Title: Changes in Medieval Society 1000 - 1300
1Changes in Medieval Society1000 - 1300
How Europe Emerged from the Dark Ages
- Increase in _____supply and population
- Development of Guilds
- Revival of _________
- Growth of ___________and Cities
- Revival of _________
2Changes in Medieval Society
Growing Food Supply
- Climate grew ________between 800-1000
- Development of a new ________for horses improved
____________techniques - New system of ______ rotation
3Changes in Medieval Society
Improvements in Farming
Two Field System 600 Acres
Planted 300 Acres
Fallow 300 Acres
4Changes in Medieval Society
Improvements in Farming
Three Field System 600 Acres
Wheat or Rye 200 Acres
Barley, Peas, Oats, Beans 200 Acres
Fallow 200 Acres
5Revival of Towns and Trade
Population of Europe
42 Million
30 Million
1150 AD
1000 AD
6Changes in Medieval Society
Medieval Guilds
- Merchant ________ - Formed by _________in a town.
- Members had ______________ rights
- Set standards of ________ for members
- Provided welfare and ________for members
families - Craft _______ -Associations of a particular trade
or craft - Set ________ for goods and services
- Regulated wages, hours, and labor conditions
- Established an ____________system for training
7(No Transcript)
8Changes in Medieval Society
Trade Fairs
Local ______- Small community fairs where local
merchants exchanged ________ Great _____ - Large
trade fairs held four times a year in which
traveling ___________ sold goods from throughout
the world. They created a large ____________ for
eastern goods and led to widespread trade.
9Changes in Medieval Society
10Changes in Medieval Society
The Commercial Revolution Commercial ___________
The expansion of _____ and changes in __________
practices Capitalism - __________ system in which
individuals invest ____________in order to
produce profits.
11Changes in Medieval Society
- Urban Life Flourishes
- The _________ of Towns and Cities
- ________ (Serfs) often fled to ______ from
manors. After living in a ______ for a year and a
day, they became free - Burgh - A walled _________
- Burgher - A _______ who lived in a _______
- Bourgeoisie - Town dwellers in ________. Later
evolved into the ______________
Class -
12Characteristics of Medieval Towns
1.Usually located on _____ of a hill or
on a riverbend and surrounded by a
_______ 2. Population generally 5000-10,000 3.
Usually had a ___________, town hall, and _____
halls. _______ were dark and dirty. Plagues
often swept through towns.
13Medieval Education
As ______ grew, associations for learning and
teaching were established and became known as
______________ The major universities were
founded in the 12th Century.
14Medieval Universities