The Project Management Office - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Project Management Office


Title: The Project Management Office Author: Sai Last modified by: Valued Acer Customer Created Date: 12/9/2003 6:09:16 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Project Management Office

DEVELOPMENT Maharashtra Regional Office, Pune
Reforms linked investment scheme
  • Central sector scheme effective from 20.10.2004
    continues during 2013-14
  • Scheme guidelines revised w.e.f 26.06.2008
  • Scheme is Reform Linked. Applicable only in
    States/Union Territories, where APMC Act is
  • Amended Act allows Direct Marketing and
    Contract Farming and permit setting up of
    agricultural produce markets in private and
    cooperative sectors.
  • APMC Act amended in 24 States 4 UTs. APMC Act
    yet to be amended in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, West
    Bengal, JK, Meghalaya, Delhi and UT of Puduchery

Objectives AMIGS Scheme
  • To encourage rapid development of agriculture and
    allied sectors including dairy, meat, fisheries
    and minor forest produce.
  • To provide additional agricultural marketing
  • To promote competitive alternative agricultural
    marketing infrastructure by private and
    cooperative sector investments
  • To strengthen existing agricultural marketing
  • To promote direct marketing

Objectives AMIGS Scheme-Contd.
  • To provide infrastructure facilities for grading,
    standardization and quality certification of
    agricultural produce
  • To promote pledge financing and marketing,
    credit, introduction of negotiable warehousing
    receipt system and promotion of forward and
    future markets
  • To promote direct integration of processing units
    with producers

Infrastructure Projects Illustrative list
  1. Market user common facilities in the project area
    like market yards, platforms for
    loading/unloading, assembling and auctioning of
    the produce, weighing and mechanical handling
    equipments, etc.
  2. Functional Infrastructure for collection/assemblin
    g, grading, standardization and quality
    certification, labeling, packaging, value
    addition facilities (without changing the product
  3. Infrastructure for Direct Marketing from
    producers to consumers /processing units / bulk
    buyers etc.
  4. Infrastructure for supply of production inputs
    and need-based services to the farmers

Infrastructure Projects Illustrative list contd-
  1. Infrastructure for E-trading, market extension
    and market oriented production planning.
  2. Mobile infrastructure for post harvest
    operations viz. grading, packaging, quality
    testing etc.,
  3. Excludes transport equipment. However reefer vans
    or any other refrigerated vans used for
    transporting agricultural produce, which are
    essential for cold chains are allowed.

Indicative List of Projects

Salient Features
  • All are eligible incl. NGOs, SHGs,Partnership/prop
    reitorary firms/ Companies, Corporations,
    Cooperatives, Cooperative Marketing Federations.
  • Subsidy _at_ 25 max. Rs.50.00 lakh for others
    Subsidy _at_ 33.33 max. Rs.60.00 lakh for NE
    States, Hilly and Tribal areas, States of
    Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu
    Kashmir, SC/ST beneficiaries and their
  • Local bodies, Autonomous bodies of the Govt,
    Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs)
    Marketing Boards in the country.
  • Subsidy _at_ 25 or 33.33 (as per eligibility) with
    no upper ceiling -for State Govt. agencies
  • Credit linkage is optional for projects by State
  • Marketing Infrastructure projects sanctioned to
    State Govts. under RIDF and Projects co-financed
    by NABARD are also eligible

Pattern of assistance
Source of finance Other than NE States, States of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, JK, hilly and tribal areas /SC ST entrepreneurs and their cooperatives NE States, States of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, JK, hilly and tribal areas/SCST entrepreneurs and their cooperatives
Subsidy from Central Government 25 33.33
Institutional Loan from Banks Minimum 50 Minimum 46.67
Owners contribution Rest of the project cost Rest of the project cost
Hilly area is a place at an altitude of more
than 1,000 metres above MSL Tribal areas are
areas notified/declared as tribal area by the
Central/ concerned State Government Cost of
land not exceeding 10 in rural areas and 20 in
municipal areas of the project cost can form part
of the owners contribution
Salient Features Contd..
  • Term loan min.50 of TFO (includes subsidy
  • Term loan - 46.67 of TFO in case of NE states,
    hilly and tribal areas and for entrepreneurs
    belonging to SC/ST and their cooperatives
  • Repayment period depending on cash flow. Can be
    upto 11 years (incl. two years grace period).
  • Time limit for completion 18 months6 months
  • For large projects with TFO of Rs.2.00 crore or
    more, time limit for completion - 36 months
  • No lock in period (so far)
  • No Joint Inspection visit for projects of TFO
    below Rs.10 lakh. Subsidy could be released in
    one instalment on project completion

