Mongol Eurasia and Its Aftermath - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mongol Eurasia and Its Aftermath


Title: Mongol Eurasia and Its Aftermath Author: Alyson M. LeBlanc Last modified by: DSD Created Date: 10/21/2005 2:58:33 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mongol Eurasia and Its Aftermath

Mongol Eurasia and Its Aftermath
  • 1200-1500 C.E.

The Rise of the Mongols
  • 1200-1260 C.E.

Nomadism inCentral and Inner Asia
  • Nomadic groups depended on scarce water and
    pasture resources.
  • There were many conflicts in times of scarcity.
  • Many alliances formed and much migration at this
    time because of conflict.

Mongol Groups
  • Strongly hierarchical organization headed by a
    single leader or khan.
  • Khans had to ask that their decisions be ratified
    by a council of leaders.
  • Powerful Mongol groups demanded and received
    tribute in goods and slaves from those less
  • Some groups lived on tribute alone.

  • Various Mongol groups formed complex federations
    that were often tied to marriage alliances.
  • Women from prestigious families often played an
    important role in negotiating these alliances.

Mongol Woman
Seasonal Movements
  • Movements of Mongol tribes brought them into
    contact with
  • Manichaeism
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Buddhism
  • Islam
  • Mongols accepted religious pluralism.

Sky God
  • Mongol khans were thought to represent the Sky
  • He transcended all cultures and religions
  • Khans were thus conceived of as universal rulers
    who both transcended and used the various
    religions of their subjects.

Economic Self-Sufficiency
  • Nomads strove for economic self-sufficiency.
  • Relied on trade with settled people for
  • Iron
  • Wood
  • Cotton
  • Grain
  • Silk
  • When trade relations were interrupted, nomads
    would wage war on settled agriculturalists.

Mongol Conquests
  • 1206 - 1234
  • Genghis Khan and his successors conquered all of
    North China.
  • Mongols were threatening Southern Song.
  • 1234-1265
  • Mongol realms united as the khans of the Golden
    Horde, the Jagadai domains of Central Asia, and
    the Il-khans all recognized the authority of the
    Great Khan of Mongolia.

Genghis Khan
  • Declared himself Great Khan in 1265
  • Other Khans refused to accept him
  • Jagadai Khanate harbored a particular animosity
    towards him.
  • Khubilai founded the Yuan Empire with a capital
    at Beijing in 1271.
  • In 1279, he conquered the Southern Song.
  • After 1279, Yuan attempted to extend its control
    to Southeast Asia.
  • Annam and Champa forced to pay tribute to the Yuan

Khubilai Khan
Mongol Ability
  • Factors that contribute to the Mongols ability
    to conquer such vast territories
  • Superior horsemanship
  • Better bows
  • Following arrows with cavalry charge
  • Easily learned new military techniques
  • Adopted new military technology
  • Incorporated non-Mongol soldiers into armies
  • Reputation for slaughter of those who did not
  • Ability to take advantage of rivalries among

Mongol Bow and Soldier
Overland Trade
  • Mongol conquests opened overland trade routes.
  • Brought about an unprecedented commercial
    integration of Eurasia.
  • The growth of long-distance trade under the
    Mongols led to significant transfer of military
    and scientific knowledge between Europe, the
    Middle East, China, Iran, and Japan.

Bubonic Plague
  • Plague and other diseases spread over the trade
    routes of the Mongol Empire.
  • Plague that had lingered in Yunnan was
    transferred to
  • Central and north China. Then
  • Central Asia. Then
  • Kaffa. Then
  • The rest of the Mediterranean world.

Bubonic Plague
Mongols and Islam
  • 1260-1500

Mongol Rivalry
  • 1260s the Il-Khan Mongol Empire controlled
    parts of Armenia and all of Azerbaijan,
    Mesopotamia, and Iran.
  • Relations between Buddhist/shamanist Mongols and
    Muslim subjects were tense.
  • Mongols murdered last Abbasid caliph and because
    Mongol religious beliefs and customs were
    contrary to those of Islam.

1260s in Russia
  • Under domination of Golden Horde, led by Genghis
    Khans grandson Batu
  • Batu converted to Islam and announced his
    intention to avenge the last caliph.
  • This was the first conflict between Mongol

Golden Horde and Batu
Batus Conflict
  • European leaders attempted to make an alliance
    with the Il-khans to drive Muslims out of Syria,
    Lebanon, and Palestine.
  • Il-khans sought European help in driving the
    Golden Horde out of the Caucasus.
  • Plans for an alliance never came to fruition
    because the Il-khan ruler Ghazan became a Muslim
    in 1295.

  • Goal of Il-khan State collect as much tax
    revenue as possible
  • Did this through tax farming system
  • Tax farming system able to deliver large amounts
    of grain, cash, and silk.
  • Butover-taxation led to increases in the price
    of grain and shrinking tax base
  • 1295 severe economic crisis!!

