Title: Physician Orientation Guide
1- Physician Orientation Guide
- 2013-2014
2Welcome to UC HealthUniversity of Cincinnati
Medical Center
3- On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Administration, and staff, welcome to the Medical
Staff of University Hospital! - Wed like you to realize the full potential our
outstanding staff and facilities offer you and
your patients. - To help orient you to UCMC, you will find some of
the key information youll need to make your time
here more productive. The Medical Staff Office
(584-2320) is also available to answer any
questions you may have about the logistics of
finding your way about the system. - You may print the orientation certificate
included in the module and fax to 513-585-8049,
or bring with you to the Medical Staff Office
when you come for your hospital badge. If not
completed, youll be asked to complete in the
Medical Staff Office.
4Patient Safety Stories and Safety Quiz
- Included in this module are patient safety
stories real events that happened here. - There is a brief True/False quiz at the end of
the safety slides. - There are no passwords needed for the quiz. We
believe these lessons are important and so taking
the quiz is mandatory.
5Getting Started
- The following slides give a brief overview of the
systems and processes you will use at University
Hospital. There are summary slides that you may
print or save to use for later reference.
6UC Medical Center
- Our Mission is to
- Provide life-changing patient-centered medical
care. - Drive innovation through groundbreaking research.
- Educate and inspire the next generation of health
care professionals. - Our Vision
- Is to be the regions quality health care partner
and a national leader in solving complex medical
7Cincinnati Childrens Hospital
College of Medicine
Critical Care Pavilion
Hoxworth Resident Clinics
Main Hospital
Goodman Patient Garage
Eden Garage Physician Parking
Medical Arts Building
Barrett Cancer Center
Vontz Center
8Medical Staff Leaders
Keith Wilson, M.D. Chief of Staff July 2012-
June 2014
LeAnn Coberly, M.D. Chief of Staff- Elect
July 2012- June 2014
Andrew Filak, M.D. Designated Institutional
Official and Vice President for Education
9Hospital Senior Leadership Team
Lee Ann Liska President and CEO Robert Wones,
M.D., UC Health Chief Informatics and Quality
John Deledda, M.D. Vice President, Medical
Affairs and Immediate Past Chief of
Staff Nancy Barone, EdD, MSN, MBA, FACHE VP,
Chief Operations Officer
10Hospital Senior Leadership Team, continued
Clarence Pauley VP, Human Resources
Jen Jackson VP, Patient Care Services
Tana Casper VP, Diagnostic and Professional
Doug Arvin VP, Finance
11Patient Safety Philosophy
- People want to do a good job. Our challenges are
to support our people by a strong culture of
safety and the design of safe work processes.
12The Two Faces of Quality in Health Care
Performance Improvement
Patient Safety
How do we do good things 100 of the time?
How do we make errors 0 of the time?
13Professional Conduct
- Code of Conduct Each member of the Medical
Staff at UC Medical Center is expected, at all
times, to act in a manner that demonstrates
appropriate professional behavior, ethics and
integrity. The Code of Conduct was included in
your application packet. - Reports of inappropriate behavior may be made by
patients, family, or staff. These reports are
reviewed by medical staff leadership and
addressed through a formal process. - Impairment The impaired practitioner is one who
is unable to practice safely due to a physical or
mental illness, including deterioration through
the aging process or loss of motor skills, or
excessive use of abuse of drugs, including
alcohol.. - There is a non-punitive process to identify and
assist impaired practitioners regain full
functional status Any member of the Medical or
Allied Health Staff may request assistance
through self-referral if he/she feels such
assistance is needed.
14Professional Dress Code
- Physicians are expected to look like doctors
- Scrub wear must be covered with white coat or
blazer/sport coat outside of procedural areas - No bare legs or open-toe shoes
- Slacks, Pants, trousers - No denim
- Oxford shirt, sweater, blouse
- Skirts and dresses professional length
- Fleece jackets must have UC Health/UC Physicians
or UC College of Medicine logo
15Physician Identification Badge
- All credentialed providers must wear Hospital ID
badge while on hospital premises. - Your badge is required for EPIC sign-on
- The badge will give you access to
hospital-secured areas and after-hours perimeter
16Physician Identification Badge
- To obtain badge, you must present to the Medical
Staff Office with a state or federal photo ID - You cannot obtain badge until after you receive
official notification that your privileges are
approved - You can activate your badge for EPIC access (tap
badge) at multiple locations throughout the
hospital. You must complete EPIC training before
tap badge can be activated.
17Hospital Privileges
- Your approved privileges will be available for
viewing on the UC Health intranet. This is a
secure site available within UC Health firewall. - http//jhs-almach/iPrivileges_UH
- Type in provider name or privilege keyword to
search, then click on the name to view privileges
and other information. - If you have any questions about your approved
privileges, contact the Medical Staff Office at
18Clinical Data System
- The hospital uses EPIC as the Electronic Medical
Record - for inpatient and outpatient services
- Physician training will be required prior to
providing patient care. Training is customized
according to your medical specialty - A member of the Training Department will contact
you to set up training or test-out, as
appropriate - 585-6983 (5-MYTD) Fax 585-6304
- ?UC Health Business Center B-BAP
- training_at_uchealth.com
19Emergency Procedures Guide
Yellow Emergency Guides are located throughout
the hospital in all areas, over 400 locations.
