Title: Step 4: Strategy Implementation
1- Step 4 Strategy Implementation
2Learning Objectives
- Understand the elements and benefits of
developing an action plan - Value the involvement of internal stakeholders at
different levels in the development of an action
3Strategy Implementation
- Developing an action plan
- Preparing financial plan
- Mobilizing resources
- Designing a monitoring and evaluation system
Budgeting, Gantt chart
4Action Plan Defined
What is the activity?
Who is the person responsible for seeing that
the activity is carried out?
What resources are necessary?
By what date should the activity be completed?
Where will the activity take place?
5Implementation of Strategy Entails
- Building sector capacities to implement the
strategy successfully - Allocating sufficient resources
- Establishing strategy supportive policies
6Implementation of Strategy Entails
- Establishing best practices and programs for
continuous improvement - Installing support systems
- Creating a strategy-supportive culture
- Exerting strategic leadership
7Developing an Action Plan
- Developing and sequencing activities
- Breaking strategic interventions into activities,
and sequencing the interventions and activities - Assigning responsibility
- Developing a time schedule
8Developing an Action Plan
- Calculating and assigning needed resources
- Developing a financial plan
- Ensuring a comprehensive reporting monitoring
system - Ensuring needed mid-course correction
9Develop and Sequence Activities
What is the activity?
Who is the person responsible for seeing that the
activity is carried out?
10Developing a Time Schedule Gantt Chart
Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Responsible Party
Create coordinating agency Director Health Services
Design user fee operational guidelines Coordinating committee
Train hospital managers re. user fee Coordinating committee
Generate awareness Hospital managers and coordinating committee
11Calculating and Assigning Needed Resources
- Identify resource requirements for each strategic
intervention and activity - Information and technology
- Personnel and training
- Support resources supplies, storage, vehicle
- Facilities and equipment
- Procedures operational guidelines,
administrative procedures
12Developing a Financial Plan
- Determine required inputs
- Calculate cost of inputs
- Identify sources of revenue
- Prepare a 3-5 year plan and budget estimates
13Ensuring a Sound Reporting Monitoring System
- Constantly evaluate performance
- Monitor situation decide how well things are
going - Make necessary adjustments
14Ensuring Needed Mid-course Correction
- Corrective adjustments can entail
- Altering long-term direction
- Redefining the operations
- Raising or lowering performance objectives
- Modifying the strategy
- Improving strategy execution
15Implementation of a National-level Action Plan
- Coordinating agencies
- Action plans for national, subnational, and
organizational levels - Involvement of decision makers and implementers
at all levels