THE BIOLOGICAL MODEL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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the biological model – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  1. The biological model focuses on mental disorders
    as diseases.
  2. Mental Disorders are viewed as disorders of the
    central nervous system, autonomic nervous system
    and endocrine system.
  3. Neither Psychological factors nor a persons
    psychosocial environment is believed to play a
    casual role in the mental disorder.
  4. At one time, people belonging to this model hoped
    to find simple biological explanations of mental
    disorders but today it is believed that such
    simple explanations are unlikely to be so simple.
  5. Therefore less extreme version of biological
    viewpoint has emerged and known as
    biopsychological viewpoint, which allows other
    casual factors role to be studied in abnormal
    beh, but primarily focuses on the genetic,
    biochemical and

  • other biological processes which become
    imbalanced (for whatever reason) and are
    disrupting normal beh.
  • 6. There are mainly five categories of biological
    factors which seem to be relevant to the
    development of maladaptive behaviour

    A.) Neurotransmitter and
    harmonal imbalances in the brain. B.) Genetic
    C.) Constitutional
    D.) Brain dysfunction and
    E.) Physical deprivation.
  • A.) Neurotransmitter and Hormonal Imbalances
  • If the brain has to work adequately neurons or
    excited nerve cells should be able to communicate
    effectively with one another.
  • The site of communication from one neuron to
    dendrites and to another neuron is the synapse
    (synaptic cleft) a tiny filled space b\w

(No Transcript)
  • The inter neuronal transmission are accomplished
    by chemicals called neurotransmitters.
  • There are many different kinds of
    neurotransmitters, some increase the likelihood
    to produce impulse, while others inhibit impulse.
  • While the neural message has been successfully
    transmitted to the post synaptic neuron depends
    on many things such as concentration of certain
    neurotransmitters within the synaptic cleft.
  • Imbalances in neurotransmitters can result in
    abnormal behaviour. These imbalances can be due
    to physiological reasons or psychological stress.
  • Different Ways Of Creating Imbalances
  • Excessive Production and Release of
    Neurotransmitter substance into the synapse cause
    a functional excess in the levels of
  • Dysfunction in the normal process of

Once the neurotransmitters are released in the
synapse, they are deactivated. The deactivation
occurs in two ways a.) Once the
neurotransmitter substance is released into the
synaptic cleft, it is deactivated by enzymes
present in the synapse such as monoamine oxidase.
Sometime neurotransmitters are reabsorbed or
sucked back into the presynaptic axon button,
this process is called reuptake. 3. Dysfunction
can create neurotransmitter imbalances either
when the deactivation enzymes present in synapse
are deficient or there is a slowing of the
ordinary process of reuptake. 4. There may be
problems with the receptors of the post synaptic
neuron they can either be abnormally sensitive or
abnormally insensitive. 5. Different disorders
are thought to stem from the above mentioned
Neurotransmitters and Psychopathology Malfunctioni
ng of some Neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters
Resulting Problems
Norepinephrine Disrupts emergency reaction
in acutely
stressful or dangerous situations. Dopamine
Excessive high levels is associated
schizophrenia. Serotonin Disrupts
information processing system
and plays an important role in
disorders such as anxiety, depression
and suicide. GABA
Associated with anxiety disorders

Hormonal Imbalances Hormones are chemical
messengers secreted by a set of endocrine glands
in our bodies. Each of the endocrine glands
produce and release its own set of hormones which
travel through our blood stream and affects parts
of our brain and body. Our central nervous
system is linked to the endocrine system by the
effects of the hypothalamus on the pituitary
gland which is the master gland of the body which
produces a variety of hormones that regulate or
control the other endocrine glands. One important
set of interactions occur in the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-cortical axis
(hypothalamus receives messages from the central
nervous system and dispatches it to pituitary
which then stimulates the cortical part of the
adrenal gland to produce epinephrine (adrenaline)
and the stress hormone cortisole)
  • Any kind of malfunctioning of this system gives
    rise to various forms of psychopathology.
  • Gonadal gland produce sex problems (androgen and
    testosterone in males and estrogens and
    progesterone in females )imbalances in which
    causes maladaptive behaviour. For example - a
    girl who was exposed prenatal to high levels of
    male hormones are likely to show higher levels of
    tomboyism and a preference for toys usually
    preferred by boys. (Berenbaum Itines, 1992)
  • B.) Genetic Vulnerabilities
  • The biochemical processes are themselves
    effected by genes.
  • Although beh is never determined exclusively by
    genes substantial evidence show that some mental
    disorders have a hereditary component.

