    but it has evolved into a highly integrated,
    user-focused, and increasingly technology-driven
    discipline with huge social and economic
    implications for cities, hospitals, and other
    public spaces (Society for Experiential Graphic

Examples Paraphrase
  • As the Society for Experiential Graphic Design
    points out, if wayfinding is doing its job, no
    one even notices it.
  • According to one professional organization, if
    wayfinding is doing its job, no one even notices
    it (Society for Experiential Graphic Design).

Block Quotations
  • More than 4 lines in your essay
  • Full-sentence introduction, generally followed by
    a colon
  • Indent one inch (or two tabs)
  • Omit quotation marks.
  • Include author and page number.
  • Put the period before the parentheses.

  • The Society for Experiential Graphic Design
    powerfully points out the vital role and evolving
    nature of wayfinding
  • Its the ultimate unsung hero of public spaces
    when it works, you never know its there.
    Wayfinding may not always be considered sexy, but
    it has evolved into a highly integrated,
    user-focused, and increasingly technology-driven
    discipline with huge social and economic
    implications for cities, hospitals, and other
    public spaces. (11)
  • These concepts must drive IVCCs efforts to
    improve wayfinding for students and visitors to
    its main campus.

Indirect Quotations
  • Using a quotation already cited in your source.
  • Your source is written by Johnson.
  • Johnson quotes Suarez.
  • You quote Suarez in your essay.
  • Give both authors credit.
  • According to Suarez, The quotation you are
    borrowing would go here, between the quotation
    marks (qtd. in Johnson 57).
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