1The All Sufficiency Of The Bible
Luke 1629-31
2The All Sufficiency Of The Gospel
- The Gospel Is Perfect. cf. James 125
- The Gospel Is powerful. (Rom. 116)
- Complete deliverance from sin and death. (Rom.
118ff 21ff 323 Gal. 310-11) - The Gospel Is Complete. (Jude 3 2 Pet. 13 2
Tim. 316-17)
3The All Sufficiency Of The Gospel
- The Gospel Is Enduring.
- Mt. 2435 Word will not pass away
- 1 Pet. 125 Word abideth.
- The Gospel Is The Standard By Which We Will Be
Judged. Jno. 1248
4The Bible Is All-Sufficient In The Knowledge It
Communicates It reveals
- 1. The original state, fall and consequent ruin -
misery of man. Gen. 2-3 - 2. The way of our recovery through Christ. Luke
1910 Heb. 58-9
5The Bible Is All-Sufficient In The Knowledge It
Communicates It reveals
- 3. The character, offices, doctrine and work of
our Redeemer. - Prophet, priest, king, mediator, Savior,
counselor. Heb. 11-3 1 Tim. 25 - Foundation 1 Cor. 311, head Col. 118, door
Jno. 109 of church. - 4. The doctrine of the resurrection Jno. 528-29
1 Cor. 15
6The Bible Is All-Sufficient In The Knowledge It
Communicates It Reveals
- 5. The beauties of heaven.
- 6. The horrors of hell.
7Heaven - The place of...
- Everlasting Bliss! Rev. 716-17 Rev. 214
- Fellowship in The Light of Gods Glory!
Rev. 2122-25 - The Faithful of All Ages! Mt. 811 Heb. 11
- The city foursquare A Paradise!
Rev. 2116-21 - Ultimate Purity! Rev. 2127
- Of Eternal Rest For the Souls of The Faithful!
Rev. 1413
8Hell - The Place of...
- Everlasting Torment Punishment!
Rev. 1410-11 - Anguish, Agony Despair! Mt. 812
- Separation from God! 2 Thess. 17-9
- The Devil, His Angels All Disobedient!
Mt. 2541 Rev. 218 - The Lake of Everlasting Fire Brimstone! Rev.
2010, 14, 15 - Never Ending Doom, Death Destruction! Mk.
9The Bible Is All- Sufficient In The Duties It
- 1. The proper relation between man and his
fellow-man. Mt. 712 - 2. Our duty to the government.
Rom. 131-2 Acts 529 - 3. Duty of servants to masters and masters to
servants. Eph. 65-9 - 4. Of parents and children to each other. Eph.
10The Bible Is All- Sufficient In The Duties It
- 5. Of the wife to the husband. Eph. 522-24 1
Cor. 74-5 - 6. Of the husband to the wife. Eph. 525-31 1
Cor. 73-5 - 7. Our duty to God. Ecc. 1213-14
- 8. Our duty to our family. 1 Tim. 58
11The Bible Is All- Sufficient In The Duties It
- 9. Rules and regulations of conduct.
1 Cor. 924-27 - Of tongue. Jms. 31-19
- Of thoughts. Prov. 423 Phil. 48
- Of affections. Col. 31 1 Jno. 215-16
- 10. Toward our enemies. Mt. 543ff
12The Bible Is All- Sufficient In The Cautions And
Admonitions Furnished.
- 1. It reveals all the sources of evil and peril
to which exposed - The deceitfulness of sin. Heb. 312 Gal. 67-8
- The flattery of the world. 1 Jno. 215-17
2 Cor. 617-18 - The wiles (trickery) of Satan. Eph. 610-18
13The Bible Is All- Sufficient In The Cautions And
Admonitions Furnished.
- 2. It admonishes us of the evil of self
- Self-righteousness. Mt. 61-5 2 Cor. 1012
- Self-conceit. 1 Cor. 1012 Prov. 37, 2612
Rom. 123 - Self-justification. Lk. 1025-29
14The Bible Is All- Sufficient In The Cautions And
Admonitions Furnished.
- 3. It admonishes us
- Of the danger of presumption. Lk. 1219
- Of the evils of slothfulness. Heb. 612
Rev. 315-17 - Of the perils of procrastination. Acts 1732
2435 - Of the brevity of life. Jms. 414
- Of the uncertainty of time. Job 925 Heb. 927
- Of the realities of the judgment. Mt. 2531-32
Acts 1731 2 Cor. 510
15The Bible Is All- Sufficient In The Promises And
Threatening It Proclaims.
- 1. Promises
- Everlasting life. Jno. 141-2 Rom. 814-16 Mt.
2546 - 2. Threatens
- Everlasting punishment. 2 Thess. 17-9 Mt.
2541 Rev. 2015
16The Bible Is All- Sufficient In
- In The Knowledge It Communicates.
- The Duties It Prescribes.
- The Cautions And Admonitions Furnished.
- The Promises And Threatening It Proclaims.
17 If The Bible Is All- Sufficient Then Why Dont
All Obey It
- Answer
- God has assured us that when His word is preached
that it shall not return unto Him void. (Isa.
5511) - If it does not save all men, it is not because
God does not will it so. (1 Tim. 24 2 Pet.
39) - The trouble is some will not come to God!
- John 540 and ye will not come to me, that ye
may have life.
- If you are not a Christian.
- Hear the gospel, Rom. 1017.
- Believe the Gospel, Mark 1615,16.
- Repent of sins, Acts 238.
- Confess faith in Jesus, Acts 837.
- Be Baptized, Acts 2216 Gal. 326-27.
- Obey the gospel which is the power of God unto
salvation (Rom. 116 2 Thess. 17ff)