Privacy and Security in the VLDS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Privacy and Security in the VLDS


Privacy and Security in the VLDS Commonwealth Security Benefits (Intended) Confidence in the integrity of the data and the systems processes Assistance in compliance ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Privacy and Security in the VLDS

Privacy and Security in the VLDS
Commonwealth Security Benefits (Intended)
  • Confidence in the integrity of the data and the
    systems processes
  • Assistance in compliance with laws and regulation
    involving confidentiality
  • A secure environment in which to perform business
    activities of the Commonwealth
  • Identification and protection of key business
    functions and services in the event of disaster
  • Monitoring for intrusions and Network "attacks"
    on Commonwealth systems

SEC 501-01 The Commonwealths IS Security
Standard Chapters
  • Risk Management
  • IT Contingency Planning
  • Information Systems Security
  • Logical Access Control
  • Data Protection
  • Facilities Security
  • Personnel Security
  • Threat Management
  • IT Asset Management

Government Data Collection and Dissemination
Practices Act (selected items)
  • 2.2-3803. Administration of systems including
    personal information Internet privacy policy
  • A. Any agency maintaining an information system
    that includes personal information shall
  • 1. Collect, maintain, use, and disseminate only
    that personal information permitted or required
    by law to be so collected, maintained, used, or
    disseminated, or necessary to accomplish a proper
    purpose of the agency
  • 5. Make no dissemination to another system
    without (i) specifying requirements for security
    and usage including limitations on access
    thereto, and (ii) receiving reasonable assurances
    that those requirements and limitations will be
  • 6. Maintain a list of all persons or
    organizations having regular access to personal
    information in the information system
  • 7. Maintain for a period of three years or until
    such time as the personal information is purged,
    whichever is shorter, a complete and accurate
    record, including identity and purpose, of every
    access to any personal information in a system,
    including the identity of any persons or
    organizations not having regular access authority
    but excluding access by the personnel of the
    agency wherein data is put to service for the
    purpose for which it is obtained
  • 8. Take affirmative action to establish rules of
    conduct and inform each person involved in the
    design, development, operation, or maintenance of
    the system, or the collection or use of any
    personal information contained therein, about all
    the requirements of this chapter, the rules and
    procedures, including penalties for
    noncompliance, of the agency designed to assure
    compliance with such requirements

Government Data Collection and Dissemination
Practices Act
  • 2.2-3805. Dissemination of reports
  • Any agency maintaining an information system that
    disseminates statistical reports or research
    findings based on personal information drawn from
    its system, or from other systems shall
  • 1. Make available to any data subject or group,
    without revealing trade secrets, methodology and
    materials necessary to validate statistical
    analysis, and
  • 2. Make no materials available for independent
    analysis without guarantees that no personal
    information will be used in any way that might
    prejudice judgments about any data subject.
  • 2.2-3806. Rights of data subjects.
  • 2. Give notice to a data subject of the possible
    dissemination of part or all of this information
    to another agency, nongovernmental organization
    or system not having regular access authority,
    and indicate the use for which it is intended,
    and the specific consequences for the individual,
    which are known to the agency, of providing or
    not providing the information. 

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act(2008
Amendments to Regulations)
  • State Consolidated Education Data Systems
  • the Department has been working closely with
    SEAs to establish or upgrade State data systems
    in order to manage information generated by
    assessments, and use the data to improve student
    academic achievement and close achievement gaps.
    Changes to 99.35(b) make it possible for SEAs
    and other State educational authorities to
    implement K-16 accountability systems by
    redisclosing personally identifiable student
    information on behalf of LEAs and postsecondary
    institutions provided they have legal authority
    to audit or evaluate one another's education
  • Additionally, under FERPA, State educational
    authorities, such as SEAs and higher education
    commissions, may disclose education records in
    personally identifiable form, without consent, to
    contractors, consultants, and other parties to
    whom they have outsourced organizational services
    or functions, including evaluation of Federal or
    State supported education programs under 99.35,
    provided that the State educational authority has
    direct control over that outside party. 

