Title: Report and Recommendations of
1Report and Recommendations of the Ad Hoc
2Purpose of the Ad Hoc Commission
- To analyze our current problems and potential
- To provide a thorough analysis leading to a
comprehensive, long-term plan - To assist in evaluating all programs and staffing
3Three Main Questions
- What is the synods mission and purpose?
- How can we expand our synods ministry efforts?
- What recommendations can we offer to accomplish
our task?
4Mission and Purpose of the Synod
- Do together what we cannot do as individual
congregations - Preserve unity of doctrine, educate called
workers, and carry on mission work - Focus on this purpose is critical when financial
resources have decreased
5Expansion of Mission Efforts
- Retrench and reprioritize to start new churches
and fields - Retain the Vicar in a Mission Setting program
6Synodical Budget and Finances
- Fragmentation of resources due to proliferation
of funds and appeals to support them - Empower Ministry of Christian Giving to
coordinate all appeals - Spend down special funds
7Synodical Budget and Finances
- Deal brotherly with congregations that contribute
little or no congregation mission offerings (CMO) - Budget should reflect all our work as a synod
- Encourage cooperation between the Conference of
Presidents and the Synodical Council in producing
and supporting the budget
8Strengthening Congregations
- Through the means of grace!
- Recommendations
- Appoint a group to bring redistricting proposal
to 2011 convention - Improve circuit pastor system
- Re-deploy and reconfigure the functions of Parish
Services - Continue to utilize Northwestern Publishing House
9Excellence Among Called Workers
- High school offer full academic scholarships to
Martin Luther College - College offer merit or excellence scholarships
in various areas - Seminary develop and establish study fellowships
10Excellence Among Called Workers
- Post-seminary graduate study Provide seminary
faculty guidance and a robust sabbatical program - In the field flexible program of continuing
11Synod-Wide Theological Study
- Have the Conference of Presidents initiate a
synod-wide study - Offer guidance for these studies at various
levels - Create opportunities to address issues of
doctrine and practice
12Synod-Wide Theological Study
- Suggested topics
- Year one The Efficacy of the Means of Grace
- Year two Vocation, Church, and Ministry
- Year three Care of Souls
- Year four The Sacramental Life
13Structure and Organization
- Hold joint meetings of the Synodical Council and
the Conference of Presidents - Task the president with fostering communication
between the two groups - Make the position of first vice president
14Structure and Organization
- Structure of the Synodical Council
- Replace the four area of ministry chairmen with
three at-large pastors and one teacher - Non-voting advisory members only attend sessions
by invitation
15Synod and District Conventions
- Foster the flow of information to delegates,
especially regarding the proposed budget - Include all information in the Book of Reports
and Memorials and the Report to the Twelve
Districts. - Consider the length and scheduling of the synod
16Synod and District Conventions
- Encourage the review of the Book of Reports and
Memorials at all levels of synod - Improve the system of reporting synod convention
17Synodical Communications
- Investigate new technology to be used in carrying
out the synods mission
18Cost of Ministerial Education
- Prep Level
- Reduce spending on a per student cost basis
- Set cost comparable to an area Lutheran high
school in the same region - Maintain their unique curriculum and focus, i.e.
to prepare students for Martin Luther College
19Cost of Ministerial Education
- College Level
- Reduce spending on a per student basis
- Explore and implement one or both of these
options - Set cost comparable to in-state college costs
- Implement a reimbursement program
20Soli Deo Gloria!