State Safety Partners Authorization Proposals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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State Safety Partners Authorization Proposals


Provide $10 Million to complete the modernization of the Commercial Driver Licensing ... A drunk driving program based on ... The purpose is to assess the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: State Safety Partners Authorization Proposals

State Safety PartnersAuthorization Proposals
  • Larry Tibbits, Moderator
  • Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety
  • April 29, 2009

State Safety Partners
  • AASHTO Larry Tibbits
  • AAMVA Neil Schuster
  • CVSA -
  • GHSA Barbara Harsha
  • IACP Dick Ashton

Outline of Discussion
  • State Safety Partner Proposals
  • Areas of Common Interest
  • Federal Perspective, Joe Toole
  • Questions and Answers

AASHTO Reauthorization Proposals
  • Refocus the federal program on six national
    objectives, including safety, reducing
    fatalities, serious injuries and property loss
    and states will develop specific performance
    measures in these areas.
  • Congress should adopt a National goal of halving
    fatalities over two decades call for and fund a
    National Summit on Highway Safety.
  • Provide 500,000 to fund a National Summit on
    Highway Safety to include USDOT, members of
    Congress, state transportation and safety
    officials, and safety advocates.
  • Provide 3 million a year to fund a joint
    AASHTO-GHSA Safety Center of Excellence.

AASHTO Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • Increase Highway Safety funding for all safety
    programs commensurate with increases in other
    core programs. Funding for the entire highway
    program should be 375 billion.
  • Increase the flexibility provided with these
    funds so states can apply these resources to
    their most pressing safety needs as identified in
    their Strategic Highway Safety Plans.
  • Continue the current funding for High Risk Rural
    Road Program.

AASHTO Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • Eliminate the requirement to report the top five
    percent of locations in each state which exhibit
    the most severe highway safety needs.
  • Update the Safe Routes to School Program to
    increase its focus on pedestrian safety and
    coordination with a States SHSP.
  • Continue the requirement that states develop and
    implement strategic highway safety plans. Each
    State must update their plans at least once
    during the authorization cycle and establish an
    aggressive fatality reduction goal to help
    achieve the national goal.

AASHTO Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • Provide 20 million per year to enhance the NHTSA
    State Data System, and ensure that the collection
    of data needed to support safety analysis for all
    public roads are eligible for HSIP and NHTSA
    safety funding.
  • Provide 500,000 to AASHTO and GHSA to develop
    guidance for states implementing a
    data-collection-analysis system.
  • Support a national effort, led by NHTSA, to
    develop and recommend model statutes and best
    practices to the States on ways to drive down
    fatalities, including rigorous enforcement and
    adjudication of those laws. (750,000 per year)

AASHTO Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • Incorporate technical safety improvements in
    vehicles more expeditiously through federal
    incentives, regulations, and research and
    development initiatives.
  • Enhance the level of funding for safety research,
    development and technology, and expand the
    coordination between research entities. Increase
    funding for safety research in the following
    areas ITS RD (150 million per year) Overall
    FHWA research (200 Million per year) SHRP2
    Research (75 million per year) NHTSA research
    (20 million per year) FMCSA research (15
    million per year)

AASHTO Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • Eliminate safety research designations that have
    not been identified as part of the National
    Agenda on Highway Safety.
  • Provide 1 million to FHWA to quantify and
    qualify the benefits of the safety aspects of
    other modes (transit, non-motorized) and provide
    1 million to NHTSA to study certain vehicle and
    behavioral safety issues.
  • Provide 10 Million to complete the modernization
    of the Commercial Driver Licensing Information
    System (CDLIS) needed to fully implement "One
    Driver-One Record." Also provide 14 Million in
    General Fund support thru the DHS for the final
    phase of the information hub to allow motor
    vehicle agencies to implement a one-driver one
    license system.

AAMVA Reauthorization Proposals
  • Provide states an additional 10 Million in
    funding to modernize and improve the CDLIS.
  • Provide an additional 3 Million per year to
    fund the National Driver Register to accommodate
    increased network traffic and to ensure
    appropriate staffing resources.

GHSA Reauthorization Proposals
  • A comprehensive, national strategic highway
    safety plan involving all levels of the
    government and the private sector.
  • The goal of zero fatalities with an interim goal
    of halving fatalities by 2030 
  • A single grant application, a uniform application
    deadline and all grant allocations on Oct.
  • Greater flexibility between behavioral programs.
  • Increased funding of 100 million a year for the
    Section 408 data improvements program.

