Title: Posi-Joist
1Open Web Joists
2Open Web Joists
3What is an Open Web Joist?
- In Essence they are Warren Girders
- Manufactured from
- TR26 Grade Truss Timber
- Steel Webs
4Common Questions
- What depths do they come in?
With 47mm timber on flat, there are 6 sizes of
web / joist
Strut Size Overall Depth Gap Depth
PS8 202mm 108mm
PS9N 225mm 131mm
PS10N 254mm 160mm
PS12 302mm 208mm
PS14N 373mm 279mm
PS16N 421mm 327mm
There are also a number of factors to consider
here, like span, centres, flange width and
loading conditions.
Beams may also be on edge
6Common Questions
- What depths do they come in?
- How are they made?
7Strut Runner
- Joists can also be made on a normal truss press
but there may be problems restraining the top
edge of the timber using standard truss clamps
8Common Questions
- What depths do they come in?
- How are they made?
- What width flanges to they have?
9Flange Widths
- 47mm on edge
- 72mm - 147mm on flat
- Maximum 4ply on edge
- Maximum 2 ply on flat (Up to 294mm)
On a standard run of joists you ideally want the
flange width to be 72mm or 97mm on flat.
Maximum recommended chords on edge are 97mm
10Common Questions
- What depths do they come in?
- How are they made?
- What width flanges to they have?
- How do they compare in price to solid timber and
Singly, they may be a little more expensive.
and fit quicker
Span further
They Give better access for services
The overall job is cheaper
11Benefits of Open Web Joist
12Access for Services
Note soil pipe next to the bearing
13Access for Services
14Benefits of Open Web Joist
- Access for services
- Larger spans than cut timber I-Joist
15I-Joist Span Tables
- 241 deep, Series 550 Joist _at_ Rating 45 Spans 4.3m
16Open Web Joist Spans
- 254 deep PS10N Spans 5.14m Thats 0.84m more
17Open Web Joist Spans
- Based on 400mm centres and standard loads
72mm 97mm 122mm 147mm
PS 8 4880 5210 5480 5695
PS 9N 5100 5430 5685 5900
PS 10N 5520 5880 6160 6400
PS 12 6330 6760 7120 7410
18Benefits of Open Web Joist
- Access for services
- Larger spans than cut timber I-Joist
- Inherently stable faster assembly, minimal
19I-Joist Bracing Requirements
20Open Web Joist Bracing Requirements
21Benefits of Open Web Joist
- Access for services
- Larger spans than cut timber I-Joist
- Inherently stable faster assembly, minimal
bracing - Light weight
22Benefits of Open Web Joist
- Access for services
- Larger spans than cut timber I-Joist
- Inherently stable faster assembly, minimal
bracing - Light weight
- Rigid design easier manual handling than
23Benefits of Open Web Joist
- Access for services
- Larger spans than cut timber I-Joist
- Inherently stable faster assembly, minimal
bracing - Light weight
- Rigid design easier manual handling than
I-Joist - Squeak free cross grain shrinkage is minimal
24Benefits of Open Web Joist
- Access for services
- Larger spans than cut timber I-Joist
- Inherently stable faster assembly, minimal
bracing - Light weight
- Rigid design easier manual handling than
I-Joist - Squeak free cross grain shrinkage is minimal
- Versatility
25Open Web Joist Versatility
26Open Web Joist Versatility
27Trend towards Multi-Storey Dwellings
28Open Web Joist Growth Since 1997