Progress Report - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Progress Report


Title: Slide sem t tulo Author: ElianeVM Last modified by: Yuri Created Date: 4/26/2006 6:25:16 PM Document presentation format: Apresenta o na tela – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Progress Report

  • Progress Report
  • Performance Audit Subcommittee - PAS
  • INTOSAI Governing Board meeting
  • Mexico City, November 2 and 3, 2006

Tribunal de Contas da União - TCU(Brazilian
Court of Audit)
  • Minister Ausgusto Nardes, Representative of TCU
    and of the Chairman of the Performance Audit
    Sub-committee - PAS
  • Omir Lavinas, International Relations Officer

  • Creation - Steering Committee Meeting, September
  • Establishment - Intosai Governing Board, November
  • 1st Meeting - Brasília, BRAZIL, August 8 and 9,

Activities (Sept 2005 / Oct 2006)- I
  • 1. Nomination of the members
  • Request to presidents of the Intosai Regional
    Groups to nominate one SAI from each region
  • Invitation to other SAIs with special interest
    and expertise
  • 2. Preparation of the Terms of Reference and Work
    Plan Drafts, submission to the members and
    consolidation of their suggestions in new
    versions of the documents

Activities (Sept 2005 / Oct 2006) - II
  • 3. First PAS Meeting (Brasília, August 8 and 9
  • Discussion about PASs role and future actions
  • Exchange of information on progress / challenges
    in the area of Performance Audit within each
    participants SAI
  • Approval of PAS Terms of Reference and Work Plan

Terms of Reference - I
  • 1. Background
  • In light of the proposed strategies of Goal 1 of
    the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2005-2010 - review and
    restructure the current standards committees
    arrangements - it was agreed to create a new
    Sub-committee on Performance Audit under the
    INTOSAIs Professional Standards Committee - PSC.
    The decision was taken during the first PSC
    Steering Committee Meeting, on September 7 and 8,
    2005, when the SAI of Brazil was nominated Chair
    of the Subcommittee. The INTOSAI Governing Board
    approved the draft terms for the PSC, which
    included the new Performance Audit Sub-Committee,
    during its 54th Meeting, on November 10 and 11,

Terms of Reference - II
  • 2. Objective
  • The objective of the Performance Audit
    Subcommittee is to promote the INTOSAI
    Implementation Guidelines for Performance Audit
    and develop and disseminate other guidance that
    may be needed by the INTOSAI community.

Terms of Reference - III
  • 3. Membership
  • The members of this Sub-Committee are appointed
    by the INTOSAI regional working groups (one SAI
    from each region) and supplemented by other SAIs
    with special interest and expertise in
    performance audit.
  • At present the Performance Audit Sub-Committee
    has eleven() members Brazil (Chair-OLACEFS),
    Saudi Arabia (ARABOSAI), Guyana (CAROSAI),
    Australia (ASOSAI), Canada, Kiribati (SPASAI),
    United Kingdom, France, Norway, Sweden, and the
    European Court of Auditors (EUROSAI).
  • () 12th - Tunisia

Terms of Reference - IV
  • 4. Operations
  • Mandate
  • The mandate of the Performance Audit
    Sub-Committee is to
  • Promote the use of INTOSAIs Implementation
    Guidelines for Performance Audit among the
    INTOSAI community.
  • Identify key needs among SAIs for additional
  • Work towards meeting the needs identified, based
    on evaluation of resources needed against the
    potential benefits.

Terms of Reference - V
  • Rules and Procedures
  • Sub-Committee members are entitled to one vote
    each, when voting on issues.
  • Communication
  • Communication is through a limited number of
    physical meetings as deemed necessary and mainly
    by correspondence (post, facsimile, e-mail and
    conference call) and the Internet web-site
    established by the PSC Chair for distribution of
    documents and other information.

Terms of Reference - VI
  • Funding
  • Members pay their own travel and accommodation
    expenses for meetings. The direct meeting
    expenses alone are met by the SAI that hosts the
  • Language
  • The working language of the Sub-Committee is

Terms of Reference - VII
  • 5. Sub-Committee Chair
  • The Performance Audit Sub-Committee Chair is
    responsible for the Sub-Committee and its work.
  • Once the development of new guidance is decided
    by the Sub-Committee, the Sub-Committee Chair
    will run the project through from development to
    publication of final outputs.
  • After being approved by the PAS, the Chair will
    circulate documents within PSC and among INTOSAI
    members for comments and will bring them before
    the Governing Board and INCOSAI for approval .

Terms of Reference - VIII
  • 6. Reporting
  • The Performance Audit Sub-Committee will report
    on its activities to the PSC Chair twice a year.

Work Plan 2006-2008 - I
  • The INTOSAI Performance Audit Sub-Committee (PAS)
    has planned initial actions in order to fulfil
    its mandates, especially the dissemination of the
    INTOSAI Implementation Guidelines for
    Performance Audit and the development of
    guidance on the basis of this INTOSAI document.

Work Plan 2006-2008 - II
  • Mandate 1 Promote the use of INTOSAI
    Implementation Guidelines for Performance Audit
    among the INTOSAI community.
  • 1.1 PAS Chair will consult IDI about their
    current approach on performance audit training
    and particularly on how INTOSAI guidelines fit
    into that training, and will consider what
    further guidance and training are required and
    how best to deliver them.
  • 1.2 Each PAS member should consult the Chair of
    their INTOSAI regional organisation about the
    ways they promote the INTOSAI guidelines on
    performance audit and will report back to the
    Chair of the Sub-Committee.

Work Plan 2006-2008 - III
  • Mandate 2 Identify key needs among SAIs for
    additional guidance.
  • 2.1 Analyse results of the INTOSAI Professional
    Standards Committee (PSC) survey on the use of
    INTOSAI and other standards from a performance
    audit perspective and identify key needs for
    additional guidance.
  • 2.2 Following receipt of suggestions from the
    PSC, the Sub-Committee will consider existing,
    widely recognised global, regional, national
    standards, and advise the PSC on whether it
    believes they could be acceptable to INTOSAI or
    could be consolidated into suitable guidelines.

Work Plan 2006-2008 - IV
  • Mandate 3 Work towards meeting the needs
    identified, based on evaluation of resources
    needed against the potential benefits.
  • 3.1 Develop a more detailed work program
    following analysis of PSC survey results. Areas
    that might be considered include topic selection,
    design, resourcing, audit scope, reporting,
    adequacy of audit evidence, and need for
    guidelines for smaller scale performance audits.

Work Plan 2006-2008 - V
  • 3.2 Consult with the PSC about how to communicate
    with international co-operation agencies about
    PAS existence and its availability to provide
    advice on the importance of performance audit.
  • 3.3 Monitor the development of relevant theories,
    methods and evaluation, assess the consequences
    for performance audit and disseminate the

Next actions
  • Analyse PSC survey results, identifying needs
    and priorities concerning the development of
  • Prepare a more detailed work plan aiming at
    fulfilling the identified needs.
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