Legislative Tracking System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Legislative Tracking System


Legislative Tracking System Introductory Training ASD Business Systems ... A pointer in the shape of a hand with a finger will appear when you can select the bill. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Legislative Tracking System

Legislative Tracking System
Community, Trade and Economic Development
Introductory Training
  • ASD Business Systems

  • LegTrack is an easy and convenient way to follow
    the progress of legislation in the Washington
    State Legislature. It uses bill status
    information obtained directly from the
    Legislative Service Center (LSC) every two hours
    during session. This is essentially the same
    information as the Legislature publishes in the
    Daily Status Sheet.

Log in to LegTrack
  1. Choose your agency from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter your assigned user ID and password, then
    sign on.

LegTrack Tracking Workbench
  1. This check indicates an active bill.
  2. Search toolbar.
  3. Control buttons.
  4. Search results pane.
  5. Select a row by clicking on the row indicator. A
    pointer in the shape of a hand with a finger will
    appear when you can select the bill. After you
    click the arrow, the row will turn blue
    indicating that it is selected. To open the bill
    click the row indicator an additional time.

Searching - Quick Search Toggle Buttons
Select the ALL toggle button to retrieve a list
of all activated bills. Select the BOOKMARKED
toggle button to retrieve your personal
bookmarked list of bills.
Searching Bill Number or Keyword
  1. Enter either a bill number or a key word in this
    text box.
  2. Click the SEARCH button or press the ENTER key to
    execute the search.

Administration Functions
Activating a Bill
  • Activating a bill is the first step in the
    tracking process. Once a bill has been activated
    the agency can begin to collect agency specific
    data and do team collaboration. In most cases the
    user may want to first research and review a bill
    by directly linking to the LSC website before
    making a decision to activate it. Once the user
    has activated the bill, there are many more
    features available. Only administrators and
    members of the CTED Leadership Team can activate

Activating a Bill - Review
  1. Select the bill of interest by clicking the arrow
    once. Once selected, click the arrow again to
    take action on it.
  2. To Review the Bill at the LSC website click the
    Continue button.

Activating a Bill LSC Site
A new window is opened and LegTrack automatically
navigates the user to the section of the LSC
website that contains information on the bill the
user has selected for review. Once the user has
completed their review they can close this window
and return to LegTrack.
Activating a Bill - Activate
  1. Assuming the user wishes to activate the bill,
    they should change the radio button selection to
  2. Override any of the default activation tasks.
  3. Every bill activated should be classified. This
    dialog allows the user to choose one
    classification. Once the bill review form opens,
    the user will have the option to add additional
  4. Click the ACTIVATE button.

Deactivate Bills
Sometimes it will become necessary to deactivate
a bill. This should be done with caution because
when you deactivate a bill it deletes all of the
agency specific data and comments. Only users
with administrator privileges are allowed to
  • Select the row indicator of the Bill you wish to
    deactivate. Click the DEACTIVATE button to
    deactivate the bill.
  • To proceed, click the DEACTIVATE button.
  • The DONT DEACTIVATE button will cancel the

Review / Edit Data Screen
Opening a Bill on the Workbench brings you to the
Review / Edit Data Screen.
This screen allows the user to perform various
functions. In addition it allows the user to
link to other bills, and websites. The
information your agency is collecting about the
bill has been organized into a series of tabs.
Each of them is explained in this section.
Review / Edit Data - Buttons
  1. If you make any changes to the bill data, you can
    press the SAVE button to save the changes into
    the database immediately. When you close or
    navigate to a new record, your changes are
    automatically saved.
  2. Click the RELOAD button before pressing the SAVE
    button to discard any changes made to the bill
    and load the original saved record from the
  3. Copy
  4. Analysis

Review / Edit Data - Buttons
  • 3. Clicking the COMPANION link button will
    toggle back and forth between the bill and its
  • 4. Clicking here will open a window that
    navigates the user to the LSC site for this bill.
    This is similar to the REVIEW option we
  • 5. The PRINT button prints a detailed report for
    the selected bill.
  • 6. The CLOSE button closes the REVIEW/EDIT screen
    and returns the user to the tracking workbench

Review / Edit Data - Buttons
  • 7. If OFM Fiscal Notes exist for this bill, they
    can be viewed by clicking the SEARCH OFM FISCAL
    NOTES link button. This will open a new window
    that navigates the user to fiscal notes for the
    selected bill.
  • Note that there may be more than one version
    of a Fiscal note for different agencies. To view
    the version for your agency, click the button
    next to the version.