Salient Features Contd..
  • Subsidy through NABARD only for projects
    financed by institutions eligible for refinance
  • Projects on purchase of combine harvesters are
    eligible for subsidy only in 7 states, viz.,
    Odisha, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, Kerala,
    Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat, w.e.f
  • Subsidy for such projects should not exceed 20
    of the total projects sanctioned under AMIGS
    scheme in the State
  • Land cost upto 10 of project cost in rural
    areas and upto 20 in urban areas could be
    treated as promoters margin
  • Hilly areas places with altitude of more than
    1000 metres above Main Sea Level
  • Tribal areas areas notified/ declared as tribal
    areas by Central/State Govt.

Salient Features Contd..
  • Any activity pertaining to Post harvest
    management providing direct service delivery to
    farmers and involving no product form change is
    eligible for subsidy.
  • In addition to compulsory direct service
    delivery, the projects could also be utilised for
    self purpose during lean period
  • Projects providing indirect service delivery to
    the farmers are not eligible. Cotton pressing and
    bailing units not providing direct service
    delivery to farmers, are not eligible

Salient Features Contd..
  • Clarifications received from DMI,HO during
  • The projects whose construction has started/units
    are installed before sanction of loan are not to
    be considered for subsidy under AMIGS scheme
    DMIs letter dated 29.7.11. This instruction is
    applicable for even to those units sanctioned by
    banks prior to the date of issue of DMIs letter.
  • If the project is completed with in the
    stipulated period, the subsidy is payable to the
    entrepreneur ( even after subsidy is claimed
    after a period of 3 to 4 years after disbursement
    of first installement of loan)
  • In case of projects promoted by SC/ST persons in
    the capacity of sole proprietorship, partnership
    firms , groups etc. would be eligible for 33.33
    subsidy, provided all members belong to SC/ST
  • Projects under AMIGS should not have godown
    component of more than 50 of TFO. If more, it
    may be covered under RG scheme provided the
    project meet the guidelines of RG scheme.
    Effective date of stipulation of this instruction
    is 11 August 2011.
  • Subsidy/advance subsidy released to beneficiary
    has to be refunded if the loan account becomes
  • Joint Inspection Committee visits to the units
    shall be carried out within one month of receipt
    of information regarding completion of the project

Documents to be submitted by bank for Advance
subsidy claim
  1. Advance Subsidy Claim ( Annexure I) through
    Controling office of Bank
  2. Project report with activity-wise details of
    costs, TFO, Margin and Bank loan
  3. Loan Sanction letter issued by Financing Bank
  4. Documentary proof for category (SC/ST and their
  5. Affidavit from the beneficiary
  6. Copy of relevant approvals/NOC etc along with
    approved plan
  7. Proof of direct service by Financing bank
  8. Declaration from the bank that construction has
    started after issue of bank loan

Documents to be submitted by bank for JIC visit
  • Request letter from bank for JIC visit along with
    following documents
  • Completion Certificate duly signed by promoter
    verified by qualified/approved engineer/architect
    and countersigned by Branch Manager of the
    financing bank.
  • Certificate issued by Chartered Accountant
    certifying the actual cost involved in completion
    of the project

Documents to be submitted by bank for final
subsidy claim
  • Final Subsidy Claim ( Annexure II) through
    Controlling office of Bank
  • Copy of JIC report as per format (Annexure VI)
    duly signed by officials of NABARD,DMI and Bank
  • Compliance report from bank on observations, if
    any, made by JIC team
  • Certificate on actual cost of construction of the
    project and itemwise amounts duly certified by
    Chartered Accountant

Documents to be submitted by bank after receipt
of final subsidy
Utilisation certificate as per format at Annexure
- III of the operational guidelines
Progress (30 June 2012)
  • State/ROs participated 14
  • Nos of Schemes 5529
  • TFO (Rs. Crore) 4213.18
  • Bank Loan (Rs. Crore) 2816.05
  • Subsidy released (Rs. Crore) 467.22

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