Isaiah - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Isaiah ... Isaiah – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Isaiah

  • Isaiahs name means, the Lord is salvation
  • He tells of the coming Messiah
  • He prophesied under 4 kings Isaiah 11
  • Uzziah (Azariah) 2 Kings 151-7
  • Jotham 2 Kings 15 32-38 2 Chronicles 27
  • Ahaz 2 Kings 16 2 Chronicles 28
  • Hezekiah 2 Kings 18-20 2 Chronicles 29-32

Calling Heaven and Earth to Witnesses
  • Isaiah called heaven and earth to witness his
    words against his people Isaiah 12
    Deuteronomy 3128-326
  • God took the people of Israel as his children
    Exodus 422-23 Deuteronomy 141 326, 18, 20
  • God had lovingly guided Israel through Egyptian
    bondage, wilderness wandering and development as
    a great nation
  • Yet, Israel used violent self-will to break away
    from God

Israels Poor Treatment of God
  • Israel treated God worse than an animal treats
    its master Isaiah 13
  • The ox submits to its owner
  • The ass recognizes one who fills its crib with
  • The prophet speaks of God, his wounded friend
    Isaiah 14-6
  • They were in apostasy in heart (forsaken the
    Lord), in words (provoked the Holy One of Israel)
    and action (gone away backward)
  • How long will they heap apostasy upon apostasy
    and call down Gods wrath?
  • The whole body of Israel is sick from head to toe

The Peoples Condition
  • They might object that they offered abundantly to
    God Isaiah 110-15
  • God asks who required their vain sacrifices
  • Their prayers were unacceptable because God could
    see human blood dripping from their guilty hands
  • God calls for them to repent and replace their
    evil deeds with good Isaiah 116-17
  • God calls them to trial where their sins will be
    made plain and promises to cleanse them when they
    recognize their wrong Isaiah 118-20

Gods Observations
  • Jerusalem had been faithful and righteously dealt
    with evil within Isaiah 121
  • Dross shines like silver and watered wine retains
    its color, but both are useless Isaiah 122
  • The leaders were rebellious, associating with
    thieves by accepting stolen goods as bribes while
    failing to protect the fatherless and widows
    Isaiah 123
  • God will right all wrongs and restore his order
    Isaiah 124-31

The Stump of Jesse
  • Isaiah 10 pictures Assyria and the worldly forces
    as the great cedar forest of Lebanon
  • God will bring down the forest
  • Israel is the stump of a fallen tree Isaiah
  • The stock of the tree of Jesse will send forth a
    tender branch
  • That branch is Christ who was a descendant of
    David, Jesses son
  • He started insignificant, like a sprig, thus
    Isaiah mentions Jesse instead of David
  • He was born in Bethlehem and raised in despised
    Nazareth Micah 52 Matthew 21, 23

A Picture of Christ
  • Jesus had the Spirit of the Lord without measure
    Isaiah 112 John 334 Luke 418 Acts 1038
    Colossians 119 29
  • And his delight shall be in the fear of the
    Lord (Isaiah 113, R.S.V.)
  • Christ is a judge whose clothes are held up by
    divine will
  • He will judge the oppressors of those who are
    bowed down by misfortune and free from pride in
    self (poor and meek) Matthew 53-12 Revelation
    15 314

Christs Reign
  • Christs reign will be peaceful Isaiah 16-9
  • Natural enemies, such as the wolf and lamb, will
    live in harmony
  • Beasts that could not be controlled by the
    strongest man would submit to the leadership of a
  • All the change would come because of the
    knowledge of the Lord
  • Christ emphasized the words of God John 178
  • He also emphasized peaceful, loving relationships
    between the bitterest of enemies Matthew
    543-48 Romans 138-14 Ephesians 431-52
    214-16 Galatians 326-29

Christs Kingdom
  • Gentiles would be welcome Isaiah 1110 21-4
    Romans 1512
  • God will recover his people from foreign lands
    and friendship restored between Israel and Judah
    Isaiah 1111-13
  • All obstacles to those returning to God would be
  • Enemies would be defeated Isaiah 1114
  • A dry passage would be made through the Red Sea
    and the rivers Isaiah 1115
  • There will be a road to God Isaiah 1116

Who Believed the Report?
  • The report common among us, which was the power
    and might (arm) of the Lord Isaiah 531
    Deuteronomy 434 515 Ezekiel 3021
  • Delitzsch says we introduced suddenly in a
    prophecy, as in Isaiah 532, is always Israel
    speaking along with the prophet
  • They should have seen Gods power in the works of
    Jesus John 2030-31 Acts 222 Matthew
    1222-30 Romans 14 1 Corinthians 151-8

Jesus Was Not Desirable
  • He grew up under Gods protective eye
  • He had a lowly beginning in a land of conquered
    people, from a house as good as dead
  • Sprang up from a root of a tree cut down and now
    in dry ground
  • The people sought someone with a special
    background and attractive appearance
  • We saw Him, and there was nothing in His
    appearance to make us desire Him, or feel
    attracted by Him Isaiah 532b, Delitzsch

Jesus Was Repulsive
  • Despised (looked down upon and held in contempt)
    Isaiah 533 John 111 Hebrews 123
  • He experienced all forms of sorrow
  • Death of a close friend
  • Betrayal
  • Desertion by closest companions
  • Separation from God
  • Jesus face was repulsive, so the people turned
    away from him and counted him as being worth

A Sinner Being Punished by God
  • Jesus helped the people with their illnesses and
    diseases, or griefs, and with pain and mental
    stress, or sorrows Isaiah 534
  • Fulfilled according to Matthew 816-17
  • Miracles were clear proof of his Deity Hebrews
  • Yet, Israel viewed him as a sinner being punished
    by God because he endured such hardship

Jesus Suffered a Horrible Death
  • He was pierced and crushed on account of our sins
    Isaiah 535
  • He suffered the chastisement, or discipline,
    which leads to our peace
  • His scourging was medicine for our sin-sick
  • The punishment for Israels guilt fell upon
    Jesus shoulders Isaiah 536
  • They were like scattered sheep in exile because
    of their selfish rebellion against God

Details of Jesus Death
  • He would endure suffering voluntarily, like a
    sheep going to slaughter Isaiah 537
  • He would silently endure an unjust trial Isaiah
  • He was carried out of an unjust judicial system
    to die for the sins of the people
  • He would die with the wicked but be buried with
    the rich Isaiah 539
  • Accused of blasphemy and crucified between 2
    thieves, he should have received a disgraceful
    burial, but God would not allow it because of his
  • The Romans let Joseph of Arimathea have the body

An Offering for Sins and Conqueror
  • God used mans wicked works for his purpose
    Isaiah 5310 Acts 223
  • Jesus was an offering for sin
  • Gods pleasure was to save man and Jesus would
    see that purpose prosper because of his work
  • Because of Jesus sacrifice, Jesus will see Gods
    purpose fulfilled and be satisfied
  • Jesus death stood as a part of his exaltation
    and through it he conquered Isaiah 5312
  • He bore the sins of many Hebrews 928
  • They had to repent and turn to him to receive
    help Acts 312-19
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