OFM Fiscal Note Example
Review / Edit Data Tabs
LegTrack automatically loads most of the data on
the BILL INFORMATION tab from the LSC database.
The fields that are bold labeled are maintained
by your agency.
Review / Edit Data Tabs
On the TEAM tab, all team members that are
assigned to track a Bill will be shown. All team
members added to the list will be automatically
added to the team member list for the companion
bill (if one exists). In addition, adding team
members to the bill will automatically bookmark
the bill for the team member. If the team member
is enabled for email notification, they will
receive a list of all of the newly activated
bills where they have been placed on the team
each day.
Review / Edit Data Tabs
All of the data on the WATCH tab is maintained by
your agency. The WATCH tab collects data about
stakeholders, bill type classifications, the
agencies position, priority and what action may
be needed. The associated RCWs for that bill
can also be viewed here.
Advanced Filter Apply Filter Screen
  • The user may set up their own personal RCW Watch
  • To use the Watch List in a filter check USE RCW
  • 3. To add new RCWs to the watch list, press the
    ADD RCW TO LIST link button.
  • To delete RCWs from the watch List press the
    delete button.
  • To edit an RCW in the watch list, press the
    edit button.
  • 4. Clicking the REPORT link button will generate
    the RCW watch list report.

RCW Report Example
Review / Edit Data Tabs
The HEARING Tab allows monitoring of the current
hearing schedule and a method for users to
historically track each instance of who attended
or monitored hearings.
Review / Edit Data Tabs
The NOTES tab is used to record opinions,
observations, and recommendations concerning the
bill you have selected. Anyone can enter
comments. These comments are visible to everyone
in your agency and cannot be altered except by
the comment originator. The comments are
automatically sent through email to other team
members or users who have bookmarked the bill and
have email notification turned on. Users with
instant email notification will receive the
message hourly otherwise it will be in their end
of day email. These comments can also be
included on reports.
Review / Edit Data Tabs
The MANAGER tab is only visible to team members
who have been granted management security by the
administrator. It works the same as the NOTES
Review / Edit Data Tabs
The STATUS tab shows a chronological history of
status changes. The status collection begins
from the date that the bill is activated. When
the status changes, team members and users who
have book marked the bill will be automatically
notified through email.
Review / Edit Data Tabs
The ANALYSIS tab contains hyperlinks to documents
that have been assembled by your agency and
associated with the bill. The documents are
associated with the bill by saving them to a
designated folder and prefixing the file name
with the bill number.
Non-LSC Bills (Z-Drafts)
The system allows users to put bills into the
system that do not exist in the LSC system.
These types of LegTrack bills will have a status
of Z-Draft. They will contain mostly the same
features and information as a regular LSC bill.
Your agency will populate the data elements that
are typically populated by LSC. The data entered
for one of these bills can be shifted to an LSC
bill when it enters the LSC system.
Non-LSC Bills (Z-Drafts) - Creating
  1. Press the NEW button.
  2. Give the ZDraft a bill number. It can have the
    same number as an LSC bill. The system will know
    the difference between the Z-Draft and the LSC
  3. Click the CREATE button.

Non-LSC Bills (Z-Drafts) - Editing
The Z-Draft is capable of collecting all of the
same information as the LSC Bill. The only
difference is you enter it manually rather than
LSC. The Review / Edit screen is used for this
purpose. For more information on the Review /
Edit screen, see that section of this manual.
  • Your agency has the flexibility to choose how
    they will use the fields on this screen.
  • 2. A Z-Draft can be shifted to an LSC tracked
    bill by using the COPY feature. You will notice
    that the COPY button is only enabled on a
    Z-Draft. This task can only be done by users
    with the Administrator security role.

Non-LSC Bills (Z-Drafts) - Editing
When copying a Z-Draft to a LSC Bill there are,
two general rules.
  1. Text boxes that are maintained by your agency
    will be overwritten (i.e. expanded narrative).
  2. The data in each of the data grid lists will not
    be overwritten. New items will be added to the
    list of the target bill.

Non-LSC Bills (Z-Drafts) Transferring to LSC
  • Click the COPY button on the Review/ Edit Data
  • Enter the target LSC bill that will receive the
    data from the Z-Draft version of the bill. The
    bill number must exist and be active in LegTrack.
    Click the CONTINUE button to proceed.
  • The system will give you one chance to confirm
    your choice before completing the copy. There is
    no way to undo the results of a copy! Click the
    COPY button to proceed.
  • You will receive a confirmation that the data
    was copied successfully. Press OK.

Non-LSC Bills (Z-Drafts) - Confirming
  1. It is advised that the user confirms that the
    copy was successful by opening the Bill and
    reviewing the Review / Edit Data Form.
  2. Take note that although different data may have
    been entered into fields such as the short and
    long title, they will not be overwritten because
    those fields are updated from the LSC site.

  • LegTrack produces three types of printed reports.
    From the Workbench screen, search for an
    activated bill by keyword or bill number. Select
    the bill from the list of search results, then
    click on the Reports button.

