Title: Jeopardy Game
1Jeopardy Game
- Evolution
- Note to see answers you must click on the
Question of the slide.
2Theories of Evolution
Evidence of Evolution
Patterns of Evolution
Speciation Mechanisms Of Evolution
Vocab Terms
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400 pts
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500 pts
500 pts
500 pts
3Question 1
What is Lamarcks Theory of Evolution?
This scientists theory states that acquired
traits can be passed on to offspring (ex. Neck
stretching results in children with longer necks.)
4Question 2
Who is Darwin?
Natural selection theory was proposed by this
5Question 3
What is catastrophism?
This theory states that many changes have
occurred on Earth due to natural disasters.
6Question 4
LaMarcks theory of evolution.
An example of this theory is If you get big
muscles, you will pass them on to your children.
7Question 5
What is variation, adaptation, struggle to
survive survival of the fittest, organisms
overproduce, descent with modification (any
paired combination of the above).
List two points included in the theory of
evolution by natural selection.
8Question 6
Homologous structure?
Type of structure same internal structure but
different function or external appearance.
9Question 7
Analogous structure?
Type of structure Same function (like flying)
but different structure.
10Question 8
Appendix, inner eyelid for example?
Give an example of a vestigial structure.
11Question 9
What is embryology?
This study of the development of early life is
one type of evidence for evolution.
12Question 10
What is biochemical evidence?
This evidence shows the genetic relationships
between common ancestors.
13Question 11
What is Coevolution.
Examples could be hummingbird flower, ants
14Question 12
What is convergent evolution?
Type of evolution Organisms of different
ancestry have similar phenotypes.
15Question 13
What is divergent evolution?
Organisms that are similar become different over
time according to this type of evolution.
16Question 14
What is adaptive radiation?
Galapagos Finches and your birds are examples
of this type of divergent evolution.
17Question 15
Gradualism and punctuated equilibrium
Two patterns of evolution which are graphically
represented below.
18Question 16
What is gene flow?
The process of transferring genes among different
populations is known as
19Question 17
What is speciation?
The formation of a new species is called
20Question 18
What is behavioral isolation? (Will also accept
reproductive isolation.
Species specific bird rituals courtship dances
are examples of what?
21Question 19
What is the ability to interbreed and have
fertile offspring?
Two factors that define a species.
22Question 20
Any body of water or land mass that separates
populations so that they can no longer
Give an example of geographical isolation.
23Question 21
What is survival of the fittest?
The ability for an organism to survive and
reproduce in its environment.
24Question 22
What is evolution?
Process of biological change of populations over
a period of time
25Question 23
What is speciation?
The rise of two or more species from one existing
26Question 24
Disruptive selection?
Type of selection pattern that eventually results
in no intermediate forms of a trait and can lead
to the evolution of two new species from the two
extremes that survive.
27Question 25
What is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
If the following factors are not occurring, then
a population is said to be in this condition
genetic drift, gene flow, mutation, sexual
selection, natural selection
28Final Jeopardy
- Match the parts of the Hardy-Weinberg equations
with the following terms - 1. Dominant allele
- 2. Recessive allele
- 3. Heterozygous genotype
- 4. Homozygous dominant genotype
- 5. Homozygous recessive genotype
29Final Jeopardy
- Topic is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium