Title: The Math Behind Shaking Hands
1 - Shared Mathematics
- Working together (talking / sharing)
- Working at centres
- Using manipulatives
- Explaining / justifying
- Answering How do I know?
- Guided Mathematics
- Close interaction with teacher
- Making connections with prior knowledge /
building new ideas - Asking questions
- Communicating their ideas
- Independent Mathematics
- Working at their desk / on their own, BUT with
the opportunity to ask - Deciding which math tools to use and where to
find them - Using manipulatives
- Completing a formative or summative assessment
task - Answering How do I know? / prompts / questions
from teachers
2 The Math Behind Shaking Hands
3 - There are 6 people at a party, To become
acquainted with one another, each person shakes
hands just once with everyone else. How many
handshakes occur? - If there were more people at the party,
perhaps as many as the number in this class, how
many handshakes would occur?
4 - Think about the problem!!!
- How are you going to figure it out?
- What strategy will you use?
5In a Pair or Triad (15 minutes)
- Solve the problem
- Listening to your partner(s) as well, try to find
another way of solving the problem - Explore the extension, if your pair finishes
6 - To Learn and Extend
- Is there a difference between yours and other
7What Methods did you use to identify the
- Begin small
- Act it outlinear, circular, materials-
- Draw
- Discuss
- Narrate/verbal descriptions
- Write
- Look for patternsGeometrical, number, numerical
- Tabulate
- Logic, reasoningCombining and selecting / Number
Notice the Mathematicl Tools at work here!
8Act it out
- In a line or circle First person shakes hands,
steps aside, then second until 5th - 1st shakes 5, 2nd shakes 4, 3rd shakes 3, 4th
shakes 2 5th shakes 1 6th shakes 0 new hands - What are the regularities?
AB, AC, AD, AE, AF--5 BC, BD, BE, BF-4 CD, CE,
CF--3 DE, DF--2 EF--1
9AB, AC, AD, AE, AF--5 BC, BD, BE, BF-4 CD, CE,
CF--3 DE, DF--2 EF--1
10Thinking Geometry
Sides and diagonals of a polygon
11 Person at Party Handshakes
1 0
2 1
Is there a number pattern?
Make a graph relationship, find function, or
write an algebraic equation.
12Verbal Descriptions and Algebraic expressions for
n people
- Is this idea correct?
- Why is this expression showing
- division by two?
- 1st person shakes n-1 hands, 2nd has to shake n-2
and so on until 2nd last person who has 1 hand
to shake and last person who has had his hand
shaken by all - (n-1) (n -2) (n -3) 2 1
13 - Counting Strategies (1234 .96979899)
- 1 2 3 4 5
- 1 2 3 . n-1 n
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) - geometry of
stair case, sum of consecutive terms, sum of
first m numbers triangular numbers, reverse
sequence and sum, fold sequence sum
14Curriculum Fit
- Early Years (1-3) students may attempt this task
for small numbers by acting it out and using
materials. - Grade 4-6 students may draw some generalizations
and seek patterns. - Grade 7-8 may find the formula for n, after
sufficient work with materials, diagrams, tables
and graphs.
15Ontario Curriculum Paraphrase
- Grades 1-3 Help students identify regularities
in events, shapes, designs, and sets of numbers
using materials and diagrams and symbols (page
52) - Grades 4-6 Explore functions using graphs,
tables, expressions, equations and verbal
descriptions - Grades 7-8 Use language of Algebra to generalize
a pattern or relationship