Title: The New Deal Chapter 16, section 1
1The New DealChapter 16, section 1
21932 Election - Turning Point
- The choice of FDR over Hoover was an American
choice for the federal government to provide
3- Brain Trust Group of Columbia Professors who
advised FDR on policy.
4The 1st Hundred Days
- Pushed massive legislation through congress
- 1933
- Purpose of the New Deal
- Provide relief
- Create jobs
- Stimulate economy
5March 5th, 1933 - Bank Holiday
- FDR orders all banks to close four 4 days to
inspect their own financial health. - Congress passes the Emergency Banking Act which
authorizes Federal Govt to inspect all bank
records to ensure banks are making good
investments. - 67 of banks reopen by March 15th.
- Govt proclaims them safe secure for Americans
(even if not all of them were!!!!!) - People begin bringing their money back to banks.
- Banks can begin loaning out money again.
6New Deal Major Players
- Women and Minorities FDR was the 1st president
to appoint women and African Americans to major
government posts
Mary McLeod Bethune Advisor to FDR on African
Americans education
Francis Perkins Secretary of Labor
- Changed peoples view of the role of government.
8- Eleanor Roosevelt Traveled the country doing PR
for the Presidents programs. - (2nd Bonus Army)
9New Deal Criticisms
- Programs had no immediate effect on the nations
economy - Progressives didnt do enough for the little man
- Conservatives Made the govt. too powerful.
10FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance
CorporationCreated by the Glass-Stegall Act of
1933.Federal Government guarantees bank
deposits.Gave Americans increased confidence in
the U. S. banking system.
11Securities Exchange CommissionRegulates the
Stock Market
122nd New Deal 1935-38
- Goals
- More social welfare
- Stricter controls over business
- Stronger support for unions
- Higher taxes for the rich
- FDR was forced to cut back on 2nd New Deal
Programs because of a rising national debt
because of deficit spending.
- Playgrounds
- schools
- airfields
- artists
- writers
14Rural Electrification
- FDR sought to bring basic amenities to places
that private industry would not. Eventually 98
of American farms got electricity thanks to FDR.
15Labor Unions become more powerful
- Wagner Act Legalized collective bargaining
- Closed Shop made it legal for a place of
business to hire only union workers
16Social Security
- Old age pension
- Unemployment insurance
- Aid for dependants and disabilities
17Election of 1936
- Landslide victory for FDR. He carried every
state except Maine. Showed Americans still
thought FDR had the answers even though their
lives had not improved much.
18Federal Emergency Relief AgencyWork Projects
and unemployment aid
19Civilian Conservation Corps
- Work relief
- Soil conservation and other environmental projects
21Agricultural Adjustment Administration
23(No Transcript)
24New Deal is Unconstitutional!
- NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act)
reorganizes industry by setting prices,
production levels, wages, workers rights - AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) reorganizes
agriculture by telling farmers how to farm, what
to farm, how much to farm, and what will be paid
for crops
- Supreme court strikes down both the NIRA and the
AAA as unconstitutional.