The Senior AIDES Program Who Are We? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Senior AIDES Program Who Are We?


Title: Slide 1 Author: scarroll Last modified by: scarroll Created Date: 9/28/2004 9:46:18 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Senior AIDES Program Who Are We?

The Senior AIDES ProgramWho Are We?
Insert Project Name is the Senior AIDES
Program sponsor for insert counties in
insert state.
Mission of the Program
  • Serves adults age 55 or older living at or below
    poverty level
  • Trains seniors in positions with local
    non-profits or government organizations that
    serve the needs of the community
  • Leads to job positions outside of the program and
    economic self-sufficiency

Why Is the Program Needed?
  • Seniors are living an average of 18 years longer
  • Nearly 6 million adults age 55 or older in the
    U.S. lived in poverty during 2002
  • In 2002, 14 of the workforce was 55 or older. By
    2012, this number is expected to rise to 19

Source U.S. Administration on Aging
Who Benefits?
  • Seniorsgain skills and means for economic
  • Local non-profits or government
    organizationspaid position
  • Local employersstrong hiring pool

Who Participates?
Gender Male ?? Female ??
Insert data from your QPR
Who Participates?
Education Level 8th grade and under ?? 9th
11th grade ?? High school equivalent ?? 1-3
years college ?? 4 years college ??
Insert data from your QPR
Who Participates?
Ethnic Group White/Not Hispanic ?? Black/Not
Hispanic ?? Hispanic ?? Indian/Alaskan
Native ?? Asian ?? Native Hawaiian/Pacific
Islander ??
Insert data from your QPR
Who Participates?
Age 55-59 ?? 60-64 ?? 65-69 ?? 70-74
?? 75 and over ??
Insert data from your QPR
How Does It Help the Community?
Types of service to the older community Health
?? Housing/Home Rehab ?? Employment
Assistance ?? Recreation/Senior
Centers ?? Nutrition Programs ?? Transportati
on ?? Outreach/Referral ??
Insert data from your QPR
How Is It Funded?
Project Name receives a grant from Senior
Service America to serve as a local sponsor of
the Senior AIDES Program. The Senior AIDES
Program is the Senior Community Service
Employment Program (SCSEP) of Senior Service
America. It is funded by a grant from the U.S.
Department of Labor, Employment and Training
Administration. Senior AIDES is an equal
opportunity program. Auxiliary aids and services
are available upon request to individuals with
disabilities. The program was created under Title
V of the Older Americans Act.
What are the Goals of the Program?
In 2004-2005, Project Nameaims to enroll ??
seniors in the program to receive valuable job
training. (insert 150 enrollment goal)
What are the Goals of the Program?
In 2004-2005, Project Name aims to assist??
seniors in finding and retaining permanent
employment. (insert 37 unsubsidized goal)
Success Story
Add photos, quotes, testimonials from Senior
Aides. See next slide for video tips.
Tips for Success Story on Video
Nothing tells the story of your program better
than a Senior Aide. If you have a Senior Aide who
is comfortable speaking and doesnt mind sharing
his or her story, bring him or her along with you
to speak. Another option Videotape a testimonial
from a Senior Aide. If you cant pay a
professional to shoot it, try contacting your
local college media centers and recruit a
student. Often students can use these projects
for credit and they have access to video editing
equipment as well. Have several Senior Aides give
a brief quote, or do a short interview with a
Senior Aide. If your story is shot on tape,
contact a local digital video service provider
and ask them to transfer the tape to digital for
you. Be sure to tell them that youre using the
piece for Powerpoint so that they create the
right type of file for you (Windows Media File,
Quicktime or MPG-1) . Ask them to do the
production free of charge or at a discount,
especially if youre a 501c3. In exchange, add a
credit for their business in your presentation or
offer to share their business cards or flyers
with colleagues. Once you have your digital video
file, it can be easily placed into your
Powerpoint presentation. Simply, go to Insertgt
Movies and SoundsgtFrom File and place the video
on the desired slide.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact Project
Director Phone Number E-mail Reminder Stock
up on Senior Aides brochures and place your
business cards in them.
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