Relevant SCHEV Language
  •  23-9.61. Duties of Council generally.
  • 9. Develop a uniform, comprehensive data
    information system designed to gather all
    information necessary to the performance of the
    Council's duties. The system shall include
    information on admissions, enrollments,
    self-identified students with documented
    disabilities, personnel, programs, financing,
    space inventory, facilities and such other areas
    as the Council deems appropriate. When consistent
    with the Government Data Collection and
    Dissemination Practices Act, the Virginia
    Unemployment Compensation Act, and applicable
    federal law, the Council, acting solely or in
    partnership with the Virginia Department of
    Education or the Virginia Employment Commission,
    may contract with private entities to create
    de-identified student records for the purpose of
    assessing the performance of institutions and
    specific programs relative to the workforce needs
    of the Commonwealth. For the purposes of this
    section, "de-identified student records" means
    records in which all personally identifiable
    information has been removed.

Component Overview
SLDS Portal
Data Request
Security Overview
Aggregated Data (Suppressed) Aggregated Data (Non- Suppressed) Unit Record Level Data Account Management Portal Components
Anonymous Anonymous
Named Named
Agency Employees
System Admin
  • Viewing
  • Viewing
  • Suppressed Data
  • Non-Suppressed Data

  • Database
  • Table
  • Column
  • Role Based
  • Permission
  • Viewing
  • Editing

Reporting Record Level Linked Data
Lexicon Shaker Process
Common IDs deterministic or Common Elements
with appropriate Transforms, Matching Algorithms
and Thresholds probabilistic
User Interface/ Portal/ LogiXML
Shell Database
Query Building Process (Pre-Authorization)
Sample Data
Field Name Meta data
A 10101101010100110110
B 01010111001010010110
C 01101010100101010110
Field Name Meta data
A 10101101010100110110
B 01010111001010010110
N 01101010100101010110
Field Name Meta data
k 10101101010100110110
b 01010111001010010110
n 01101010100101010110
Workflow Manager
DS 1
Linking Control
A linking engine process will update the Lexicon
periodically to allow query building on known
available matched data fields. No data is used
in this process. Queries are built on the
relationships between data fields in the Lexicon.
DS 2
Data Access Control
Sub-Query Optimization
Hashed ID Matrix
DS 3
Authorized Query
Query Results
Merging UR Data on Hashed-IDs
Addl Data Sources
Possible Connection using Web Service creates
Web Services Data Source (Oracle) - enables
application and data integration by turning
external web service into an SQL data source,
making external Web services appear as regular
SQL tables. This table function represents the
output of calling external web services and can
be used in an SQL query.
Possible Connection using Homogeneous link
between Oracle DBs establish synonyms for
global names of remote objects in the
distributed system so that the Shaker can access
them with the same syntax as local objects
Possible Connection using Heterogeneous link
using available Transparent Gateway or Generic
Sub-query processing priority will be determined
for each query to minimize unnecessary data
transfer (e.g. not downloading unmatched records
unless specifically requested) to optimize join
performance see Query Sub-Process Optimization
Matched Hash ID Values
Data Architecture
DS 1
DS 3
DS 2
  1. Contains DBs for Shaker, Ad Hoc metadata,
    logging, auditing, etc.
  2. Database for Shaker process and that temporarily
    stores linked record level data. The temporary
    tables will be dropped after a set period of
  3. For canned reports, Stored Procedures will be
    used for data querying and suppression.

DS 1
Aggregate Linked Data
Shaker/ Deidentified Record Level Data2
Metadata and Security1
Shell DB
Aggregate Linked Reports
Record Level Query / Reports
Lexicon UI / Admin
SLDS Portal
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Role Based
  • Anonymous User
  • Named User
  • System Administrator
  • Agency Employee
  • Researcher
  • Permissions
  • Workflow
  • Reports (Suppressed and Non-Suppressed)
  • Query Building Tool
  • Lexicon
  • Data elements
  • User Account Management
  • Data security enforced by/at .
  • Portal
  • Lexicon
  • Viewing
  • Editing
  • Reports
  • Suppressed Data
  • Non-Suppressed Data
  • Workflow
  • Data
  • Database
  • Table
  • Column

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