Title: Introduction to EN 1991 (Eurocode 1: Actions on structures)
1Introduction to EN 1991(Eurocode 1 Actions on
- Dr-Ing. Nikolaos E. Malakatas
- Director of Design and Studies of Road Projects
- Ministry of Infrastructures, Transports and
Networks - GREECE - Chairman of CEN/TC250/SC1
Structural safety, serviceability and
EN 1990
Actions on structures
EN 1991
EN 1992 EN 1993 EN 1994 EN 1995 EN
1996 EN 1999
Design and detailing
Geotechnical and Seismic design
EN 1998
EN 1997
3Past and future of the EN 1991 (and the other
4Parts and implementation of EN 1991
5Partitioning of the NDPs among the Eurocodes
6Types of NDPs in the Eurocodes
- Type 1 Value (s) of (a) parameter (s).Type 2
Reference to some set of values table (s).Type
3 Acceptance of the recommended procedure,
choice of calculation approach, when alternatives
are given, or introduction of a new
procedure.Type 4 Country specific data
(geographical, climatic, etc.). Type 5 Optional
National chart (s) or table (s) of a
parameter.Type 6 Diagram (s).Type 7
References to non-contradictory complementary
information to assist the user to apply the
Eurocodes.Type 8 Decisions on the application
of informative annexes. Â Type 9 Provision of
further, more detailed information. Type 10
Reference to information
7EN 1991-1-1 Densities, self-weight, imposed
loads for buildings
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Classification of actions
- Section 3 Design situations
- Section 4 Densities of construction and stored
materials - Section 5 Self-weight of construction works
- Section 6 Imposed loads on buildings
- Annex A (informative) Tables for nominal
density of construction materials, and nominal
density and angles of repose for stored
materials. - Annex B (informative) Vehicle barriers and
parapets for car parks
8EN 1991-1-2 Actions on structures exposed to fire
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Structural Fire design procedure
- Section 3 Thermal actions for temperature
analysis - Section 4 Mechanical actions for temperature
analysis - Annex A (informative) Parametric
temperature-time curves - Annex B (informative) Thermal actions for
external members Simplified calculation method
- Annex C (informative) Localised fires
- Annex D (informative) Advanced fire models
- Annex E (informative) Fire load densities
- Annex F (informative) Equivalent time of fire
exposure - Annex G (informative) Configuration factor
9EN 1991-1-2 Actions on structures exposed to
fire ( cont.)
10EN 1991-1-3 Snow loads
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Classification of actions
- Section 3 Design situations
- Section 4 Snow load on the ground
- Section 5 Snow load on roofs
- Section 6 Local effects
11EN 1991-1-3 Snow loads (cont.)
- Annex A (normative) Design situations and load
arrangements to be used for different locations - Annex B (normative) Snow load shape
coefficients for exceptional snow drifts - Annex C (informative) European Ground Snow Load
Maps - Annex D (informative) Adjustment of the ground
snow load according to the return period - Annex E (informative) Bulk weight density of
12EN 1991-1-3 Snow loads (cont.)
13EN 1991-1-4 Wind actions
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Design situations
- Section 3 Modelling of wind actions
- Section 4 Wind velocity and velocity pressure
- Section 5 Wind actions
- Section 6 Structural factor cs cd
- Section 7 Pressure and force coefficients
- Section 8 Wind actions on bridges
14EN 1991-1-4 Wind actions (cont.)
- Annex A (informative) Terrain effects
- Annex B (informative) Procedure 1 for
determining the structural factor cs cd - Annex C (informative) Procedure 2 for
determining the structural factor cs cd - Annex D (informative) cs cd values for
different types of structures - Annex E (informative) Vortex shedding and
aeroelastic instabilities - Annex F (informative) Dynamic characteristics
of structures
15EN 1991-1-5 Thermal actions
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Classification of actions
- Section 3 Design situations
- Section 4 Representation of actions
- Section 5 Temperature changes in buildings
- Section 6 Temperature changes in bridges
- Section 7 Temperature changes in industrial
chimneys, pipelines, silos, tanks and cooling
16EN 1991-1-5 Thermal actions (cont.)
- Annex A (normative) Isotherms of national
minimum and maximum shade air temperatures. - Annex B (normative) Temperature differences for
various surfacing depths - Annex C (informative) Coefficients of linear
expansion - Annex D (informative) Temperature profiles in
buildings and other construction works
17EN 1991-1-6 Actions during execution
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Classification of actions
- Section 3 Design situations and limit states
- Section 4 Representation of actions
- Annex A1 (normative) Supplementary rules for
buildings - Annex A2 (normative) Supplementary rules for
bridges - Annex B (informative) Actions on structures
during alteration, reconstruction or demolition
18EN 1991-1-7 Accidental actions
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Classification of actions
- Section 3 Design situations
- Section 4 Impact
- Section 5 Internal explosions
- Annex A (informative) Design for consequences
of localised failure in buildings from an
unspecified cause - Annex B (informative) Information on risk
assessment - Annex C (informative) Dynamic design for impact
- Annex D (informative) Internal explosions
- - D.1 Dust explosions in rooms, vessels and
bunkers - - D.2 Natural gas explosions
- - D.3 Explosions in road and rail tunnels
19EN 1991-1-7 Accidental actions
20EN 1991-1-7 Accidental actions
21EN 1991-2 Traffic loads on bridges
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Classification of actions
- Section 3 Design situations
- Section 4 Road traffic actions and other
actions specifically for road bridges - Section 5 Actions on footways, cycle tracks and
footbridges - Section 6 Traffic actions and other actions
specifically for railway bridges
22EN 1991-2 Traffic loads on bridges (cont.)