Ending the Economic Crisis
  • Tried tax reduction program and issuing paper
  • These failed
  • Economic depression until 1349.
  • Il-khan domains fragmented as Mongol nobles
    fought each other for scarce resources.
  • Mongols from Golden Horde attacked and
    dismembered the Il-khan empire.

  • Il-khan and Golden Horde declined in the
    fourteenth century.
  • Timur, the last Central Asian conqueror, built
    the Jagadai Khanate in central and western
  • The Timurids ruled the Middle East for several

Writing about History
  • Juvaini wrote the first comprehensive account of
    the rise of the Mongols under Genghis Khan.
  • Juvaini inspired the work of Rashid al-Din, who
    wrote a history of the world.
  • Rashid al-Din was a Muslim who served as an
    adviser to the In-khan ruler.
  • Timurids supported many historians including
    Moroccan Ibn Khaldun.

Ibn Khalduns Work
Muslims under Mongol Rulership
  • Made great strides in astronomy, calendar-making,
    and prediction of eclipses.
  • Used epicycles to explain movement of moon around
  • Invented more precise astronomical instruments.

  • Adapted Indian numerical system
  • Devised method of indicating decimal fractions
  • Calculated ? more accurately.
  • All of these advances were passed along to Europe
    and had a significant effect on the development
    of European science and mathematics.

Regional Responses in Western Eurasia
Russia and Rule from Afar
  • After defeating the Kievan Rus, the Mongols of
    the Golden Horde made a capital at the mouth of
    the Volga.
  • Volga was also the end of the overland caravan
    route from Central Asia.
  • Mongols ruled Russia from afar.
  • Orthodox church left in place
  • Russian princes were agents
  • Main goal get as much tax revenue as possible
    from the Russians

Prince Alexander of Novgorod
  • Assisted Mongols in conquest of Russia.
  • Mongols favored Novgorod and Moscow as a result
  • After Mongols destroyed Ukrainian countryside,
    Russian population shifted from Kiev to Novgorod
    and Russia.
  • Moscow became new center of Russian civilization.

Prince Alexander
Mongol Rule Good or Bad?
  • Some historians say the negative effects are
    because of economic depression and cultural
  • Others say Russian princes were responsible for
    over-taxation, they were isolated by the church,
    and that government did not change under Mongol

Ivan III
  • Prince of Moscow
  • Ended Mongol rule in 1480
  • Adopted the title of Tsar.

Political Forces
  • Europe was divided by the forces of the papacy
    and the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II.
  • Because of this, Eastern Europe faced the Mongol
    attacks alone.

Attacking Europe
  • Mongol armies that attacked Europe were an
    international force including
  • Mongols, Turks, Chinese, Iranians, Europeans
  • Forces led by Mongol generals.
  • Armies made it to the outskirts of Vienna.
  • Withdrew in December 1241 to elect a new leader.

Diplomacy and Trade
  • After the Mongol withdrawal, Europeans initiated
    a variety of diplomatic and trade overtures to
    the Mongols.
  • Contact between the two increased through the
    thirteenth century.
  • Brought knowledge of many things to Europeans,
    but they questioned customs and beliefs as a
    result of the plague.

Centralized States
  • Rise and fall of Mongol domination in the
    thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was
    accompanied by the rise of stronger centralized
    states including Lithuania and other Balkan

  • Functioned as a route by which Islamic culture
    was transferred to Europe via Constantinople.
  • The Ottomans, who established themselves in
    eastern Anatolia in the 1300s, expanded eastward
    in the 1400s and conquered Constantinople in 1453.

Mongol Domination in China
  • 1271-1368

Before the Mongols in China
  • Politically fragmented
  • Three states
  • Tanggut
  • Jin
  • Southern Song
  • Mongols unified these states and restored or
    preserved the characteristic features of Chinese

Khubilai Khan and China
  • Khubilai Khan understood and practiced Chinese
    traditions of government.
  • Constructed a Chinese-style capital at Beijing
    and a summer capital at Shangdu, where he could
    practice riding and shooting.

Government Innovations
  • Tax Farming
  • Use of Western Asian Muslims as officials
  • Hierarchical system of legally defined status
    groups in terms of race and function
  • Confucians had a relatively weak role
  • Merchants and doctors were elevated

  • Chinas cities and ports prospered
  • Trade recovered
  • Merchants flourished
  • Chinese gentry elite moved to cities
  • Urban culture was created
  • Popular entertainment
  • Vernacular literature
  • Mandarin dialect of Chinese language

Rural Areas
  • Cotton growing, spinning, and weaving were
    introduced to China from Hainan Island.
  • Mongols encouraged construction of irrigation
  • Farmers were overtaxed and brutalized while dams
    and dikes were neglected.

