Title: Mal
1MARINTEK Norwegian Marine Technology Research
Presentation at EU Information day Oslo 20
January 2004 Egil Rensvik, MARINTEK
2SINTEFs organization
SINTEF Group SINTEF AppliedMathematics SINTEF
Civil and Environmental Engineering SINTEF
Electronics and Cybernetics SINTEF Applied
SINTEF Materials Technology SINTEF Industrial
Management SINTEF Telecom and
Informatics SINTEF Unimed
SINTEF Energy Research
SINTEF Petroleum Research
MARINTEK Maritime Research
SINTEF Fisheries Aquaculture
3MARINTEK projects in EC - 4 FWP
SAFETY-NET - Competence development and flexible
learning POSEIDON - VTS - Vessel Traffic
Services SAFECO I / II - Safety in coastal
waters IPSI - Waterborne logistics
solutions STEMM - Transport policy
study ERGO - Strategy. Energy efficient
routing ICE ROUTES - Ships routing in arctic
areas TASSOP - Safety induction and training of
offshore personnel DISC I / II - Demonstration of
Integrated Ship Control Systems INFOLOG - Intermod
al Information Link for Improved
Logistics MOSYS - Development of maintenance cost
analysis models CASMET - Casualty analysis
methodology for maritime operations SAFE PASSAGE
- Web-based safety training for seafarers STCW
On Course - Multimedia training material
development MarPower/TNET - Concepts of advanced
marine machinery systems DISCOVER - Developing
virtual environment team training
simulations CARGO-OPS - Web-based training for
port personnel COMARPROP - Composite marine
Involved in Interport - Cargo information /
tracing / tracking Euroborder - Organizational
issues in ports
4MARINTEK projects in EC - 5 FWP
STID - Steam injection diesel engine Waterman-Ts
- Waterborne traffic and transport management -
Thematic network THEMIS (TN) - Thematic network
in optimizing the management of intermodal
transport services THEMES (TN) - Thematic
network on safety assessment in waterborne
transport IP - Intermodal Portal - Integration
of ports into intermodal transport chains TRESHIP
(TN) - Technologies for reduced environmental
impact from ships MARPOWER (TN) - Concepts of
advanced marine machinery systems with low
pollution and high efficiency FLOWMART - Effici
ent low wash maritime transportation SWAN - Standa
rdization and dissimination support actions for
waterborne telematics networks and
applications ITEA-DS - Intelligent tools for
Emergency applications and decision
support D2D - Demonstration of an integrated
management and communication system for Door 2
Door intermodal freight transport
operations MARTOB - On board treatment of ballast
water and application of low sulphur marine
fuel HullMon - Intelligent hull monitoring
5Experience from MARINTEK
- EU FP 5 - Programmes
- RTD project Hullmon (DG RTD)
- MARINTEK coordinator
- Gives control of the project
- Select the right partners
6Experience from MARINTEK
- EU FP 5 - Programmes
- RTD project SWAN ( DG IST)
- Dissemination of results from other IST projects
- RTD project D2D (DG Tren)
- WWL coordinator
- RTD and demonstration
- Practical testing of Norwegian IT systems for
Transport Chains -
7Experience from MARINTEK
- EU FP 5 - Programmes
- Thematic Network THEMES
- Important for building consortium for the next
project -
8Experience from MARINTEK
- EU FP 6
- IP Proposal C4Freight (Transport Corridor-DG
Tren) - Large consortium 80 partners
- Industrial partners all Europe
- MARINTEK(RTD institute) as coordinator Industry
? - Complicated to make a detailed implementation
plan - Did not pass the evaluation
9Experience from MARINTEK
- EU FP 6
- MARINTEK coordinator
- Smaller consortium 8 partners
- Well defined RTD scope
- Positive and close contact with DG RTD in
preparation phase. - Simple contract negotiations with the
Commission - Project started
10Experience from MARINTEK
- Positive experience
- Takes time and resources
- Can not win all projects
- Select the task which fits your organization and
needs - Select partners for a winning team