Title: Comp 15 - Usability and Human Factors
1Comp 15 - Usability and Human Factors
- Unit 3a - Cognition and Human Performance
This material was developed by Columbia
University, funded by the Department of Health
and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information Technology
under Award Number 1U24OC000003.
- Cognition and Human Computer Interaction in a
cognitive engineering approach - A model of human information processing including
perception, attention, memory and cognition - Mental models and interactive behavior
- Distributed cognition
3Cognition and Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
4HCI Cognitive Engineering Approach
- Principles, methods and tools to assess and guide
design of computerized systems to support human
performance - Focus on attention, perception, memory,
comprehension, problem solving, and decision
making - Analysis of cognitive tasks and processing
constraints imposed by the human information
processing system
5Cognitive Theory and HCI
6Driving with a Computer Keyboard
- Imagine trying to drive a car using a computer
keyboard. The four arrow keys are used for
steering, the space bar for braking and the
return key for accelerating. To indicate left you
need to press the F1 key and to indicate right,
the F2 key. To sound your horn you need to press
the F3 key. To switch the headlights on you need
to use the F4 key and the F5 key for the
windshield wipers. Now imagine as you were
driving along a road a ball is suddenly kicked in
front of you. What would you do? Bash the arrow
keys and the space bar madly while pressing the
F3 key?
Preece, J. Rogers, Y. Sharp, H. (2007)
Interaction Design Beyond Human-Computer
Interaction. 2nd Edition. New York, NY John
Wiley Sons. P. 92
7Human Information Processing
8A Model of Human Information Processing
10Gestalt Organization Principles
- Perceptual organizing principle
- How we perceive structure in our environment
- Proximity
- Containment
- Similarity
- Closure
- Continuation
- Basic principles with clear implications for web
11No Clear Grouping
16Anyones Guess
17Airport Status Example
Was the delay Boston or Westchester?
- Was the delay Boston or Westchester?
18Schedule 1
On time
On time
On time
La Guardia
On time
On time
Long Island
On time
On time
19Simple Improvement 1
On time
On time
On time
La Guardia
On time
On time
Long Island
On time
On time
20Simple Improvement 2
Newark - On Time
Philadelphia - On Time
JFK - On Time
Boston - Delay
La Guardia - On Time
Westchester - On Time
Newberg - On Time
Long Island - On Time
21Human Attention
- Selective Mechanism
- Resource needed for information processing
- Limited
- Sharable
- Flexible
22Selective Attention
- Ability to ignore extraneous information and
focus on relevant inputs - Performance typically declines as the number of
sources of information increases - Humans can only process information at a finite
rate - Information overload results in errors
23The Case of Bird Watching
24Computer Provider Order Entry Systems
25Representational Effect
26Digital vs. Analog
27Glucose and BP Representations
28Risk Representations (Ancker, 2007)