Review of Implementation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Review of Implementation


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Title: Review of Implementation

Government of Karnataka WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT
Review of Implementation of PMKSY-WD (erstwile
I W M P)
(20 - 21st November, 2015 )
7th 8th floor,KHB Annex, Cauvery Bhavan, K G
Road, Bangalore-9 http//
Performance of IWMP projects The State-wise
projects sanctioned, area sanctioned funds
released under IWMP during 2009-10, 2010-11,
2011-12,2012-12, 2013-14, 2014-15
and 2015-16 unspent balance is as below
Area in lakh ha Rs. in Crore
S. No. State 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 2011-12
S. No. State No. of projects Area Amt Released No. of projects Area Amt Released No. of projects Area Amt Released
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Karnataka 119 4.91 533 127 5.46 574.86 116 5.48 257.72
  Grand Total 119 4.91 533 127 5.5 574.86 116 5.5 257.72
Performance of IWMP projects The State-wise
projects sanctioned, area sanctioned funds
released under IWMP during 2009-10, 2010-11,
2011-12,2012-12, 2013-14, 2014-15
and 2015-16 unspent balance is as below
Area in lakh ha Rs. in Crore
S. No. State 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 2013-14 2014-15 2014-15 2014-15
S. No. State No. of projects Area Amt Released No. of projects Area Amt Released No. of projects Area Amt Released
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 Karnataka 68 3.32 64.27 63 3.22 23.67 78 3.26 5.06
  Grand Total 68 3.3 64.27 63 3.22 23.67 78 3.3 5.06
Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund)
Opening Balance as on (01/04/2013) Project Funds Released April to September 2013 Project Funds Released April to September 2013 Project Funds Released April to September 2013 Project Funds Released April to September 2013 Total Available Funds Exp. Incurred Upto June 2013 Exp. Percentage () Balance Amount
Opening Balance as on (01/04/2013) Central Share State Share Other Receipts Total Total Available Funds Exp. Incurred Upto June 2013 Exp. Percentage () Balance Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12547.08 31186.85 3465.35 264.07 34916.27 47463.350 26377.07 55.88 20822.21
Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013.
Performance of IWMP projects The State-wise
projects sanctioned, area sanctioned funds
released under IWMP during 2009-10, 2010-11,
2011-12,2012-12, 2013-14, 2014-15
and 2015-16 unspent balance is as below
Area in lakh ha Rs. in Crore
S. No. State 2015-16 Total Fund released Total Fund released Total fund released Unspent Balance as on 31.10.15
S. No. State Amt Released Central State Total fund released Unspent Balance as on 31.10.15
1 2 21  22 23 24 25
1 Karnataka 0 1328.81 147.65 1476.465 23.13
  Grand Total 0 1328.8 147.65 1476.46 23.13
During 2015-16 GOI Released Rs. 149.60 cr. To
the State Govt but it is not yet credited to
SLNA account (Out of 149.60 cr Department of
Land Resources Released 125.00 cr . Department of
Agriculture and cooperation Released Rs.24.60
Cr. )
Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund) Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP (Project Fund)
Opening Balance as on (01/04/2013) Project Funds Released April to September 2013 Project Funds Released April to September 2013 Project Funds Released April to September 2013 Project Funds Released April to September 2013 Total Available Funds Exp. Incurred Upto June 2013 Exp. Percentage () Balance Amount
Opening Balance as on (01/04/2013) Central Share State Share Other Receipts Total Total Available Funds Exp. Incurred Upto June 2013 Exp. Percentage () Balance Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12547.08 31186.85 3465.35 264.07 34916.27 47463.350 26377.07 55.88 20822.21
Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013. Order for the state share have been received, amount not yet realised The Tentative financial progress till 25th October 2013 is Rs 28653.99 lakhs which is about 60.37 percent, The unspent is about Rs.18545.29 lakhs. The Proposal for the IInd Instalment under IWMP will be submitted during 1st week of November-2013.