- Annex A (informative) Models of special
vehicles for road bridges - Annex B (informative) Fatigue life assessment
for road bridges assessment method based on
recorded traffic - Annex C (normative) Dynamic factors 1 f for
real trains - Annex D (normative) Basis for the fatigue
assessment of railway structures - Annex E (informative) Limits of validity of
load model HSLM and the selection of the critical
universal train from HSLM-A - Annex F (informative) Criteria to be satisfied
if a dynamic analysis is not required - Annex G (informative) Method for determining
the combined response of a structure and track to
variable actions - Annex F (informative) Load models for rail
traffic loads in transient design situations
23EN 1991-2 Traffic loads on bridges (cont.)
24EN 1991-2 Traffic loads on bridges (cont.)
25EN 1991-2 Traffic loads on bridges (cont.)
26EN 1991-2 Traffic loads on bridges (cont.)
27EN 1991-3 Actions induced by cranes and
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Actions induced by hoists and cranes
on runway beams - Section 3 Actions induced by machinery
- Annex A (normative) Basis of design -
Supplementary clauses to EN 1990 for runway beams
loaded by cranes - Annex B (informative) Guidance for crane
classification for fatigue
28EN 1991-4 Silos and tanks
- Forward
- Section 1 General
- Section 2 Representation an classification of
actions - Section 3 Design situations
- Section 4 Properties of particulate solids
- Section 5 Loads on the vertical walls of silos
- Section 6 Loads on silo hoppers and silo
bottoms - Section 7 Loads on tanks from liquids
29EN 1991-4 Silos and tanks (cont.)
- Annex A (normative) Basis of design
Supplementary paragraphs to EN 1990 for silos and
tanks - Annex B (normative) Partial factors and
combinations of actions on tanks - Annex C (informative) Measurements of
properties of solids for silo load evaluation - Annex D (informative) Evaluation of properties
of solids for silo load evaluation - Annex E (informative) Values of the properties
of particulate solids - Annex F (informative) Flow pattern
determination - Annex G (informative) Alternative rules for
pressures in hoppers - Annex H (informative) Actions due to dust
30EN 1991-4 Silos and tanks (cont.)
31Background Documents and other supporting
- Almost all Eurocodes represent the
state-of-the-art in the respective scientific and
technical field at the time of their drafting - The scientific and technical basis of EN 1991
included mainly - - the systematic review of the existing relevant
national codes and practices - - consideration of relevant international
standards (e.g. ISO Standards) or codes (e.g.
JCSS Model Codes) - - recent (prenormative) research results (e.g.
European Snow Map) - - calibration of load models based on
probabilistic approaches and appropriate
measurements (e.g. traffic loads for road bridges)
32Background Documents and other supporting
material (cont.)
- - Well-established relevant international
literature - Strictly speaking, as Background Documents (BD)
are considered all of the aforementioned material
that has been taken into account by the relevant
Project Team, during the drafting of the
Eurocodes. - All other relevant material, including
literature, workshops and seminars, handbooks,
guides and books or articles, are considered to
be additional information and supporting
material. A typical example are the 5 handbooks
prepared in the framework of a Leonardo Da Vinci
European Project (Handbook 3 is very closely
linked to EN 1991, since it is dedicated to
Action Effects on Buildings, and Handbook 4 is
dedicated to the Design of Bridges). This
material is accessible on the Eurocodes website.
33Background Documents and other supporting
material (cont.)
- The uploading of the Background Documents (BD)
for EN 1991 is under way by the Secretary of
EN/TC250/SC1. Until recently BD have been
uploaded for the following Parts of EN 1991 - - EN 1991-1-1
- - EN 1991-1-2
- - EN 1991-1-3
- - EN 1991-1-6
- - EN 1991-1-7
- and Handbooks 1 to 5
- Additional information can also be found in the
relevant websites, e.g. http//eurocodes.jrc.ec.eu
ropa.eu, and other links (e.g. NSO et al.)
34Present and Future of the EN 1991
- On national level Full implementation. Several
countries have already issued their national
standard EN 1991, but uploading of the NDPs in
the ad-hoc data base of JRC Ispra goes is still
in progress - Some prospects for the future
- - Establishing additional load models for new
railway loads - - Including eventually the ISO Standards on
Waves and Currents and on Atmospheric Icing - - Extending the Eurocodes to include structural
glass, FRP, membrane structures - (- Extending the snow map and other climatic data
to cover the new EU Member States)