Title: System concept and development by:
1c-squares - a new method for representing,
querying, displaying and exchanging dataset
spatial extents
System concept and development by Tony
Rees Divisional Data Centre CSIRO Marine
Research, Australia
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4 expressible as string of cell codes
(labels) e.g. 3013497311146831114783111479
3111488311148931114993112122 311212331
121313112132 (etc.)
can send to custom mapper to generate map
gridded representation alone
5 spatial searching is then a text match process,
e.g. does 3111489 (or 31114) occur in
the text string 30134973111468311147831114
793111488311148931114993112122 31121233
1121313112132 (etc.)
6The matching mechanism can be hidden from the
user, e.g. providing a point-and-click interface
7 if c-squares references are explicit in
www-displayed metadata, a standard search engine
can even be used to do the spatial searching
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9 c-squares representation is applicable to many
dataset types, e.g. ...
10 c-squares website (www.marine.csiro.au/csquares/)
gives more information on ...
- c-squares rationale and specification v. 1
- c-squares nomenclature
- connecting to the c-squares mapper
- sample c-squares enabled metadata records
- on-line lat/long - to - c-squares converter
- example code for doing such conversions, in
Java, ColdFusion, and PL/SQL - instructions for linking to the c-squares mapper
- demonstration materials (PPT presentation,
explanatory poster) - links to applications using c-squares including
- CSIROs MarLIN and CAAB systems
- FishBase (International)