FORMAT 1.1.1
Year wise Expenditure under IWMP (as on
All amounts are Rs. in Crores
Sl No 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Total
1 11.57 29.23 130.44 404.95 509.28 310.67 57.20 1453.33
FORMAT 1.1.2
Consolidated Monthly Progress Report of IWMP
(Project Fund) (As on 31.10.2015)
All amounts are Rs. in Crores
S.No. Opening Balance as on (1-4-2015) Project Funds Released from April to October 2015 Project Funds Released from April to October 2015 Project Funds Released from April to October 2015 Project Funds Released from April to October 2015 Total Available Funds Expenditure Incurred From April to October-2015 Expenditure Percentage () Balance Amount
S.No. Opening Balance as on (1-4-2015) Central Share State Share Other Receipts Total Total Available Funds Expenditure Incurred From April to October-2015 Expenditure Percentage () Balance Amount
1 80.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.33 57.20 71.21 23.13
(PROJECT FUND) (As on 31.10.2015)
All amounts are Rs. in Crores
Budget Component Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share State share) Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share State share) Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share State share) Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share State share) Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share State share) Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share State share) Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share State share)
Budget Component B-I B-II B-III B-IV B-V B-VI Total
DPR 6.33 2.11 7.12 3.58 0.78 0.00 19.92
EPA 25.31 28.20 28.56 12.11 16.32 3.13 113.63
ICB 18.78 19.69 16.38 7.29 1.35 1.07 64.56
Admin. Cost 42.83 38.00 27.65 8.37 1.75 0.86 119.46
Watershed Work 379.00 414.23 161.69 29.55 2.07 0.00 986.54
Livelihood activities for asset less persons 31.98 30.37 5.85 1.22 1.24 0.00 70.66
Production System microenterprises 37.27 33.05 7.40 0.98 0.00 0.00 78.70
Monitoring 4.16 4.60 1.54 0.59 0.08 0.00 10.96
Evaluation 4.16 4.60 1.54 0.59 0.08 0.00 10.96
Consolidation 1.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.07
Total 550.89 574.85 257.72 64.27 23.67 5.06 1476.46
Savings under other components of the project
in Batch-1 and Batch-2 utilised for watershed
works hence the more progress
(PROJECT FUND) (As on 31.10.2015)
All amounts are Rs. in Crores
Budget Component Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels)
Budget Component B-I B-II B-III B-IV B-V B-VI Total Exp Unspent Balance
DPR 2.37 2.11 2.13 0.60 0.00 0.00 7.21 36.20 23.13
EPA 25.14 26.34 21.35 12.10 12.84 0.00 97.77 86.04 23.13
ICB 16.45 16.46 6.88 2.02 0.00 0.00 41.81 64.76 23.13
Admin. Cost 38.35 35.52 23.09 6.06 0.00 0.00 103.02 86.24 23.13
Watershed Work 391.67 426.67 233.67 33.44 0.00 0.00 1085.45 110.03 23.13
Livelihood activities for asset less persons 19.89 18.37 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.42 54.37 23.13
Production System microenterprises 34.90 30.58 5.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 71.23 90.51 23.13
Monitoring 2.12 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.21 38.43 23.13
Evaluation 2.12 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.21 38.43 23.13
Consolidation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.13
Total 533.00 560.24 293.03 54.22 12.84 0.00 1453.33 98.43 23.13
Savings under other components of the project
in Batch-1 and Batch-2 utilised for watershed
works hence the more progress
(PROJECT FUND) (As on 31.10.2015)
All amounts are Rs. in Crores
Budget Component Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels)
Budget Component B-I B-II B-III B-IV B-V B-VI Total Exp Unspent Balance
DPR 2.37 2.11 2.13 0.60 0.00 0.00 7.21 36.20 23.13
EPA 25.14 26.34 21.35 12.10 12.84 0.00 97.77 86.04 23.13
ICB 16.45 16.46 6.88 2.02 0.00 0.00 41.81 64.76 23.13
Admin. Cost 38.35 35.52 23.09 6.06 0.00 0.00 103.02 86.24 23.13
Watershed Work 391.67 426.67 233.67 33.44 0.00 0.00 1085.45 110.03 23.13
Livelihood activities for asset less persons 19.89 18.37 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.42 54.37 23.13
Production System microenterprises 34.90 30.58 5.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 71.23 90.51 23.13
Monitoring 2.12 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.21 38.43 23.13
Evaluation 2.12 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.21 38.43 23.13
Consolidation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.13
Total 533.00 560.24 293.03 54.22 12.84 0.00 1453.33 98.43 23.13
