Chapter 12: DNA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 12: DNA


Chapter 12: DNA & RNA Georgia Performance Standards: Compare and contrast the structure and function of DNA and RNA. Explain how DNA stores and transmits cellular – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 12: DNA

Chapter 12 DNA RNA
  • Georgia Performance Standards
  • Compare and contrast the structure and function
  • DNA and RNA.
  • Explain how DNA stores and transmits cellular
  • information.
  • Essential Questions
  • EQ Why do you need DNA RNA?
  • EQ How does the cell make protein?
  • EQ How do chromosomes carry traits?

  • Link cell organelles (nucleus-chp. 7) and
    macromolecules (nucleic acids- chp. 2) to DNA
    RNA (chp. 12).
  • Probing Questions
  • Where in the cell is DNA located for eukaryotes
    and prokaryotes?
  • DNA is what type of macromolecule? (choose one)
  • Carbohydrate
  • Protein
  • Lipid
  • Nucleic Acid

Warm-up Review
Section 12-1
  • Macromolecules
  • Carbohydrates (sugars)
  • Lipids
  • Proteins
  • Nucleic Acids (DNA RNA)

Go to Section
Nucleic Acids
  • Function
  • Nucleic acids store and transmit hereditary, or
    genetic, information.
  • Types
  • Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
  • Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
  • Structure
  • Contain hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and
  • Monomers of nucleotides
  • 5-carbon sugar
  • Phosphate group
  • Base

A Nucleotide (Monomers of Nucleic Acids)
  • DNA Nucleotides
  • DNA is made up of a series of monomers called
  • Each nucleotide has three parts a deoxyribose
    molecule, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous
  • There are four different bases in DNA adenine,
    guanine, cytosine, and thymine.

The backbone of a DNA chain
  • Formed by alternating sugar and phosphate groups
    of each nucleotide.
  • The nitrogenous bases stick out sideways from the
    chain and are linked by hydrogen bonds.
  • The nucleotides can be joined together in any
    order, meaning that any sequence of bases is

  • Chargaffs Rules
  • Erwin Chargaff showed that the percentages of
    guanine and cytosine in DNA and adenine and
    thymine are almost equal.
  • AT (2 hydrogen bonds hold them together)
  • G C (3 hydrogen bonds hold them together)

What Shape Does DNA Have?
  • X-Ray Evidence 
  • In the early 1950s, a British scientist named
    Rosalind Franklin began to study DNA.
  • She used a technique called X-ray diffraction to
    get information about the structure of the DNA
  • The angle of the X suggests that there are two
    strands in the structure.
  • Other clues suggest that the nitrogenous bases
    are near the center of the molecule.

What Shape Does DNA Have?
  • The Double Helix Shape of DNA
  • Francis Crick and James Watson were trying to
    understand the structure of DNA by building
    three-dimensional models of the molecule.
  • Then, early in 1953, Watson was shown a copy of
    Franklins remarkable X-ray pattern.
  • Within weeks, Watson and Crick had figured out
    the structure of DNA.
  • Watson and Cricks model of DNA was a double
    helix, in which two strands were wound around
    each other.

What is a Double Helix?
  • A double helix looks like a twisted ladder or a
    spiral staircase.
  • The double helix accounted for many of the
    features in Franklins X-ray pattern but did not
    explain what forces held the two strands
  • Watson and Crick found the answer. They
    discovered that hydrogen bonds could form between
    certain nitrogenous bases and provide just enough
    force to hold the two strands together.
  • The principle of base pairing (A-T and G-C),
    explained Chargaffs rules.

  • DNA is a double helix in which two strands are
    wound around each other.
  • Each strand is made up of a chain of
  • The two strands are held together by hydrogen
    bonds between adenine and thymine and between
    guanine and cytosine.

Group Activity
  • Use plastic models to build a DNA structure.
  • Nitrogenous Bases
  • A orange
  • G Yellow
  • T Green
  • C Blue
  • Black Pieces Sugar (Deoxyribose)
  • White tube phosphate group
  • Toothpicks hydrogen bonds

What Carries Genetic Material (DNA or Protein)?
  • Many Experiments were carried out to verify that
    genetic material is carried by DNA and not
  • 1. Griffith and Transformation DNA can be
    transformed (Video Clip)
  • 2. Avery and other scientists discovered that DNA
    is the nucleic acid that stores and transmits the
    genetic information from one generation of an
    organism to the next.
  • 3. Hershey and Chase concluded that the genetic
    material of the bacteriophage was DNA, not

(No Transcript)
Avery Repeats Griffiths work.
  • He treated the extract with enzymes that
    destroyed proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and
    other molecules, including the nucleic acid RNA.
  • Transformation still occurred.
  • Obviously these molecules were not responsible
    for the transformation.
  • If they had been, transformation would not have
    occurred, because the molecules would have been
    destroyed by the enzymes.
  • He repeated the experiment, this time using
    enzymes that would break down DNA.
  • Transformation did not occur.
  • Therefore, DNA was the transforming factor.
  • Why? to determine which molecule in the
    heat-killed bacteria was most important for
  • If transformation required just one particular
    molecule, that might well be the molecule of the
  • Avery and his colleagues made an extract, or
    juice, from the heat-killed bacteria.

