Title: ROBUSTNESS in Biological Systems
1ROBUSTNESS in Biological Systems
- Are Biochemical networks delicately balanced?
2Robustness in Biological Systems
- Common issues
- How is it achieved?
- How does it evolve within various aspects of
biological systems? - def. Systems that are robust maintain their
state and function against external and internal
3Robustness in Biological Systems
- Robustness is an essential feature of biological
systems - Robust systems are insensitive to internal
parameter changes - Able to adapt to changes in the environment
- Even damage may just produce minor alterations
4Properties of Highly Robust Systems
- Feedback
- Bacteria Chemotaxis
- P53-based cell-cycle arrest
- Modularity
- Spatial Localization of biochemical networks
- Redundancy
- Circadian Oscillator
- Structural Stability
- Archetypal genetic switch (the lambda phage
decision circuit) - Drosophila embryogenesis
5I. Bacterial Chemotaxis
- Robustness thru feedback.
6Bio-organisms are Responsive
- Networks of interacting proteins demonstrate the
responsiveness of living cells to a variety of
external stimuli. - But if living cells are so responsive, does that
make them (including us) too sensitive to slight
changes in the stimuli? - For example, an abrupt change in chemical signals.
7Two Possibilities
- Either nature is designed to be very sensitive to
inputs (which is consistent with its
responsiveness), OR - It is actually very robust, and is in fact very
insensitive to the precise values of its
parameters or inputs!
8Bacteria Chemotaxis
- chemotaxis -
- cell movement caused by chemical
stimulus movement or change in the position of a
cell or organism in response to the presence of a
chemical agent
9Bacteria Chemotaxis
- In this case, changes in the stimuli do not
hamper an organisms performance. - It actually helps the organism survive.
- Bacteria such as E. Coli bias their swimming
motion towards specific attractants, and away
from repellents.
10Information about the chemical environment is
transduced into the cells by chemoreceptors. INPU
T chemical environment. FEEDBACK or OUTPUT
tumbling motions to swim towards or away the
11II. The Circadian Oscillator
- From the Latin circa about, and dies day
- Circadian rhythm is a periodicity of about 24
hours this is exhibited by biological organisms - Contained within cells which contain a particular
molecular clockwork
12The Circadian Oscillator
- Such cells use molecular loops that are sealed
within the cell itself it cannot therefore be
affected by external factors - Consequently, circadian clock cells dont need
cell-to-cell or cell-to-environment interactions
to keep time
13The Circadian Oscillator
- The best known examples
- eyes of some marine mollusks
- retina of amphibians
- mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus
- pineal gland of nonmammalian vertebrates,
particularly those of birds. - Example pineal glands removed from sparrows
14Core Model (simplistic)
nuclear Gene transcription protein (Pn)
nRNA (Mp)
Protein (Po)
15How it works
- The model incorporates gene transcription,
transport of mRNA (MP) into the cytosol where it
is translated into the clock protein (Po) and
degraded. The clock protein can be reversibly
phos-phorylated from the form P0 into the forms
P1 and P2, successively.
16But theres Molecular Noise
- As the number of molecules decreases, ? the above
system fluctuates in its timing - Noise produced is proportional to 1/sqrt(N),
where N is the no. of molecules
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19Circadian Robustness
- Robustness increases in proportion to the number
of molecules in the system. - With few molecules, the standard deviation in the
oscillation is much greater, but - With many molecules, the average oscillations
approach the circadian value, or the correct
20III. The ? Phage circuit
- Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1 (PBCV-1)
negatively stained with uranyl acetate. The
smaller particles are lambda phage.
21Gene Regulatory Circuits
- Regulatory Circuits are also called Decision
Circuits. - These often persist in alternative stable states
- These are switches in the sense that they can
move from one stable state to another - if the input signals reach a certain threshold.
22Is ? Phage Robust?
- A bigger question is, Are Biochemical networks
delicately balanced? - Independent experiments on the ? Phage decision
circuit altered what were thought to be
essential components. - A complex site called the OR region contains many
of the events believed to control most of the
regulatory behaviors.
23Section A is a map of the OR region. Note that 3
sub regions are OR1, OR2, and OR3. PR promoter
that transcribes cI PRM promoter that
transcribes cro
24? Phage Experiment
- Binding of cI is tight to OR1, weak to OR3, and
cooperative to OR2. - Cro binds equally well to OR1 and OR3.
- To test robustness, the binding patterns of cro
and cI were disrupted, and the resulting circuit
regulation was studied - Results demonstrate that the qualitative pattern
of ? gene regulation persists despite these
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26? Experiment Conclusion
- Biochemical networks are not delicately balanced,
but can continue to function over a range of
parameters. - Despite assuming the crucial role of differential
repressor binding (in the OR region), this turns
out to be non-essential in ?-regulation.
27? Experiment Conclusion
- It may be that the OR region is likely a
fine-tuning of the circuitry for optimal
behavior. - Its stable switching action arises from the
structure of its network, rather than the
specific affinities of its binding site Kitano