Savings under other components of the project
in Batch-1 and Batch-2 utilised for watershed
works hence the more progress
Institution No. of experts staff to be engaged as per guideline issued by DoLR No. of experts staff to be engaged as per guideline issued by DoLR No. of experts staff to be engaged as per guideline issued by DoLR No. of experts staff to be engaged as per guideline issued by DoLR No. of experts staff to be engaged as per guideline issued by DoLR No. of experts staff to be engaged as per guideline issued by DoLR No. of experts staff actually engaged No. of experts staff actually engaged No. of experts staff actually engaged No. of experts staff actually engaged No. of experts staff actually engaged No. of experts staff actually engaged Timeline for appointment of remaining experts / staff / office bearers
Institution 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Timeline for appointment of remaining experts / staff / office bearers
SLNA 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 Man power is engaged within budget provided
WCDCs 78 78 78 78 78 78 87 87 87 87 87 87 Man power is engaged within budget provided
PIA / WDTs (it includes NGOs staff) 595 635 580 233 218 263 595 635 580 233 0 0 March--2016
WCs (ECs) 497 521 560 332 322 326 497 521 560 332 0 0 March--2016
TOTAL 5082 5082 5082 5082 5082 5082 3953 3953 3953 3953 3953 3953  
Sl No Item of works Unit Achievement Upto 31.03.2014 Achievemnt during 2014-15 Target for 2015-16 Achievement during 2015-16 (From 1.4.2015 to 31.10.2015) Total Achievement as on 31.10.2015
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 No. of new water harvesting structures created.( Under EPA and Wrks) No. 18545 5326 7944 861 24732
2 No. of old rainwater harvesting structures repaired and renovated No. 510 17 167 6 533
3 Afforestation ( in ha. only) Ha 172015 58771 22302 13882 244668
4 Horticulture (in ha. only) Ha 100899 18255 11564 3691 122845
5 Additional Area brought under Irrigation Ha 29977 7270 12395 2730 37247
6 No. of Self Help Groups (SHGs) formed. No. 14471 1521 0 0 15992
7 Livelihoods (no. of beneficiaries benefited). No. 228497 23957 0 0 252454
Progress in DPR Preparation
State Particulars No. of projects sanctioned No. of DPRs already prepared approved by SLNA Timeline for completion of Remaining DPRs No. of DPRs uploaded in the website of the Nodal Dept. URL of the website No. of projects in which Watershed Works have commenced
Karnataka For projects sanctioned during 2009-10 (B-I) 119 119 Completed 119 http// and http// 119
Karnataka For projects sanctioned during 2010-11 (B-II) 127 127 Completed 127 http// and http// 127
Karnataka For projects sanctioned during 2011-12 (B-III) 116 116 Completed 116 http// and http// 116
Karnataka For projects sanctioned during 2012-13 (B-IV) 68 68 Completed 68 http// and http// 67
Karnataka For projects sanctioned during 2013-14 (B-V) 63 0 March--2016 0 http// and http// 0
Karnataka For projects sanctioned during 2014-15 (B-VI) 78 0 March--2016 0 http// and http// 0
Karnataka Total 571 430   430   429
Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase and
Works Phase of IWMP Projects (as on 31.10.2015)
Batch Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (indicate Yes/No) Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (indicate Yes/No) Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (indicate Yes/No) Status of Evaluation of Works Phase (indicate Yes/No) Status of Evaluation of Works Phase (indicate Yes/No) Status of Evaluation of Works Phase (indicate Yes/No) No. of Batch-I and Batch-II projects likely to be completed during 2015-16
Batch Completed Under Process If not done likely date of completion Completed Under Process If not done likely date of completion No. of Batch-I and Batch-II projects likely to be completed during 2015-16
I Yes - - No Yes Dec-15 119
II Yes - - No Yes Dec-15 127
III Yes - - No No Works phase under progress  
IV Yes - - No No Works phase under progress  
V No Prep. Phase just initiated Prep. Phase just initiated No No Works phase not yet initiated  
VI No Prep. Phase not yet initiated Prep. Phase not yet initiated No No Works phase not yet initiated  
Status of implementation of Operational
Guidelines for Benchmarking of Watershed
Management Outcomes issued by the DoLR in
preparation of DPRs as well as in conducting
evaluation studies
Sl. No. Activities Remarks
1 DPR preparation Revised DPR formats for this purpose are necessary. Requesting DoLR to provide the same. Also it is decided to suitably revise the baseline survey formats for the new projects.