(No Transcript)
Checkpoint Questions
  • Describe Watson and Cricks model of the DNA
    molecule. What was Rosalind Franklins
    contribution to the discovery of the shape of
  • What are the four kinds of bases found in DNA?
    Which ones are purines and which are pyrimadines?
  • How did Watson and Cricks model explain why
    there are equal amounts of thymine and adenine in
    DNA? Hint Chargaff's Rule
  • List the conclusions Griffith, Avery, Hershey,
    and Chase drew from their experiments.
  • Why did Hershey and Chase grow viruses in
    cultures that contained both radioactive
    phosphorus and radioactive sulfur? What might
    have happened if they had used only one
    radioactive substance?

122 Chromosomes and DNA Replication 
  • Prokaryotic cells
  • No nuclei and many of the organelles found in
  • DNA in the cytoplasm.
  • Most prokaryotes have a single circular DNA
    molecule called a plasmid.
  • The plasmid is considered the chromosome

Prokaryotic Chromosome Structure
E. coli bacterium
Bases on the chromosome
Go to Section
DNA and Chromosomes
  • Eukaryotic cells
  • DNA is in the nucleus
  • Chromosome form (cell division)
  • of chromosomes varies from one species to the
  • Humans have 46
  • Fruit flies have 8
  • Chromosomes contain both DNA and protein, which
    is tightly packed together to form chromatin.
  • Protein is called histone
  • The DNA and histone collectively are called
  • fold long lengths of DNA into the tiny nucleus.
  • The nucleosomes are tightly packed to form

Chromosome Structure of Eukaryotes
Section 12-2
DNA double helix
Go to Section
12-2 Warm-up
  • A Perfect Copy
  • When a cell divides, each daughter cell receives
    a complete set of chromosomes.
  • This means that each new cell has a complete set
    of the DNA code.
  • Before a cell can divide, the DNA must be copied
    so that there are two sets ready to be
    distributed to the new cells.

12-2 Warm-up
  • 1. On a sheet of paper, draw a curving or
    zig-zagging line that divides the paper into two
    halves. Vary the bends in the line as you draw
    it. Without tracing, copy the line on a second
    sheet of paper.
  • 2. Hold the papers side by side, and compare the
    lines. Do they look the same?
  • 3. Now, stack the papers, one on top of the
    other, and hold the papers up to the light. Are
    the lines the same?
  • 4. How could you use the original paper to draw
    exact copies of the line without tracing it?
  • 5. Why is it important that the copies of DNA
    that are given to new daughter cells be exact
    copies of the original?

DNA Replication
  • The double helical shape of DNA allows for
    strands to be copied.
  • Strands are considered to be complimentary
  • DNA must be replicated (copied) before a cell
  • The DNA molecule separates into 2 strands
  • 2 new complimentary strands are produced
  • Each strand serves as a template for the new

 DNA Replication
Section 12-2
Original strand
DNA polymerase
New strand
DNA polymerase
Replication fork
Replication fork
Nitrogenous bases
New strand
Original strand
Go to Section
DNA Replication
  • Prokaryotes
  • DNA replication begins at a single point in the
    chromosomes and proceeds in two directions until
    the entire chromosome is replicated.
  • Takes about 20 minutes
  • Eukaryotes
  • DNA replication occurs in hundreds of places and
    proceeds in both directions until each
    chromosomes is completely copied
  • The sites where replication and separation occur
    are call replication forks.

How Does Replication Occur?
  • Many enzymes are used
  • Some unzip the strands, some hold the strands
    open, some glue the strands together.
  • DNA Polymerase
  • enzyme that adds the complimentary bases to each
  • Proofreads each strand
  • See video

Checkpoint Questions
  • Explain how DNA is replicated.
  • Where and in what form is eukaryotic DNA found?
  • 3. How are the long DNA molecules found in
    eukaryotes packed into short chromosomes?
  • 4. How are histones related to nucleosomes?
  • 5. What is the role of DNA polymerase in DNA
  • 6.  How is the structure of chromosomes in
    eukaryotes different from the structure of
    chromosomes in prokaryotes?

  • Compare and contrast the process of DNA
    replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  • Compare the location, steps, and end products in
    each kind of cell.
  • You may use a Venn diagram, a chart or table, a
    drawing, or write an essay.
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