Please use the flip charts inside for
instructions in an emergency
20- Additional information for physicians is
available on the hospital intranet, under the
heading Physicians
Website address http//intranet.uchealth.com
Physicians 5th option on menu bar
21EPIC HELP585-6983 (5-MYTD)
- You may view EPIC information on the Hospital
intranet at - http//intranet.uchealth.com/Epic
The site contains many helpful resources
including Job Aids Frequently Asked Questions
about EPIC Tips and Tricks EPIC Updates EPIC
22Privacy and Data Security are Important!
Dont Access Your Own Chart in Epic Dont Access Family Members Charts in Epic Dont Loan Passwords or Badges Dont Leave Signed-On Computers Unattended
- Epics Health Information Management (HIM) system
will work in conjunction with UC Healths
clinical cycle applications - Contact Transcription Services _at_ 513-585-7100 for
initial set-up or e-mail to ruby.kozma_at_uchealth.co
m - Transcription Services will provide your setup
and email instructions. - A dictation pocket guide is available on request.
24Medical Records Completion
- https//uchealthview.uchealth.com
- You are expected to review your records on a
regular basis (at least weekly) and complete any
that are flagged as incomplete. - You will receive notices by e-mail, or in your
Epic in-box, if your records approach 30 days
past due. You may be suspended and unable to
schedule, admit or take call if your records
reach suspension level
25Education Modules
- Education Modules are offered for specific
training, privileges, and ongoing education. - The modules taken at UC Medical Center are
accepted at other UC Health Hospitals for similar
privileges - Annually, there will be a Patient Safety Module
developed specifically for physicians. It will
be short and very relevant for physicians. The
module is set up as Survey Monkey with no
passwords required. Please take this when
assigned. - EPIC Training Modules or test-out will be
assigned by Training and Development according to
your needs - Procedural Sedation for Physicians an online
course is required in addition to ACLS
certification. This will be assigned based on
your specialty and privilege request
26We invite you to join us
- We sponsor two social events each year and hope
you will be able to join us - Summer Baseball Game - come cheer on the
Cincinnati Reds with friends, family, and
colleagues. Well select a game sometime in
August or September. - Physician Ball a formal dinner and dance held
in February. Newly credentialed physicians will
receive complimentary tickets. Its a blast
dont miss it! - Youll receive information by e-mail or at home
27Summary SAVE this page for future reference
- EPIC training Training and Development
585-6983 (5-MYTD) or training_at_uchealth.com -
- Dictation Instructions Contact Transcription
Services - ashley.brinkman_at_uchealth.com or
513-585-7126 -
- OR Locker Contact manager in the area where you
will be working. -
- HealthbridgeCollaborative healthcare network
serving the Greater Cincinnati Healthcare
Community provides authorized users secure
access from home or office to hospital clinical
applications. http//oldwww.healthbridge.org/sslv
pn-help/index.htm. -
- Other physician information and resources can be
accessed at UC Health intranet.
Select physicians from the names listed across
the top banner This is a secure site available
from Hospital or UC computer network. Selections
include Annual Safety Training, Cancer Staging
Forms, and uptodate.com, ZynxHealth, and other
reference links - To print, go to menu bar, File Select Print
from drop-down menu. Select current slide from
middle of page. Press OK to print to selected
28Hospital ContactsSome names and numbers you may
- Medical Staff Office 584-2320 tuhmedstaff._at_uc
health.com - Vice President Medical Affairs 584-8090 John
Deledda M.D. john.deledda_at_uchealth.com - Chief Quality and Informatics Officer 584-8009 Rob
ert Wones, MD robert.wones_at_uchealth.com - Chief of Staff 558-1890 Keith Wilson
M.D. keith.wilson_at_uc.edu - Chief of Staff-Elect 558-5295 LeAnn Coberly,
MD leann.coberly_at_uc.edu - Chief Executive Office 584-7064 W. Brian
Gibler, M.D. brian.gibler_at_uchealth.com - Chief Operating Officer 584-8315 Nancy
Barone nancy.barone_at_uchealth.com - Chief Nursing Officer 584-9082 Jen
Jackson jennifer.jackson_at_uchealth.com - Admitting and Transfer Referral
Center 584-8144 Anita Walton Anita.Walton_at_uchealt
h.com - Medical Records 584-0141, 584-4625 Kathleen.Be
al_at_uchealth.com - Laboratory Services 584-3700 Option 1, Micro,
Option 2, Reference, Option 3, BB, Option 4Lab - Service Response Center 584-7800 ServDeskAutom
ated_at_UCHealth.com - UCHealth IST Help Desk 585-6972 (MYPC)
- Graduate Medical Education Office 584-1705 Lisa
Boydston Lisa.Boydston_at_uchealth.com - Parking and Badge Office 584-7318 Brandi
Day Brandi.Day_at_uchealth.com - Transcription Services 585-7126 Ashley
Brinkman Ashley.Brinkman_at_uchealth.com - EPIC Training 585-MYTD Ken Keyes Ken.Keyes_at_uch
To print this page, go to menu bar, File
Select Print from drop-down menu. Select
current slide from middle of page. Press OK,
slide will print to selected printer.
29Certificate of Completion
- __________________________________
- Print Name
- Has completed Physician Orientation Module
- __________________________________
- Applicant Signature Date
- _________________________________
- Medical Staff Office Receipt Date
- Print this slide and return to Medical Staff
Office Fax 584-5501 or TUHMedStaff_at_uchealth.com
To print, go to menu bar, Select File Select
Print from drop-down menu. Select current
slide from middle of page. Press OK to print to
selected printer.