2 Evaluation studies Discussed in detail with MELD agencies. In earlier Batches of IWMP which are on-going and nearing completion, observations cannot be made as indicated in the operational guidelines as readings/samples have to be collected at the beginning of the project (baseline data) and also at regular intervals. Wherever possible benchmark data will be collected from available sources, ex., Model watersheds.
Management of Institutional Support Fund
(A) Institutional preparedness- Financial (as on
All amounts are Rs. in Crores
Sl.No State Total Central Assistance Total Central Assistance Total Central Assistance Other miscellaneous receipts (incl. interest accrued),if any Other miscellaneous receipts (incl. interest accrued),if any Other miscellaneous receipts (incl. interest accrued),if any Total Fund available Total Fund available Total Fund available Total Expenditure Total Expenditure Total Expenditure
Sl.No State For SLNA For WCDCs Total For SLNA For WCDCs Total For SLNA For WCDCs Total For SLNA For WCDCs Total
1 Karnataka 1.64 5.53 7.17 0.60 2.52 3.12 2.24 8.05 10.29 2.63 7.90 10.53
Total Total 1.64 5.53 7.17 0.60 2.52 3.12 2.24 8.05 10.29 2.63 7.90 10.53
1.9479 cr. Released from DOLR to the Karnataka
state during March-2015. But Not yet credited to
SLNA account
Management of Institutional Support Fund
(B). Total non-recurring fund released and its
expenditure.(As on 31.10.2015)
All amounts are Rs. in Crores
Non Recurring Released Expenditure Balance
1.44 0.99 0.45
Remaining Rs.0.45 cr under Institutional
support under SLNA and WCDC was used as
Recurring expenditure
Status of engagement of Concurrent Monitoring
agencies under IWMP Projects (as on 31.10.2015)
Batch Status of Engagement Status of Engagement Status of Engagement Status of Engagement Timeline for completion Agencies engaged/Remarks
Batch Engaged Advertisement in Newspapaer Proposal received Not done Timeline for completion Agencies engaged/Remarks
Batch-I Engaged _ _ _ _ 1. M/s CES 2. M/s KSCST 3. M/s RSI
Batch-II Engaged _ _ _ _ 1. M/s CES 2. M/s KSCST 3. M/s RSI
Batch-III Not engaged _ _ _ December--2015 1. M/s RSI 2. M/s KSCST Above agencies selected, butAgreements with agencies pending
Batch-IV Not engaged _ _ _ December--2015 1. M/s RSI 2. M/s KSCST Above agencies selected, butAgreements with agencies pending
Batch-V Not engaged _ _ _ December--2015 1. M/s RSI 2. M/s KSCST Above agencies selected, butAgreements with agencies pending
M/s Consulting Engineering Services India Pvt.
Ltd., Bengaluru Consulting Engineering Services
India Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru
M/s Karnataka State Council for Science and
Technology, Bengaluru
M/s Remote Sensing Instruments, Hyderabad
Institutional Fund utilization V/s Project Fund
Utilization (as on 31.10.2015)
Institutional Fund Institutional Fund Institutional Fund Project Fund Project Fund Project Fund
Total Institutional Fund received from Central Total Institutional Funds Utilized Utilization Total available Funds under Project Fund (Central State Miscellaneous receipt) Total Project Fund utilized Utilization
7.17 10.53 146.75 1476.46 1453.33 98.43
1.9479 cr. Released from DOLR to the Karnataka
state during March-2015. But Not yet credited to
SLNA account
Utilization is more because Rs 2.50 crores
has been diverted from project fund to
intitutional Support (IS) and interest amount of
IS is also utilised
Status of Appointment of Technical Staff at SLNA
(as on 31.10.2015)
S. no. Name Govt. Employee / Contract If Govt. then Designation Full time or Part Time Area of Specialization Date of appointment of contractual Staff Honorarium / Salary Paid per month from Institutional Funds (Rs.) The amount paid from Govt. funds, if any (Rs.)
