Target Tracking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Target Tracking


... for ad hoc heterogeneous sensor ... in a wireless sensor network, ... between nodes of a sensor network. Distributed algorithms for detection ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Target Tracking

Target Tracking
  • Sittler, in 1964, gave a formal description of
    the multiple-target tracking (MTT) problem 17.
  • Traditional target tracking systems are based on
    powerful sensor nodes, capable of detecting and
    locating targets in a large range.
  • Nowadays, tracking methods use large-scale
    wireless sensor networks.

  • Multiple-Target Tracking (MTT)Varying number of
    targets arise in the field at random locations
    and at random times.
  • The movement of each target follows an arbitrary
    but continuous path, and it persists for a random
    amount of time before disappearing in the field.
  • The target locations are sampled at random
  • The goal of the MTT problem is to find the moving
    path for each target in the field.

  • Large-scale target tracking wireless multisensor
    system has several advantages
  • (1) Better geometric fidelity
  • (2) Quick deployment
  • (3) Robustness and accuracy

Challenges and Difficulties
  1. Collaborative communication and computation
  2. Limited processing power
  3. Tight budget on energy source

Two Components for Target Tracking
  1. The method that determines the current location
    of the target. It involves localization as well
    as the tracing of the path that the moving target
  2. Algorithms and network protocols that enable
    collaborative information processing among
    multiple sensor nodes.

Information-drivendynamic sensor collaboration
  • F. Zhao, J. Shin, and J. Reich,
    Information-driven dynamic sensor collaboration
    for tracking applications, IEEE Signal Proces.
    Mag. (March 2002).
  • The participants for collaboration in a sensor
    network were determined by dynamically optimizing
    the information utility of data for a given cost
    of computation and communication.
  • The metrics used to determine the participant
    nodes (who should sense and whom the information
    must be passed to) are(1) detection quality(2)
    track quality(3) scalability(4)
    survivability(5) resource usage

Information-driven dynamic sensor collaboration
Information-driven dynamic sensor collaboration
  • A user sends a query that enters the sensor
  • Metaknowledge then guides this query toward the
    region of potential events.
  • The leader node generates an estimate of the
    object state and determines the next best sensor
    based on sensor characteristics.
  • It then hands off the state information to newly
    selected leader.
  • The new leader combines its estimate with the
    previous estimate to derive a new state, and
    selects the next leader.
  • This process of tracking the object continues and
    periodically the current leader nodes send back
    state information to the querying node using a
    shortest-path routing algorithm.

Information-driven dynamic sensor collaboration
Information-driven dynamic sensor collaboration
Information-driven dynamic sensor collaboration
Information-driven dynamic sensor collaboration
  • SummaryThe algorithm described is
    power-efficient in terms of bandwidth.
  • The selection of sensors is a local decision.
    Thus, if the first leader is incorrectly elected,
    it could have a cascading effect and overall
    accuracy could suffer.
  • It is also computationally heavy on leader nodes.
  • This approach is applied to tracking a single
    object only.

Tracking Using Binary Sensors
  • Binary sensors are so called because they
    typically detect one bit of information.
  • This one bit could be used to represent indicate
    whether the target is(1) within the sensor range
    or(2) moving away from or toward the sensor.

Centralized Tracking Using Binary Sensors
  • J. Aslam, Z. Butler, V. Crespi, G. Cybenko, and
    D. Rus, Tracking a moving object with a binary
    sensor network, Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Embedded
    Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), 2003.
  • Each sensor node detects one bit of information,
    namely, whether an object is approaching or
    moving away from it. This bit is forwarded to the
    basestation along with the node id.
  • Each sensor performs a detection. If the
    probability of presence is greater than the
    probability of absence, also called the
    likelihood ratio, the detection result is

Centralized Tracking Using Binary Sensors
Distributed Tracking Using Binary Sensors
  • K. Mechitov, S. Sundresh, Y. Kwon, and G. Agha,
    Cooperative Tracing with Binary-Detection Sensor
    Networks, Technical report UIUCDCS-R-2003-2379,
    Computer Science Dept., Univ. Illinois at Urbaba
    Champaign, 2003.
  • It is assumed that nodes know their locations and
    that their clocks are synchronized.
  • The density of sensor nodes should be high enough
    for sensing ranges of several sensors to overlap
    for this algorithm to work
  • Sensors should be capable of differentiating the
    target from the environment.