GHSA Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • Increased funding of 100 million a year for the
    Section 408 data improvements program.
  • Support performance based behavioral safety
    programs and the GHSA has been working with
    NHTSA to develop performance measures.
  • A new speed management incentive grant.
  • A drunk driving program based on known effective

GHSA Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • A single occupant protection program.
  • A more comprehensive motorcyclist safety program
    funded at 20 or 25 million
  • Add a requirement that SHSPs have to be updated
    at least once between reauthorizations, change
    the flex language and add a requirement that the
    SRTS program be part of the SHSP process.
  • Continued general opposition to sanctions but
    maintaining the National Minimum Drinking Age

IACP Reauthorization Proposals
  • CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY Development of incentive
    programs to provide additional highway safety
    funds for intensified education, training, and
    enforcement programs.
  • IGNITION INTERLOCKS Increased emphasis on
    interlocks, such as funding demonstration
    projects and providing States access to incentive
    funding for passing and strengthening their
    interlock laws.
    oppose any efforts to reduce the legal drinking
    age from 21 to a lower age.

IACP Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • IMPAIRED DRIVING Effective impaired driving
    legislation should contain .08 percent blood
    alcohol content, repeat impaired driver
    provisions, open container laws, a minimum
    drinking age of 21, and zero tolerance by the
    states and territories. Support legislation and
    policies that would increase the ability of law
    enforcement agencies to identify and apprehend
    drugged drivers. Support legislation that would
    specify that a person operating a motor vehicle
    with any detectable amount of a controlled
    substance present in their system can be charged
    with drug impaired driving.
  • MOTORCYCLE SAFETY Take action to reduce
    motorcycle fatalities and promote motorcycle

IACP Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
    the development of a National Registry of
    Commercial Drivers that would be available to
    licensing agencies, law enforcement, and the
    motor carrier industry.
  • POLICE PURSUIT Oppose legislation that would
    require law enforcement agencies to conform their
    pursuit policies to a national standard. Enact
    legislation that would make funds available to
    allow states and local jurisdictions to upgrade
    police driving training facilities, develop
    pursuit reporting systems, purchase pursuit
    ending technology, and support further federal
    research into electronic and other counter
    measures to safely apprehend fleeing vehicles.

IACP Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
    Increase federal funding for Public Safety Radio
    Communications Interoperability.Support
    standards that promote interoperability. New or
    upgraded systems and new equipment should, for
    the most part, be compatible with a suite of
    standards called ANSI/TIA/EIA-102 Phase I
    Increased funding should be provided for
    innovative and the sustainment of successful
    highway safety programs and to place added
    emphasis on addressing the human factors that
    cause the majority of highway crashes.
    Consistent enforcement of traffic laws provides
    immediate payback in terms of reduced deaths,
    injuries and property damage.

CVSA Reauthorization Proposals
  • More flexibility in state grant programs. Overall
    MCSAP funding must be increased, the match
    requirements relaxed and it must provide for more
    flexibility in its administration and execution.
  • Establish a more effective Compliance Review
    process. Compliance Reviews should be streamlined
    and be able to target specific issues or problem
  • Exemptions from federal motor carrier safety
    regulations. All interstate exemptions whether
    obtained through the regulatory or legislative
    process in the past should be sunsetted on a date
    certain in the future. All exemption requests
    must be applied for through the regulatory

CVSA Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • Create more uniformity in regulations and
    enforcement affecting inter and intrastate
    operations, needs to be clear statutory authority
    provided to both FMCSA personnel and the States.
  • Maintenance of effort (MOE) formula revision,
    should be dispensed with or reconfigured along
    functional and performance-based lines.
  • Strengthen the new entrant program by providing a
    stronger enforcement component.

CVSA Reauthorization Proposals (Cont.)
  • Establish a single point of carrier registration,
    credentialing and safety data access that
    combines the common data elements of the
    six major registration programs.
  • Ensure that funding for education and outreach
    remains at 100 and make more funding available
    for state initiatives.
  • Drug and alcohol testing, fund the development
    and deployment of a national clearinghouse, with
    appropriate privacy safeguards for drivers, and
    strict access controls for authorized use.

Areas of Common Interests
  • All the State Safety Partners have adopted a
    similar goal Reducing Fatalities by Half in 20
  • Increase flexibility to use funds to solve
    locally identified problems.
  • Improved and increase the data collection and

Areas of Common Interest (Cont.)
  • Safety programs should be performance based.
  • Build off Strategic Highway Safety Plan from
    Safetea-Lu. Ensure they are updated and
  • Increase coordination and communication between
    all the stakeholders with a role in roadway

DOT Discussion
  • Joe Toole, Associate Administrator for FHWA
    Office of Safety

Question and Answer
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