Title: Some Lessons from FishBase
1Some LessonsfromFishBase
Rainer Froese Germany rfroese_at_ifm-geomar.de
2The Vision
- Back in 1987, two scientists had an idea
- Create a database with key-information on 200
commercial fish species - Use it for research
- Make it available to 500 fisheries managers in
developing countries - 19 years later
- www.fishbase.org contains information on 29,382
species - Has over 1,000 citations in the scientific
literature - Has about 2 million visitors per month in the
3If these stocks were Stocks
4The Race to 100 Million
5It Looks Like This
6And This
7Where is the Science?
8Who is Using it?
11About 10,000 visitors per month
12Where is the Science?85 ISI Citations, 3 in
Nature, 2 in Science (June 2002)
June 2002
13Google Scholar, April 2006 1610 citations,
including 5 in Nature and 7 in Science
15 What Else can FishBase Do? Invasive
Aquarium Fishes which may Establish themselves in
Hawaii (6 of 111)
Name Species Length (cm) Doubling time (years) Score (n) Established already?
Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus 39 1.4 4.4 83 ?
Guppy Poecilia reticulata 3.5 0.5 44 ?
Green swordtail Xiphophorus hellerii 14 lt 1 23 ?
Redbreast tilapia Tilapia rendalli 45 1.4 4.4 23 ?
Redbelly tilapia Tilapia zillii 40 1.4 4.4 19 ?
Wami tilapia Oreochromis hornorum 24 1.4 4.4 17 -
16More Applications Trends in Global Catches
(Froese and Pauly 2003)
18Fish Rulers
19Under The Hood
Under the Hood
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21Design Principles
Under the Hood
- Do not over-normalize
- Avoid (hide) codes
- Dedicated fields vs free-text fields
- Science and Data first approach
- Transparency (reference, entered, modified, date)
- Strategic decisions about data (comparative
advantage, importance, future maintenance)
22Under The Hood
Evolve or Go Extinct
- From DataEase to MS Access to MySQL to ???
- From HTML to Cold Fusion to PHP to ???
- 6 mirrors around the world, not enough
- www.ZoneEdit.com for load-balancing, maybe not
23General Principles
- Keep it simple
- Yes-Attitude
- Be opportunistic
- Give more credit than was expected
- Deal with errors
- Expose data
- Invite, accept and act on criticism
- Compare data
- Use your data
24Business Model
- Champion Rainer Froese
- Key supporters Daniel Pauly Cornelia Nauen
- Institutions
- Since 2000 FishBase Consortium
- Donors
- European Commission
- Sloan, Germany
- Pew, USGS, NRDC, Taiwan, Australia,
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27Operating Mode
- Strong leadership by one person
- Lose oversight by Consortium
- Full-time data entry by team of specialists
full-time programmers - Large network of additional contributors (mostly
photos corrections)
28Future Plans
Future Plans
- Complete coverage and content
- Improve mapping
- Add more analytical tools
- Move to mobile devices
- Do FishBase for all aquatic species
29Greetings from the FishBase Team
31Thanks to our Partners and Sponsors