1 H.G.Shivananda Murthy, I F S Govt.Employee Commissioner Full time CEO SLNA _ _ Govt Funds
2 Dr. B.K.Dharmarajan Govt.Employee Director Full time Co-Ordinator, SLNA _ _ Govt Funds
3 Jayanarasimharaj, I F S Govt.Employee Chief Conservator of Forest Full time Head ,Forest Sector _ _ Govt Funds
4 B.S.Patil Govt.Employee Joint Director (admn) Full time Adminitration _ _ Govt Funds
5 M.K.Muralidhar Govt.Employee Chief Accounts Officer Full time Accounts _ _ Govt Funds
6 Ambarfarid Govt.Employee Joint Director Agriculture Full time IGA _ _ Govt Funds
7 Ganesh Nayak.S Govt.Employee Joint Director Agriculture Full time Soil Conservation _ _ Govt Funds
Status of Appointment of Technical Staff at SLNA
(as on 31.10.2015)
S. no. Name Govt. Employee / Contract If Govt. then Designation Full time or Part Time Area of Specialization Date of appointment of contractual Staff Honorarium / Salary Paid per month from Institutional Funds (Rs.) The amount paid from Govt. funds, if any (Rs.)
8 Lalitha Reddy.S Govt.Employee Joint Director Agriculture Full time Agronomy _ _ Govt Funds
9 Dr. C.G.Nagaraj Govt.Employee Joint Director Agriculture Full time Horticulture _ _ Govt Funds
10 Dr. Sriramachandra Murthy Govt.Employee Joint Director (Animal Husbandry) Full time Animal Husbandry _ _ Govt Funds
11 G.H.Tharamani Govt.Employee Deputy Director Agriculture Full time Watershed Cell _ _ Govt Funds
12 Suma.M.R Govt.Employee Deputy Director Agriculture Full time MELD _ _ Govt Funds
13 Mahantheshhanji Govt.Employee Assitant Director Horticulture Full time Horticulture _ _ Govt Funds
14 K.K.Ramakrishnaiah Govt.Employee Deputy Director (Planning) Full time Planning _ _ Govt Funds
15 N.S.Tharamani Govt.Employee Administative Officer Full time Administration _ _ Govt Funds
Status of Appointment of Technical Staff at SLNA
(as on 31.10.2015)
S. no. Name Govt. Employee / Contract If Govt. then Designation Full time or Part Time Area of Specialization Date of appointment of contractual Staff Honorarium / Salary Paid per month from Institutional Funds (Rs.) The amount paid from Govt. funds, if any (Rs.)
16 H.M.Mahadevaiah Govt.Employee Assitant Director Agriculture Full time Technical Section (SCN) _ _ Govt Funds
17 H.Rudregowda Govt.Employee Assitant Horticulture Officer Full time Horticulture _ _ Govt Funds
18 Dr. Ramesh Govt.Employee Assistant Director(anml) Full time Animal Husbandry _ _ Govt Funds
19 L.R.Naveen Govt.Employee Agriculture Officer Full time Technical Officer (IWMP) _ _ Govt Funds
20 Revanappa Managooli Govt.Employee Agriculture Officer Full time Technical Officer (Agronomy) _ _ Govt Funds
Status of Appointment of Technical Staff at SLNA
(as on 31.10.2015)
S. no. Name Govt. Employee / Contract If Govt. then Designation Full time or Part Time Area of Specialization Date of appointment of contractual Staff Honorarium / Salary Paid per month from Institutional Funds (Rs.) The amount paid from Govt. funds, if any (Rs.)