  • Studies have suggested that heredity is an
    important predisposing causal factor for a number
    of different disorders, such as depression,
    schizophrenia and alcoholism (Plomin et al.,
  • Genetic Vulnerability does not manifest itself
    until later in life i.e.,- adolescence or
  • In the field of abnormal Psychology genetic
    influence rarely express themselves in a simple
    and straight forward manner. This is because
    behaviour unlike some physical characteristics
    such as eye colour, is not determined exclusively
    by genetic endowment. It is a product of the
    organisms interaction with the environment.
  • The subtle influences are transmitted in the
    genetic code itself but if the genes are faulty
    or different from normal, they are believed to
    affect adversely the delicate regulation of brain
    biochemistry and the result will be maladaptive

  • PKU Phenylketonuria Excess amount of
    phenylalanine (a
  • chemical
    compound in food) and
  • and
    failure of metabolism of this
  • substance
    leads to mental

  • retardation and seizures.
  • 2. Lesch Nyhan Syndr- Lethal neurological
    condition, only
  • -ome ( due to recessive males are affected,
    shows bizarre
  • gene) behaviour.
  • 3. Tay Sachs Disorder Blindness, too much
  • (due to recessive movements are
  • genes)

  • 4. Huntingtons chorea Due to dominant genes-
    results in
  • mental
    retardation, emotional distur-
  • -bance
    and motor defects.
  • b.) Chromosomal Abnormalities-
  • The chain like structures with in a cell nucleus
    that contains genes are called chromosomes.
  • Advances in research have enabled us to readily
    detect chromosomal abnormalities- irregularities
    in the chromosomal structure- even before birth.
  • Normal human cells have 46 chromosomes
    containing the genetic material in which heredity
    plan is encoded.
  • When fertilization takes place, the normal
    inheritance consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes,
    one of each pair from

  • the and one from the father.
  • Twenty two of these pairs are called autosomes,
    they determine by their biochemical action, the
    general anatomical and physiological
    characteristics. The remaining pair, the sex
    chromosomes, determine an individuals sex. In
    female, both the chromosomes are X and in male,
    from mother it is X and from father it is Y
  • Research development has shown that
    abnormalities in the structure or number of
    chromosomes are associated with wide range of
    malformation and disorders.
  • Trisomy 13 An extra chromosome
    in the 13th pair
  • causes a
    fatal condition with major
  • brain

2. Trisomy 18 An extra
chromosome in the 18th pair
cause fatal condition related to
heart malformation. 3. Trisomy 21
An extra chromosome in the 21th pair
causes down syndrome
and results in
mental retardation , slanted eyes and
face. 4. Trisomy 23 An extra
chromosome in male causes
klinefelter syndrome resulting in
developed testicles and lack of
body hair and 20 of them
  • 5. Monosomy 23 A lack of X
    chromosome in female
  • causes
    turner syndrome resulting in
  • short
    stature, webbed necks and
  • under
    developed ovaries.
  • C.) Constitutional Liabilities
  • I. Physical Defects-
  • Embroyologic abnormalities or environmental
    conditions operating before or after birth may
    result in physical defects.
  • Causes Of Physical Defects-
  • Low birth weight
  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • 3. Disease
  • 4. Exposure to radiation
  • 5. Drugs
  • 6. Severe emotional stress
  • 7. Mothers excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
  • These can lead to -
  • Learning disorders
  • Behavioural disturbances
  • Emotional disturbances

  • It includes reactivity and self regulation. We
    differ in temperament because everybody has
    different ways of reacting to a particular
    stimuli. Temperament is regarded as
    constitutional rather than genetic because it is
    probably due to more than genetic influences
    alone prenatal and postnatal environmental
    factors also play a major role in its
    development. Different temperaments can be
    affected by
  • Emotional and arousal responses to various
  • Tendency to approach, withdrew and attend to
    various situations

  • Temperament Likelihood of
    developing disorders or
  • developed upto 2 to 3 personality
  • months
  • Fearfulness and Neuroticism the
    disposition to
  • irritability experience
    negative effect.
  • 2. Positive affect and extra version and
    emotionally positive
  • activity level (Watson et
  • 3. Attentional constraint and
    control behaviour and
  • persistence show agree able
  • 4. Fearfulness behaviourally
    inhibited (Kagan 1993,
  • Matheny
    1989) Risk is for developing
  • anxiety
    disorders later on in life.

