A Nuclear Primer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Nuclear Primer


A Nuclear Primer When energy leaves an atom, it s usually called radiation; that scares civilians. Caused by electrons: light, x-rays, low energy electrons – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Nuclear Primer

A Nuclear Primer
  • When energy leaves an atom, its usually called
    radiation that scares civilians.
  • Caused by electrons light, x-rays, low energy
  • Caused by nuclear processes
  • ? helium nucleus
  • ? electron or positron
  • ? high energy photon
  • p,n proton or neutron
  • Other energetic particles possible

Radiation Units
  • Geiger counter video - watch dial
  • curie (Ci) and becquerel (Bq) are certain numbers
    of decays per second
  • rad and gray (Gy) measure how much energy is
    deposited in a kg of tissue.
  • rem and sievert (Sv) measure how much damage is
    done. 1 Sv 100 rem
  • rem rad RBE
  • Its rems that harm you

Radiation Sickness
  • Consider whole body doses
  • lt 100 rem no short-term illness
  • 100 - 200 nausea, hair loss
  • 300 LD50
  • gt 1000 survival unlikely
  • Alexander Litvinenko

Cancer and the linear hypothesis
  • 2500 rem whole body gives 100 chance of excess
  • So 25 rem whole body gives 1 chance of excess
  • Give 100 people 25 rem each, expect one extra
    cancer (20 from other causes)
  • Most people assume linear hypothesis at all dose
    levels, so 25 mrem gives 0.001 chance of excess

Fission and fusion energy
  • Fission occurs when a nucleus splits
  • Fragments have less mass than the original
    nucleus E mc2
  • Fusion occurs when two lighter nuclei fuse into a
    single heavier nucleus.
  • Again, mass goes missing and comes out as energy
    (lots of it)
  • How can this happen in both cases?

(No Transcript)
  • Fusion generates lots of relatively clean power,
    but requires high temperature and probably
    magnetic confinement
  • Fusion is the power source of stars
  • Fusion bombs are the most powerful ever made

Chain reactions
  • The power of repeated doubling
  • Neutrons initiate fission, and fission creates
    more neutrons
  • Runaway chain reaction is a bomb
  • Critical mass is required (15 kg for U-235, 5 kg
    for Pu-239) to ensure enough neutrons are
  • Make critical mass with gun or with implosion

How to make a bomb
  • Enrich uranium to increase U-235
  • Gas centrifuges
  • Modern, efficient, but need strong material for
    their construction
  • Calutrons
  • Slow but sure Saddam tried this method
  • Use plutonium
  • Implosion must be used hard to do
  • Use fission bomb to start a fusion reaction

Bomb damage
  • 20 kiloton about a mile away
  • Light/x-ray pulse
  • Thermal pulse
  • Blast wave
  • Radioactive fallout
  • New York City example
  • The only winning move is not to play the game

A reactor hodge-podge
  • Fast vs. slow neutrons
  • Bombs need fast neutrons to get enough doublings
    in a short time
  • Reactors generally use slow neutrons, since they
    are absorbed more readily by the smaller fraction
    of U-235
  • Moderators
  • Used to slow the neutrons down - thermal
  • Water, heavy water, graphite

A reactor hodge-podge, p.2
  • Control rods
  • Absorb neutrons to control the reaction
  • Neutron absorbed by U-238 gives Pu-239 --
    breeder reactor
  • Sometimes uses fast neutrons. Less safe but more
  • Depleted uranium bullets
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