Title: From FishBase to SpeciesBase
1From FishBase to SpeciesBase
Rainer Froese Germany rfroese_at_ifm-geomar.de Stock
holm Biodiversity Informatics Symposium 1.12.2008
2The Vision
- Back in 1987, two scientists had an idea
- Create a database with key-information on 200
commercial fish species - Use it for research
- Make it available to 500 fisheries managers in
developing countries - 21 years later
- www.fishbase.org contains information on 31,000
species - Has over 1,000 citations in the scientific
literature - Has over 1 million visitors per month in the
3If these stocks were Stocks
October 2008 34 million hits 1 million visitors
4It Looks Like This
Atlantic cod
Gadus morhua
5And This
6And This
7Where is the Science?
8(No Transcript)
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10Need a Hammer?
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12Reaching out
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16Who is Using it?
17How did they find us?
19Google Analytics
21Where is the Science?85 ISI Citations, 3 in
Nature, 2 in Science (June 2002)
June 2002
22Google Scholar, April 2006 1610 citations,
including 5 in Nature and 7 in Science
23Who is FishBase?
25 Partners and Sponsors
26From FishBase to SeaLifeBase
27If this looks familiar..
28The usual suspects
29From SeaLifeBase to SpeciesBase
30Fish are from FishBase
31Crabs are from SeaLifeBase
32Algae will be from AlgaeBase
33Terrestrial species still looking for partners
????Base presented through SpeciesBase
34Global Species Information Systems (GSIS)
General agreement on the need for several portals
in different languages with regional/national
focus But key information shall be the same
across portals (to be exchanged between
35Current GSIS
Encyclopedia of Life (EoL, USA) (www.eol.org) Atl
as of Living Australia (ALA) (www.ala.org.au) Spe
ciesBase (Europe) (www.speciesbase.org)
36Thank You