Assault An enemy position - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Assault An enemy position


... into enemy flanks and/or bypass routes around any known obstacles. c. Sends SPOTREP/SITREP (voice or digital) to the commander recommending course of action. d. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Assault An enemy position

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Assault An enemy position
  • CONDITION The tank platoon is operating as part
    of a company team or cavalry troop during
    tactical operations and receives a OPORD/FRAGO to
    conduct an assault. The commander has positioned
    the remainder of the unit support by fire
    positions. The platoon may or may not be in its
    assault position.

  • TASK STANDARD The platoon successfully executes
    the assault, destroying all enemy forces or
    forcing them to displace off the objective

  • 1. Platoon leader receives and analyzes the
  • a. Determines location of the objective.
  • b. If METT-T allows, determines location of the
    assault position (the last covered and concealed
    position en route to the objective) if the
    position is not specified in the FRAGO.
  • c. Identifies covered and concealed routes to the
    assault position (If not specified in the FRAGO)
    and, if applicable, uses waypoints or POSNAV to
    assist in navigation.

  • d. Confirms commander's direct and indirect fire
    scheme of maneuver (who has indirect fire
    control when to lift and shift fires).
  • e. Coordinates with supporting elements (as
  • f. Issues FRAGO to the platoon.

  • 2. Platoon conducts tactical movement to the
    assault position (see task 17-3-1016).
  • a. Employs appropriate formation and movement
  • NOTE In many situations, bounding overwatch will
    be the most advantageous technique.
  • b. Orients weapon systems to provide 360-degree
    security during movement.
  • c. If necessary, engages enemy forces

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  • 3. If the platoon is unable to occupy an assault
    position, platoon leader determines/designates
    tactical information and relays it to the platoon
    and/or commander while on the move toward the
  • a. Collects and disseminates updated enemy
    information from and to TCs, overwatch force(s),
    support force(s), and the commander.
  • b. As the situation permits, designates TRPs,
    targets, and routes through the objective. OR

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  • 4. Platoon occupies the assault position.
  • a. Comes on line within the assault position
    (turret-down or hull-down positions, if METT-T
  • b. Scans objective to determine enemy type, size,
    and locations and types and locations of any
  • c. Conducts final checks of vehicles, weapons,
    and equipment and reports to the platoon leader
    when prepared to assault.

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  • 5. Platoon leader analyzes the situation and
    makes final preparations.
  • NOTE This task step takes place as the platoon
    prepares for the assault, either while on the
    move as in task step 3 above or after it has
    occupied the assault position as in task step 4.
  • a. IAW METT-T, develops an estimate of the
    situation to determine additional courses of
    action that may be required by the platoon and/or
    company team prior to and after the assault but
    that were not in the commander's original

  • b. Determines composition and disposition of the
    enemy force occupying the objective and
    identifies route(s) into enemy flanks and/or
    bypass routes around any known obstacles.
  • c. Sends SPOTREP/SITREP (voice or digital) to the
    commander recommending course of action.
  • d. Relays pertinent information from the
    commander to the TCs as it is received.
  • e. As necessary, designates TRPs, targets, and
    routes through the objective.

  • 6. Platoon leader orders the platoon to assault.
  • a. Specifies weapons orientation and limit of
  • b. Requests direct and/or indirect fires to
    suppress known or suspected enemy forces on or
    within range of the objective

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  • 7. Platoon executes the assault.
  • a. Moves out on line.
  • b. Maintains forward momentum along designated
    route(s) or IAW OPORD/FRAGO.
  • c. Ensures that supporting fires are lifted and
    shifted beyond objective as necessary (platoon

  • d. Employs all weapon systems to destroy or
    suppress enemy elements on the objective.
  • e. If the objective is defensible, moves to its
    designated position on the objective. OR
  • f. If objective is not defensible, assaults
    through the objective to occupy defensible
    terrain beyond it IAW the commander's intent.

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  • 8. Platoon occupies defensible positions.
  • a. Executes steps for hasty occupation of a BP.
  • b. Continues to use direct/indirect fires as
    appropriate to destroy identified enemy elements

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  • 9. Platoon leader reports the situation (voice or
  • a. Compiles SITREPS (voice or digital) from TCs.
  • b. Submits SITREPS (voice or digital) to the
    commander as necessary.

  • 10. Platoon conducts consolidation and
    reorganization (see task 12-3-C021).
  • a. Eliminates any remaining enemy resistance,
    establishes security, and prepares to respond to
    any possible enemy counterattacks
  • b. Takes necessary steps to prepare for continued
    fighting (reorganization).

Assault an enemy position
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