Title: Sacraments
- Created by Ms. McCarthy-Cheney
2Question 1
- The following is a sacrament
- Holy Water
- Baptism
- Giving up candy for Lent
- Easter
3Your answer for 2 is incorrect. Sorry!
- To look up the answer, try this link
- http//www.newadvent.org/cathen/02258b.htmXII
4Sorry, your answer to Question 2 is incorrect.
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- Check the following site for help if you wish
- http//www.newadvent.org/library/almanac_13295a.ht
5First Question Correct Answer!
- The answer you chose is correct!
- Baptism is indeed one of the 7 sacraments
6Question 2
- The following are the effects of Baptism EXCEPT
- Remission of all sin (original and actual)
- Ability to forgive sins
- Infusion of supernatural gifts and virtues
- Remission of temporal punishment
7Question 2 Answer is Correct!!
- Click the arrow and go on.
8Question 3What is a Eucharistic Element or
Matter in the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist
- Bread
- Mass
- Sacrament
- Chalice
9Yes! Your answer to Question 3 is Correct
- Click the arrow to go to the last slide
10Sorry your answer for question 3 is Incorrect.
Hit the link below if you need help finding the
- http//www.newadvent.org/cathen/05584a.htm
11Your answer to question 3 is Correct
- Yes, bread and wine are the 2 elements of Holy
Eucharist . Hit the button to go forward
12Congratulations!! You have finished this
interactive project.
- Come to the front of class to get your treat!!!!
13Sorry!! Your answer to question 2 is incorrect!!
- Go back to the question and answer page or go to
this web site to look up the answer - http//www.newadvent.org/cathen/02258b.htm