21 M.G.Aparna Govt.Employee Agriculture Officer Full time Technical Officer (MELD) _ _ Govt Funds
22 S.M.Suma Govt.Employee Agriculture Officer Full time Technical Officer (IGA) _ _ Govt Funds
23 H.K.Vijaya Govt.Employee Agriculture Officer Full time Technical Officer (Sujala-III) _ _ Govt Funds
24 R. Manjula Govt.Employee Accounts Officer Full time Accounts _ _ Govt Funds
25 K. Harish Contract Technical Expert (IT) Full time IT Expert 02.11.2015 50000 Institution Support
26 Mahesh Prasad Contract Programmer Full time Software Expert 02.11.2015 20000 Institution Support
Capacity Building
Sr. No. Capacity Building Particulars Remarks
1 Role of SLNA in Capacity Building 1.Conducting Technical Training for Department officials training on various softwares like PMS, PFMS, BHUVAN etc. 2.Conduting Training for all levels of the Stakeholders. 3.Preparation of Capacity building plan and training modules.
2 Status of preparation of Capacity Building Plan for state (for all Levels of Stakeholders ) Capacity building plans for District, WDT WC levels have been prepared.
3 Status of preparation of Modules of Training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stakeholders) Prepared
4 Status of preparation of Modules of Training in local language Prepared in Local Language
5 Status of preparation of Calendar of training for 2015-16 Prepared
6 Total budget proposed for Capacity building during 2015-16 51.3735 crores
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for 2015-16
Level of stake holder No. of trainings No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training Program Name of Training Institute Proposed Exp. (Rs in Crores)
SLNA Level 6 27 1.Technical trainings on Different Sectors SAUs, Govt. Training Institutes, NIRD PR, MANAGE, ATI, ANSSIRD Mysore, Fodder Research Centres 1.5994
SLNA Level 6 27 2.Watershed Management IIHR, ICRISAT 1.5994
SLNA Level 6 27 3.GIS and Remote Sensing   1.5994
SLNA Level 6 27 4.Rural Livelihoods   1.5994
SLNA Level 6 27 5.SATCOM Video Conference   1.5994
SLNA Level 6 27 6.IWMP MIS, PMS, PFMS Bhuvan Drishti Srishti   1.5994
District Level 8 2002  1. Induction Training to NGO Staff WDD Training Centres,SAUs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centres 7.6072
District Level 8 2002 2. ToT on training Modules WDD Training Centres,SAUs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centres 7.6072
District Level 8 2002 3. Quality Control WDD Training Centres,SAUs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centres 7.6072
District Level 8 2002 4. Technical Trainings WDD Training Centres,SAUs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centres 7.6072
District Level 8 2002 5. ToT on village based trainings WDD Training Centres,SAUs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centres 7.6072
District Level 8 2002 6 Video Conference WDD Training Centres,SAUs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centres 7.6072
District Level 8 2002 7. Livelihoods WDD Training Centres,SAUs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centres 7.6072
District Level 8 2002 8. IWMP MIS, PMS, PFMS Bhuvan Drishti Srishti WDD Training Centres,SAUs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centres 7.6072
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for 2015-16
Level of stake holder No. of trainings No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training Program Name of Training Institute Proposed Exp. (Rs in Crores)
WDT Level 5 8750  1. VBTs on agriculture, horticulture, forestry animal husbandry KVKs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centre, Taluk Panchayat 10.5161
WDT Level 5 8750 2. Quality Control training to community KVKs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centre, Taluk Panchayat 10.5161
WDT Level 5 8750 3. Exposure visits to community KVKs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centre, Taluk Panchayat 10.5161
WDT Level 5 8750 4. Farmers trainings through KVKs KVKs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centre, Taluk Panchayat 10.5161