Population Decline
  • Declined by as much as 40
  • Northern China saw biggest loss
  • Yangzi Valley saw an increase
  • Possible reasons for this
  • Warfare
  • Flooding of Yellow River
  • North-south migration
  • Spread of diseases including the Plague

Scientific Exchange
  • Exchange of knowledge was especially common
    between Iran and China because of
  • Good relations
  • Similar economic policies
  • Interest in sponsoring intellectual pursuits
  • China imported Il-khan science and technology
  • Il-khans imported Chinese scholars and texts

Fall of Yuan Empire
  • 1368 Chinese leader Zhu Yuanzhang brought an
    end to years of chaos and rebellion by
    overthrowing the Mongols.
  • He established the Ming Empire.
  • Mongols held power in Mongolia, Turkestan, and
    Central Asia.
  • Were able to disrupt Chinese overland trade.

Zhu Yuanzhang
Early Ming Empire
  • 1368-1500

Establishing the Ming
  • Founded by Zhu Yuanzhang in 1368
  • He had previously been a monk, soldier, and
  • Regime established capital in Nanjing and made
    efforts to
  • reject the culture of the Mongols
  • Close off trade relations with Central Asia and
    Middle East
  • Reassert primacy of Confucian ideology

Yuan Practices
  • Ming actually continued many institutions and
    practices that had been introduced during the
  • Areas of continuity include
  • Provincial structure
  • Use of hereditary professional categories
  • Mongol calendar
  • Use of Beijing as a capital

Reestablishing Trade
  • 1405-1433 Ming dispatched a series of
    expeditions to Southeast Asia and the Indian
    Ocean under the Muslim admiral Zheng He.
  • Goals
  • Reestablish trade links with Middle East
  • Bring Southeast Asian countries and overseas
    Chinese populations under Chinese control.

Zheng Hes Expeditions
  • Retraced routes that were well established.
  • Imported some luxury goods to China
  • Added as many as 50 countries to Chinas list of
  • Not a significant increase in long-distance
    trade, so this was not profitable.

Zheng He
  • Less technological innovation at this time than
    during the Song.
  • Chinese lost knowledge of how to make
    high-quality bronze and steel.
  • Reasons for slowdown
  • High cost of metals and wood
  • Revival of civil service examination system
  • Labor glut
  • Lack of pressure
  • Fear of technology transfer

Innovation in Asia
Korea and Japan moved ahead of China in
technological innovation.
  • Korea excelled in
  • Firearms
  • Shipbuilding
  • Meteorology
  • Calendar making
  • Japan excelled in
  • Mining
  • Metallurgy
  • Novel household goods

Ming Achievement
  • Period of great wealth, consumerism, and cultural
  • Vernacular novels written at this time
  • Water Margin
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms
  • Also known for porcelain-making, and for other
    goods like furniture, lacquered screens, and silk.

Ming Creations
Centralization and Militarism in East Asia
  • 1200-1500

Korea, Mongols, and Koryo
  • Leaders initially resisted Mongol invasions but
    gave up in 1258 when king of Koryo surrendered
    and joined his family to the Mongols by marriage.
  • Koryo kings fell under the influence of the

  • Korea profited from exchange with the Yuan in
    which new technologies were introduced. Some
    examples include
  • Cotton
  • Astronomy
  • Gunpowder
  • Calendar making
  • Celestial clocks

Collapse and Rise
  • Koryo collapsed shortly after the fall of the
  • Replaced by Yi dynasty.
  • Yi reestablished local identity and restored the
    status of Confucian scholarship.
  • Maintained Mongol administrative practices and

Innovations of the Yi
  • Moveable type in copper frames
  • Meteorological science
  • Local calendar
  • Use of fertilizer
  • Engineering of reservoirs
  • Grew many cash crops at this time

Korean Military Technology
  • Patrol ships with mounted cannons
  • Gunpowder arrow-launchers
  • Armored ships

Mongol Invasion of Japan
  • Happened in 1274 and was unsuccessful.
  • Decentralized lords of Kamakura Japan developed a
    greater sense of unity as a result.
  • Shogun centralized planning and preparation for a
    second assault.

Second Mongol Invasion
  • Happened in 1281. Defeated by defensive
    preparations and a typhoon.
  • Kamakura regime continued to prepare for further
    invasions, but these were very expensive.

Kamakura Shogunate Falls
  • Destroyed in a civil war.
  • Ashikaga shogunate established in 1338.
  • Ashikaga period was a weak shogunal state, but
    they had strong provincial lords.
  • These lords developed markets, religious
    institutions, schools, increased agricultural
    production, and artistic creativity.

Onin War
  • War took place in 1477.
  • After this war, the shogunate exercised no power
    and the provinces were controlled by independent
    regional lords who fought with each other.
  • Regional lords also carried out trade with
    continental Asia.

Emergence of Vietnam
  • Divided into two states
  • Chinese-influenced Annam in the north
  • Indian-influenced Champa in the south
  • Mongols extracted tribute from both states
  • After fall of Yuan Empire, the two states began
    to fight with each other

Rule by Chinese and Annam
  • Ming ruled Annam through puppet government for
    almost 30 years in the early fifteenth century
    until their control was thrown off in 1428.
  • By 1500 Annam had completely conquered Champa and
    established a Chinese-style government over all
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