5. Not at all fearful Highly uninhibited
in learning moral values from parents
and society.
(Rothbart Ahadi 1994)
Exhibit aggressive delinquent
(Schwartz et al, 1996) 6. No fearfulness
Conduct disorder and antisocial and hostility
personality disorder (Harpur,
Hare 1993) D.) Brain Dysfunction and neural
plasticity- Advances in our understanding of how
the brain functions and how brain dysfunctions
and neural plasticity can lead to psychopathology
have been increased at the rapid pace in the
  • past decade with the increased availability of
    sophisticated new neuro imaging techniques to
    study the function and structure of brain.
  • These and other
    kinds of techniques to study brain structure and
    function have been showing that genetic programs
    for brain development are not as rigid and
    deterministic as once believed (Nelson and Blum
  • Important Observations-
  • Significant damage to brain tissues places a
    person at risk for psychopathology.
  • The incidence of such damage increases notably
    among the elderly because of aging process
    itself, often resulting in Alzheimers disease
    and cardiovascular insufficiency.
  • Brain damage sometimes leads to abnormal beh and
    also increases vulnerability by making a person
    less able to cope.

4. Genetic programs for brain development are not
as rigid and deterministic for example- Pregnant
monkeys have infants who are jittery and
show exposed to neuro
chemical abnormalities and unpredictable loud
increased level of dopamine and sounds
nor epinephrine (
Schneider,1992) 5. Many environmental events
that occur postnatally also affect the brain
development of the infant and child for
example-the formation of new neural connection
or synapse afterbirth is dramatically affected by
the experience a young organism has. (Greenough
and Black 1992).
  • Rats reared in show heavier and
    thicker cell
  • enriched environment development in certain
    portions of the
  • cortex
    (more synapse per neuron).
  • 2.Reared in social show neuro anatomic
  • isolation from birth in brain regions that
    lead to emotional
  • and
    cognitive malfunction and variety
  • of
    behavioural and emotional

  • abnormalities (Ginsberg et al.,1993).

E.) Physical Deprivation- Sleep Deprivation
Psychological Problems Sleep
deprivation for 1. disorientation for time
and place 72 to 98 hours 2. feeling
of depersonalization. Mild Sleep Deprivation
Adverse Emotional Consequences Sleep
deprivation leads 1. performance decreased to
excessive sleepiness 2. performance lapses
3. vulnerability
to accidents
4. use of caffeine and alcohol
5. mood and behavioural
Food Deprivation Psychological
Impact and problems Prolonged food
1. Dramatic personality and behavioural Deprivatio
n changes.
2. Irritable, unsociable,
unable to
concentrate on or day dream about
food only, lying and
stealing food.
3. After six months the predominant
mood was of
gloom and depression
accompanied by apathy, feeling of

inadequacy and loss of interest in
Severe malnutrition 1. Impairs physical
development. Associated with 2. Lower
resistance to disease. Prenatal neglect
3. Stunts brain growth markedly Limited access
to lowered intelligence . Health
care 4. Risk for disorders such
attention deficit disorder.
5. Attentional problems.
6. Increased
distractibility and
interference with school
  • Healthy mental development depends on a childs
    receiving adequate amount of stimulation from the
  • Physical development of the brain is adversely
    affected by an unstimulating environment.
  • Enhanced biological development depends on
    enriched and complex environment where the child
    is engaged in different activities in early
    stages of development.
  • On the other hand, there are limits to how much
    stimulation is beneficial to a developing
  • Though we dont have much evidence, but sensory
    overload can impair functioning. As we all know
    that under excessive pressure we may strive to
    decrease the level of stimulation. On the other
    hand under some conditions such as boredom-we may
    strive to increase the level of stimulation by
    doing something.

  • 6. So it is important to have an optimal level of
    stimulation and activity for normal psychological
  • Merits-
  • This model has affected the way we think about
    human behaviour.
  • We now recognize the important role of bio
    chemical factors and innate characteristics and
    their effect on normal and abnormal behaviour.
  • Due to this model, we have witnessed many new
    development in the use of drugs, that can
    dramatically alter the severity and course of
    certain mental disorders, particularly the more
    severe ones like schizophrenia.
  • The host of new drugs brought a great deal of
    attention to

  • the biological model, not only in scientific
    circle but also in the popular media.
  • 5. Biological treatments based on this model have
    immediate results and they have provided the hope
    that in most cases, biological therapies will
    lead to cure all- immediate results with
    seemingly little effort.
  • Demerits-
  • It will be a mistake to emphasize this model
    only. It will be useful if used with other models
    and there are several common errors in a way
    people interpret the biological advances.
  • No direct link between biological causes and
    mental disorders are found, the relationship is
  • If we find biological base for any disorder, we
    say that the person is ill but in this way our
    personality traits have also biological base,
    then are they reflect our illness.

4. It will be difficult to separate the
biological factors from environmental factors
totally. THANK YOU
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