Decision-Making - Character - Stress - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Decision-Making - Character - Stress


Decision-Making - Character - Stress & Stress Management South Junior High 7th Grade Health Types of Decision-Makers Inactive Decision-Makers - Person who fails to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Decision-Making - Character - Stress

Decision-Making - Character - Stress Stress
  • South Junior High 7th Grade Health

Types of Decision-Makers
  • Inactive Decision-Makers - Person who fails to
    make a decision and that failure leads to a
    negative outcome.
  • Procrastinators
  • Little control over their life
  • Low self-confidence
  • Say yes to doing something without really
    wanting to do it.

Types of Decision Makers
  • Reactive Decision-Makers - Allows others to make
    decisions for them.
  • Easily influenced
  • Feel as though they need to be liked
  • Tend to give away control

Types of Decision-Makers
  • Proactive Decision-Makers - Make evaluated
    decisions and take responsibility for
    consequences both good and bad.
  • Have character
  • Honest
  • Responsible

Types of Decision-Makers
  • Proactive Decision-Makers
  • These people also have a feeling of being
  • Empowered - Feeling of being energized because
    they have control over their decisions and their

The Responsible Decision-Making Model
  • It will always
  • Promote health
  • Protect the safety of others
  • Follow laws
  • Show respect for self and others
  • Follow parents guidelines
  • Demonstrate character

The Responsible Decision-Making Model
  • The Six Steps of the Model
  • Describe the situation that requires a decision.
  • List possible solutions you might make.
  • Share your list with a responsible adult.
  • Question and evaluate your list.
  • Decide on the best solution.
  • Act on your decision.

The Responsible Decision-Making Model
  • Activity 1 Responsible Decision-Making Model.
    In groups of 2 or 3, take a situation that you
    may be confronted with and one that requires a
    well thought out decision. Follow all 6 steps of
    the decision-making model. Record all possible
    situations, explanation of the situation, and
    questions you could use to evaluate. Decide on
    your best solution.

The Responsible Decision-Making Model
  • If you make a wrong decision, you could
  • Take responsibility
  • Dont make excuses
  • Dont try and cover it up
  • Do not continue your actions
  • Make restitution
  • Making good for loss or harm done to others

Character Self-Esteem
  • Character
  • The use of self-control to act in a responsible
  • Resiliency
  • The ability to bounce back and recover from a
    difficult situation.

Character Self-Esteem
  • Self-Esteem
  • Write a list of 10 positive or good things about
  • A persons belief about his or her worth.

Character Self-Esteem
  • Why is it important to have positive self esteem?
  • Make responsible decisions
  • More resilient during difficult times
  • More likely to try new things
  • Expect others to treat you with respect

Character Self-Esteem
  • Activity 2 Character Top Ten. Class will work
    with their tables. Create a list of all the
    things they could do to show that they have good
    character. After 10 minutes, the group must pick
    their best 1 and have one member of the group
    tell the teacher to have it written on the board.
    Each person will then have 2 votes to help
    determine the best 10. As a class we will vote
    to decide our top ten ways to show we have good
    character. After all the votes are taken, number
    the choices, 1-10 and you will write the
    Character Top 10 in your notebook

Character Self-Esteem
  • Activity 3
  • Character bumper sticker. Create a bumper
    sticker that deals with the topic of character.
    Must all fit on the paper provided. Must also be
    colorful, creative, and have a catchy slogan -
    much like any other bumper sticker.

Stress Stress Management
  • Please take out a sheet of paper and number 1-10.
    This quiz will count for half your grade for the
    entire unit.

Stress Stress Management
  • Stress - The response of the body to the demands
    of daily living.
  • Can be good or bad.

Stress Stress Management
  • Stressor - Any source that causes stress.
  • Physical
  • Mental (tests, abuse, etc.)
  • Social (peer pressure)
  • Environmental (pollution, heat, etc.)
  • Stress cannot be avoided
  • Present in almost every situation and some people
    handle it better than others.

Stress Stress Management
  • General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) - A series of
    body changes that result from stress. - Fight or
    Flight Response

Stress Stress Management
  • Three stages of G.A.S
  • 1. Alarm Stage
  • -Adrenaline is released
  • -Body is ready for quick action
  • 2. Resistance stage
  • -Body attempts to regain internal balance
  • 3. Exhaustion Stage
  • -Body is tired
  • -Injury can occur if body stays in this
    state for long period of time.

The General Adaptation Syndrome
Stress Stress Management
  • Activity 4
  • Stress prevention and protection. The board is
    split in 2 half. One side for stress prevention
    and one side for stress management. What is
    difference? List ideas the class comes up with
    to prevent stress and ways to protect their
    health in stressful times.

Stress Stress Management
  • Activity 5
  • Time and money budget. These are 2 of the
    greatest stressors in many peoples lives. If we
    know how t o manage these 2 resources, we may
    have less worries in the long run!

  • Unit Review - Complete the crossword puzzle /
    word find.
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