Distributed Tracking Using Binary Sensors
  • Sensors determine whether the object is within
    their detection range.
  • Assuming that sensors are uniformly distributed
    in the environment, a sensor with range R
    will(1) always detect an object at a distance of
    less than or equal to (R - e) from it, (2)
    sometimes detect objects that lie at a distance
    ranging between (R e) and (R e)(3) never
    detect any object outside the range of (R e),
    where e 0.1R but could be user-defined.

Distributed Tracking Using Binary Sensors
  • For each point in time, the objects estimated
    position is computed as a weighted average of the
    detecting node locations.
  • The object path is predicted by extrapolating the
    target trajectory to enable asynchronous wakeup
    of nodes along that path.

Distributed Tracking Using Binary Sensors
  • Different weighting schemes
  • Assigning equal weights to all readings.
  • Heuristic wi ln(1 ti), where ti is the
    duration for which the sensor heard the object.

Distributed Tracking Using Binary Sensors
  • The first scheme yields the most imprecise
    results, namely, a higher rate of error between
    actual target path and its sensed path.
  • The second scheme has a lower error rate and
    gives a better approximation of the object
  • The third scheme is the most precise method but
    requires estimation of the velocity of the
    object, which is too costly in terms of the
    communication costs required to make the
  • Hence the second approach is the most

Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance
inTarget Tracking Sensor Networks
  • C. Gui and P. Mohapatra, Power conservation and
    quality of surveillance in target tracking sensor
    networks, Proc. ACM MobiCom Conf., 2004.
  • The paper discuss the sleepawake pattern of each
    node during the tracking to obtain power
  • The network operations have two stages
  • the surveillance stage during the absence of any
    event of interest
  • the tracking stage, which is in response to any
    moving targets.

Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance
inTarget Tracking Sensor Networks
  • From a sensor nodes perspective, it should
    initially work in the low-power mode when there
    are no targets in its proximity.
  • However, it should exit the low-power mode and be
    active continuously for a certain amount of time
    when a target enters its sensing range, or more
    optimally, when a target is about to enter within
    a short period of time.
  • Finally, when the target passes by and moves
    farther away, the node should decide to switch
    back to the low-power mode.

Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance
inTarget Tracking Sensor Networks
  • Intuitively, a sensor node should enter the
    tracking mode and remain active when it senses a
    target during a wakeup period.
  • However, it is possible that a nodes sensing
    range is passed by a target during its sleep
    period, so that the target can pass across a
    sensor node without being detected by the node.
  • Thus, it is necessary that each node be
    proactively informed when a target is moving
    toward it.

Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance
inTarget Tracking Sensor Networks
  • Proactive wakeup (PW) algorithm
  • Each sensor node has four working modes
  • waiting
  • prepare
  • subtrack
  • tracking
  • The waiting mode represents the low power mode in
    surveillance stage. Prepare and subtrack modes
    both belong to the preparing and anticipating
    mode, and a node should remain active in both

Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance
inTarget Tracking Sensor Networks
Layered onion-like node state distribution around
the target.
Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance
inTarget Tracking Sensor Networks
  • At any given time, if we draw a circle centered
    at the current location of the target where
    radius r is the average sensing range, any node
    that lies within this circle should be in
    tracking mode.
  • It actively participates a collaborative tracking
    operation along with other nodes in the circle.
    Regardless of the tracking protocol, the tracking
    nodes form a spatiotemporal local group, and
    tracking protocol packets are exchanged among the
    group members.
  • Let us mark these tracking packets so that any
    node that is awake within the transmission range
    can overhear and identify these packets. Thus, if
    any node receives tracking packets but cannot
    sense any target, it should be aware that a
    target may be coming in the near future.

Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance
inTarget Tracking Sensor Networks
  • From the overheard packets, it may also get an
    estimation of the current location and moving
    speed vector of the target.
  • The node thus transits into the subtrack mode
    from either waiting mode or prepare mode. At the
    boundary, ap subtrack node can be r R away from
    the target, where R is the transmission range.
  • To carry the wakeup wave farther away, a node
    should transmit a prepare packet. Any node that
    receives a prepare packet should transit into
    prepare mode from waiting mode.
  • A prepare node can be as far as r 2R away from
    the target.

Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance
inTarget Tracking Sensor Networks
  • If a tracking node confirms that it can no longer
    sense the target, it transits into the subtrack
  • Further, if it later confirms that it can no
    longer receive any tracking packet, it transits
    into the prepare mode.
  • Finally, if it confirms that it can receive
    neither tracking nor prepare packet, it transits
    back into the waiting mode.
  • Thus, a tracking node gradually turns back into
    low-power surveillance stage when the target
    moves farther away from it.
  • In essence, the PW algorithm makes sure that the
    tracking group is moving along with the target.

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