Title: Genetics
- Gregor Mendel - the father of modern genetics
2Mendel applied new science of Statistics to his
- Heredity - transmission of traits, parents to
progeny - P1 - parental generation
- F1 - first filial generation
- F2 - second filial generation
- Filial son
3Mendel crossed two pure plants - green and
yellowF1 - all yellowF2 - all green
4Dominant trait that which appears in the 1st
generationRecessive trait that which
reappears in the 2nd generationnot known to
Mendel - genes and alleles
5Mendels conclusions - 3 principles
- 1) dominance recessiveness
- 2) Segregation - each reproductive cell receives
only one factor for each characteristic. The 2
factors for each trait segregate/separate during
formation of eggs and sperm. - 3) Independent assortment - factors for
different characteristics not connected. They
distribute independently to the reproductive
cells. - Mendels work sat on the shelf for 35 years! He
did not know about mitosis and meiosis. - His work was rediscovered in 1902.
6What do we now know?Genes - segments on a DNA
strand (chromosome) that controls a particular
hereditary trait (thru production of a particular
protein).Chromosomes - occur in pairs ? - genes
occur in pairs.Each contrasting form of a gene
is an alleleAlleles represented by
letters upper case dominant allele (A) lower
case recessive allele(a) Co-dominance Incomp
lete dominance
s.htmlGametes (egg sperm) each receive one
allele? an individual receives one allele for
each trait from each parentGenotype - genetic
makeup of an organismPhenotype - external,
physical appearance of an individual.Examples ge
notypes phenotypes TT tall
Tt tall tt short
8Homozygous - both alleles for one trait are the
same. May be dominant or recessive.Heterozygous
- alleles are different.Some traits have
multiple alleles(more than two)i.e. - blood
types, ABO blood groups
9Probabilities of one kind of eventnumber
of all eventsrule of additionrule of
10Monohybrid crossessingle trait inheritance -
cross between individuals involving a contrasting
trait.Punnett square helps predict
11Homozygous (dom.) x homozygous (rec.)TT x
ttHomozygous (dom.) x HeterozygousTT x Tt
Heterozygous x Heterozygous Tt x Tt