WDT Level 5 8750 5. SATCOM to EC KVKs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centre, Taluk Panchayat 10.5161
WC Level 9 310707  1. Watershed concept DTC, DATC, NGO Training Centre Watershed Training centres 31.6504
WC Level 9 310707 2. Role of CBOs DTC, DATC, NGO Training Centre Watershed Training centres 31.6504
WC Level 9 310707 3. Group Dynamics DTC, DATC, NGO Training Centre Watershed Training centres 31.6504
WC Level 9 310707 4. CPR management DTC, DATC, NGO Training Centre Watershed Training centres 31.6504
WC Level 9 310707 5.Leadership DTC, DATC, NGO Training Centre Watershed Training centres 31.6504
WC Level 9 310707 6. Conflict Resolution DTC, DATC, NGO Training Centre Watershed Training centres 31.6504
WC Level 9 310707 7. VBT (Technical) DTC, DATC, NGO Training Centre Watershed Training centres 31.6504
WC Level 9 310707 8. EAP SEDP DTC, DATC, NGO Training Centre Watershed Training centres 31.6504
WC Level 9 310707 9. Exposure Visits DTC, DATC, NGO Training Centre Watershed Training centres 31.6504
Total 28 321486     51.3731
Implementation of Pre-IWMP (DPAP,DDP and IWDP)
State-wise status of Pre-IWMP projects (as on
State Scheme No. of Projects Sanctioned Area covered (in lakh ha) Project Cost in Rs.crore Projects completed No. (All the installment received and total project area treated) Project Closed No.(All the installment not released by DoLR Projects Non performing (All the installment not received)
Karnataka DPAP 2370 11.85000 645.60 2172 32 166
Karnataka DDP 1582 7.91000 446.5 1362 Nil 220
Karnataka IWDP 86 5.52868 304.07 85 1 Nil
Timeline for furnishing Pending Utilization
Certificated (Ucs) under All ADP Schemes is
State-wise list of Pending Ucs
State Name of Scheme No. of Pending Ucs Amount (Rs. Crores)
Karnataka DPAP 23 26.2731
Karnataka DDP 9 14.7591
Karnataka IWDP 18 10.2992
Karnataka Total 50 51.3314
Status of Registration of Agencies in PFMS
(untill the latest sanctioned projects)
Name of State No of agencies at State Level No of agencies at State Level Registered No of agencies at District Level No of agencies at District Level registered No of agencies at PIA level No of agencies at PIA level registered No of agencies at Watershed Committee level No of agencies at Watershed Committee level registered
Karnataka 1 1 29 29 169 158 1211 1073
1)158 out of 169 PIA level have been registered ,
balance of 11 PIA s is unable to register due
to Bank names not listed in CPSMS database.
2) 1073 out of 1211 WC level have been
registered, balance of 138 WC is unable to
register due to Bank names / Panchayat names
not listed in CPSMS database.
Mapping could not be done because of the above .
Status of uploading of information on Bhuvan
IWMP portal
11.1 Information of shape files sent to NRSC
Name of state No of projects No of micro-watersheds No of micro watershed whose data has been sent to NRSC
Karnataka 571 5825 5825
Status of uploading of information on Bhuvan
IWMP portal
11.2 Status of uploading data on Bhuvan portal
Name of state No of districts under IWMP No of projects No of projects whose data has been uploaded in Bhuvan Portal
Karnataka 29 571 248 (projects in which only photos have been uploaded)
DPRs of Batch-1 and Batch-2 has been submitted
IWMP-Implementation of Process Management
Software (PMS)
Batch No of projects No of PIA registered No of projects for which legacy data in the excel sheet has been provided
Batch -1 119 98 50
Batch -2 127 21 46
Batch -3 116 11 39
Batch -4 68   23
Batch-5 63   4
Batch (Year) / Sector IWMP-2010-11 /
SWC Name of the watershed and Village
Nagarahalli / Nagarahalli Sy. No. and Name of the
farmer 69/ Mr. Ganganna Lakkappa
Pujari Taluk/District Jevargi / Gulbarga
  • Mr. Ganganna Lakkappa Pujari is one of the
    farmers living in Nagarahalli village, Jevargi
    taluk of Gulbarga district.
  • He has got 3 ha of land in Sy.No.69 and 1 ha of
    his land was waste land as it was not cultivated
    from many years.
