Title: Project%20Management%20Body%20of%20Knowledge
1Project Management Body of Knowledge
- Changes to PMBOK from Version 4 to Version 5
Note for Kamran animate bullets from narration
in this slide or a new slide
- PMBOK Guide 5th Edition published
- See Appendix X1 in PMBOK Guide 5th Edition for
details - http//www.pmi.org//media/PDF/Standards/Appendix_
hx - Download the PMBOK Guide 5th Edition from the
PMI website (for PMI members only)
3Why the changes?
- New developments
- Role Delineation Study (RDS)
- Keep the certification and exam up to date
4New Knowledge Area
- Stakeholder Management
- Chapter 13 Of PMBOK Guide 5th Edition
- Emphasizes Stakeholder Management as a distinct
Note for Kamran...can we do an animation showing
the split of stakeholder management from
communication management?
510 Knowledge Areas in PMBOK 5
Knowledge Area
1. Integration Management
2. Scope Management
3. Cost Management
4. Time Management
5. Quality Management
6. Risk Management
7. Human Resource Management
8. Communications Management
9. Procurement Management
10. Stakeholder Management
Note for Kamran...can we do an animation here
that highlights each knowledge area as its being
mentioned in the narration?
6Rules for Handling Inputs, Tools and Techniques,
and Outputs (ITTOs)
- Business rules have been established
- Fundamental Rules
- Project Document Rules
- Project Management Plan Rules
- Sequencing Rules
- ITTO terminology redefined
7Redefinition of Project Management Work Execution
- Redefined for clarity
- Work Performance Data,
- Work Performance Information, and
- Work Performance Reports
85 New Processes
- Five planning processes have been added
- 4 Planning processes
- Plan Scope Management
- Plan Schedule Management
- Plan Cost Management
- Plan Stakeholder Management
- 1 Monitoring and Controlling process
- Control Stakeholder Engagement
Note for Kamran...can we do an animation here
that shows process numbers going from 42 to 47
9Processes Renamed
- Many processes have been renamed
- Plan XXX Management processes
- Control XXX processes
Note for Kamran...animate New processes and
process renames mentioned in the narration.
10Glossary Updates
- Clarify meanings
- Eliminate unneeded terms
- Ensure alignment with PMI lexicon
11Data Flow Diagrams
- Data Flow Diagrams updated
12Exam Cutover Date
Exam Date PMBOK Guide to use
Before July 31, 2012 PMBOK Guide 4th Edition
On or after July 31, 2012 PMBOK Guide 5th Edition
- Decide on exam date
- Study from correct PMBOK Guide
- Understand the changes