Title: Sacraments
- Aim To know what a sacrament is.
- A sacrament is like a stepping stone to God.
Every time we take a sacrament we get one step
closer to God.
3The Seven Sacraments
- Baptism
- Holy Communion
- Reconciliation
- Confirmation
- Marriage
- Holy Orders
- Sacrament of the Sick
4Time-Line In your books.
- Using a time line make a list of all the
sacraments you are likely to make in your life.
7 years old
5Recap Events
- What events have been important in your life?
- Just a minute Who can talk for one minute about
an event which changed them?
6In Groups
- You are a group, team, gang or organisation
- and they are new members who would like
- to join.
- In our groups come up with an initiation for
- these members to go through.
7- Can you think of the initiation that we go
- through to become a member of the Catholic
- church?
- Baptism and Confirmation are two of the
- three sacraments of initiation. Most people
- are baptised when they are babies, so the
- decision and vows are made for them. As
- young adults you are offered the choice
- yourself and you renew your baptismal vows
8- The anointing with Chrism that takes place
- in Confirmation also strengthens you for
- your work as a young Christian adult.
- Confirmation also deepens our baptism
- because in confirmation we are given a task
- a vocation.
9- We are called to be witnesses to the gospel
- and servants of all we meet in our daily
- lives. Confirmation is our way of saying yes
- to God and our vocation
10 11- Wisdom Courage
- To help us Judge in to give us the strength
- the way God does to do what is right no
matter how hard this may be - Knowledge Reverence
- To let us see the To give us the power to
- world as it really is love God and each other
as we should - Right Judgement Understanding
- To help us to know what To help us to
understand - to do especially in difficult all that God has
told us - Situations
- Wonder and Awe
- To give us the power to remember and appreciate
the greatness of God and to help us to want to
love God and reject sin
12- What does the phrase Sacrament of initiation
mean? - How do we receive in our vocation in Baptism?
- What do we receive in Confirmation to help us
carry out our vocation? - Give an explanation of the similarities and
differences in Baptism and Confirmation? - Copy the diagram of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
13Holy Orders
- Some Christians believe that they have a vocation
they are called by God to serve him and others
in a particular way. - Any Christian may have a vocation to serve God in
any occupation or way of life singer, sports
- Roman Catholics, Orthodox and Anglicans believe
that Holy Orders is a SACRAMENT. - The grace of orders has been passed on through
the Church from the time of the apostles to the
present day. - Through it they receive grace and the power of
the Holy Spirit.
- A deacon can lead worship, preach, take funerals,
baptise and marry people. - A priest can also celebrate the Eucharist, give a
blessing and absolve people from their sins in
Gods name. - Bishops normally are leaders of large areas
called dioceses. They have authority to ordain
deacons, priests, and bishops.
- Monks (who may be priests) and nuns are said to
be in religious orders. The orders may be either
active (with a ministry in the everyday world )
or contemplative (with a life of silence and
prayer in the monastery or convent).
18Priests are expected to
- Assist the bishop in his work
- Follow the example of Christ
- Abstain from some normal activities eg marriage
and politics - Preach about Jesus and God
- Administer four of the seven sacraments
frequently Eucharist, Baptism, Reconciliation,
Anointing of the Sick
19Priests are expected to
- Visit the sick, to comfort them
- Pray privately each day
- Teach people how to pray
- Continue their studies, and increase their
understanding of the Bible and of theology. - Care for the dying and console those who grieve
20Priests are expected to
- Listen to those who are agitated and distraught.
- Live a simple life (even though they do not take
a vow of poverty).
21Why no female priests?
- The 12 apostles were all men. Jesus had some
women disciples, but he did not include any of
them among the 12 apostles. - Jesus was a man
- In 2000 years of the Catholic and Orthodox
Churches, no woman has been ordained a priest. It
is tradition to ordain only men.
22Arguments to ordain women?
- God created both women and men in his likeness,
not just men. - There is no reason to suppose that only men have
the qualities appropriate in a priest. - That Jesus chose only men as apostles simply
reflected the custom in his time, when women did
not undertake apostolic.
23To ordain women
- tasks. If the Churches today closely followed
everything Jesus did, they would ordain only Jews
and Palestinians as priests. Yet the Churches do
not do this. - Men dominate the Catholic and Orthodox Churches
these men are reluctant to accept equality
between men and women. They are prejudiced.
24The Eucharist
- L.O
- To know how the Eucharist is celebrated in Church
25Choose the odd one out and explain why
26Ca you unscramble the key people and items that
were at the Last Supper??????
27- How is Maundy Thursday celebrated today?
Christians celebrate the events of Maundy
Thursday every time they receive the body and
blood of Jesus during mass.
28An Outline of the Mass
REFLECT Can you think of anyone or anything that
may need or prayers now? Write down one prayer
that could be used as a prayer of the faithful.
- 1. Greeting
- 2. Readings and sermon.
- 3. Creed and prayers of the
- faithful.
- 4. Offertory bread, wine and gifts (collection).
29An Outline of the Mass
- 5. Eucharistic Prayer.
- Take this all of you and eat it, this is my
body - Take this all of you and drink it, this is my
blood - 6. Our Father and Sign of Peace.
- 7. Holy Communion.
- 8. Blessing - The Priest says
- Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord.
Offer Shelter
Feed the Hungry
Go in peace to Love and Serve the Lord
Give Alms
311 Corinthians 1123-26
- And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and
gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given
for you do this in remembrance of me." - In the same way, after the supper he took the
cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my
blood, which is poured out for you. - TASK
- Analyse the quote, and explain why Christians
might copy this act / ritual. - How could the Catholic Church, Church of England
and the Free Church interpret this quote
32The Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Starter - The Lost Son
- Who sinned?
- Who forgave?
- How did all the characters in the story have to
- To reflect on the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
33The Sacrament of Penance
34What are these pictures showing? What do they
tell us about confession?
35What does this picture tell us about confession?
36The Sacrament
Next task - Write a Story about a time when
someone has done something wrong and felt the
need to confess. Write a Playscript about a
time when someone has done something wrong and
felt the need to confess.
- What makes people want to say sorry?
- How is this sacrament a celebration?
- Name some selfish attitudes which lead to selfish
actions that might be confessed, for example,
greed leads to stealing. - What are some of the consequences of sins?
- Does everyone have a conscience?
- Suggest three questions that would help someone
to examine his or her conscience.