  • He came to know about IWMP through his wife as
    his wife is a SHG member.
  • He approached EC members and participated in
    preparation of net plan.
  • He expressed his need of constructing a farm
    pond in his land that would help him to get water
    almost 365 days as there is seepage water nearby
    from the passing Canal.
  • During implementation of net plan in his
    village, he obtained help for construction
  • of Farm Pond of 15x15x3 m size.
  • The cost of the pond was Rs.50,000/-. Earlier
    he used to grow Jowar, Cotton and
  • Green Gram in 1 ha and got Rs.1.20 lakh
  • After construction of Farm pond he is getting
    water almost 365 days and hence,
  • he decided to grow sugarcane in his land.
  • He has brought 1 ha wasteland under
  • He feels that it is his great achievement in
  • He is now growing sugarcane along with other
  • After construction of Farm Pond his income has
    doubled, i.e.
  • He got Rs.2.50 lakhs against earlier income of
    Rs.1.20 lakh

Batch (Year) / Sector IWMP-4 (2009-10) /
SWC Name of the watershed and Village
Hathihalli / Gowdahalli Sy. No. and Name of the
farmer 130 / Shiddalingeshwara
UG Taluk/District Channarayapatna / Hassan
  • Gowdahalli of Hathihalli subwatershed is an
    outstanding example for effective implementation
    of watershed
  • activities by the community on
    participatory approach.
  • The activities included in the annual action
    plan have been put into the field by the
  • Bunding, bund seeding, grass and caster on
    bunds, fodder mini kits, agro-forestry and
    agro-horticulture coupled
  • with the nala bund in the down streams side
    of the micro catchment.
  • All the treatments are interrelated and have
    cumulative effect on resource conservation of the
  • The nala bund has contributed to increased
    ground water level in the bore well.
  • The stored water is also serving as a source of
    drinking water requirements to the stray cattle's
    which are grazing
  • in and around the watershed.
  • The farm women and progressive farmers have
    expressed their gratitude for Integrated
    Watershed Management
  • Programme.

Batch (Year) / Sector IWMP (2009-10) /
Floriculture Name of the watershed and Village
Rahutanakatte / Rahutanakatte Sy. No. and Name
of the farmer 2/1x / Shri Kallanagouda
Taluk/District Ranebennur / Haveri
  • Sri. Kallanagouda was earlier growing Maize
    crops with annual income of Rs. 5000/- to 6000/-
    per acre.
  • He was convinced to take up rose cultivation
    under IWMP by Watershed Development Team.
  • His land was planted with 1777 plants in an
    area of 0.2 ha. with three varities i.e.
    rubystar, charishma
  • and gladiator with flood irrigation.
  • Drip irrigation was provided to rose plantation
    under Rainfed Area Development Program (RADP).
  • Now he is harvesting twice in a week and is
    getting an average 8000 flowers per month and a
    regular income of
  • Rs. 4000/- per month.
  • The convergence of IWMP RADP has practically
    improved the water use efficiency, crop
    diversification towards
  • high value crops and increased land
    production in terms of returns.
  • It has resulted in improving the socio-economic
    status of the farmer.

Batch (Year) / Sector IWMP-2010-11 /
IGA Name of the watershed and Village
Puthrasonenahalli / Althigrikuppa Sy. No. and
Name of the farmer Sree Kasturi bai SHG / 16
Members Taluk/District Bangarpet / Kolar
  • Sree Kasturi bai SHG of Althigrikuppa village
    in Bangarpet taluk of Kolar district consists of
    16 members.
  • Majority of them i.e. 9 members belong to SC
  • The SHG was formed in 2006 and the members are
    regularly contributing towards monthly savings.
  • They have a balance of Rs.92160/- as on
  • All the SHG members work as labourers and earn
    wages ranging from Rs.8000/- to Rs.12000/-
  • They have small families ranging from 2 to 3
  • They are all in utter poverty rearing.
  • The IWMP official selected this SHG for
    introducing I.G activities.
  • They found that the members were interested in
    animal husbandry activities.
  • The group was given training on animal
    husbandry and provided with revolving fund of

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