A pop up window will appear with Reporting
Detail Report
The detailed report contains a detailed summary
of all aspects of the Bill. We discussed this in
the REVIEW/EDIT Bill data section.
Detail Report
Executive Summary
  • The executive summary report summarizes important
    information about several bills at once. The
    default version includes all bills you have
    bookmarked. You have the option of including all
    active bills, or using a filter to include only
    bills that meet customized criteria. Its
    important to note that the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
    report is for ACTIVE BILLS only. If a filter
    retrieves both ACTIVE INACTIVE bills, the
    INACTIVE bills will be omitted from the report.
    The default output is a PDF file but you also
    have the ability to export the report to
    Microsoft Word or Excel. Below we will discuss
    each of the options for this report.

Executive Summary
Hearing Schedule
The hearing schedule report displays the
published hearing schedule for activated bills
within a specified date range.
BA Roles
Hearing Schedule
Bill Analysis
In ANALYSIS mode, the user has the ability to do
Bill Analysis assignment, tracking, and
reporting. To create a Bill Analysis the user
must have the BA Agency Coordinator security role
assigned to them by an Administrator.
Bill Analysis Starting New
  1. Search for a bill needing a bill analysis by
    entering a title or bill number. Remember the
    bill must be activated in order to create a bill
    analysis assignment.
  2. Select and open the bill.
  3. Click the ANALYSIS button to switch to ANALYSIS

Bill Analysis - Creating
  1. To begin you must enter a version identifier.
  2. Click the CREATE button.
  3. The new version of the bill analysis has been
    added to the Version drop down list. Each new
    version created for the bill will exist in this
  4. While the status is DRAFT, no other user can see
    the ANALYSIS.

Bill Analysis - Assigning
Once the assignment takes place, the team members
will be notified via internet email and be
directed to the next step.
  1. Optionally a comment can be entered which will
    appear in the log for team members to view.
  2. Click the ASSIGN button to start the process

Bill Analysis Email Notifications
This email was sent to Brian Myhre who is the
division coordinator for the division 100 bill
analysis. Each person that was assigned to the
Bill Analysis will receive an email.
  • Notice that the above emails contains a
    hyperlink. To act on the notification, the user
    simply clicks the hyperlink. When the user clicks
    the link, they will first be prompted to sign in.
    The user enters their password and clicks the
    SIGN IN button. Users will receive emails
    throughout each step of the process.

Bill Analysis Acknowledging
  1. Initially Brian who is the division coordinator
    is assigned to do both the preparation and
    review. Brian can simply Acknowledge the
    assignment or reassign it.
  2. In this example, Brian who is the division
    coordinator has assigned the bill analysis to
    Laura Watson for preparation. Kate Hiembach has
    been assigned to do the review.
  3. An optional comment can be entered that will
    appear in the log for the other members of the
    bill analysis team too see.
  4. The last step is to press ACKNOWLEDGE. This will
    notify Laura and the Agency Coordinator by email.

Bill Analysis Preparation
  1. This pane on the left is a navigation and
    progress indicator. As each step is completed, a
    check mark will appear next to the step number.
    To jump to a specific step the user can click on
    the hyperlink and the wizard will go directly to
    that question.
  2. To begin the interview, click the NEXT STEP link
  3. Notice that after clicking the NEXT STEP link, we
    are now on question number one.
  4. Answer each interview question as requested. The
    system will logically skip questions that are not

Bill Analysis Error Checking
The preparer is always required to complete the
error checking step prior to completing the
assignment and sending it to the reviewer. After
answering all of the questions, the following
screen will be displayed.
  1. Click the NEXT STEP LINK
  2. Notice that there are no errors.
  3. Click the NEXT STEP LINK.

Bill Analysis Error Checking
If any of the questions in the Wizard are left
blank the system will show that it found a
potential error. It is not necessary to fix the
potential error. It is just to warn the user.
  1. If the error needs to be fixed the user can press
    the Go link to be redirected to the error.
  2. Notice that error checking has been invalidated
    again and needs to be run before returning this
    to the reviewer. Any change causes this error
    checking step to be reset. Run error check again
    by pressing the Error Checking link.

Bill Analysis Saving
If you are in the middle of working on an
Interview, meaning you have not printed or ran an
error check, and you will be leaving your desk
longer than 20 minutes you should save your work.
  1. Click the SAVE link button to force the save
    operation to run.
  2. If the save operation is successful, this message
    will be displayed.
  3. You may also Click the CLOSE link button to exit
    without saving.

Bill Analysis Completing Preparation
After the error check is complete and the
preparer clicks next, they will be returned to
the BASIC INFORMATION screen. This is the step
that notifies the REVIEWER that the preparation
is complete and ready for their review.
  • Optionally enter a comment that will be placed in
    the log for the reviewer.
  • Click the COMPLETE button.
  • A Bill Analysis completion notification will
    be sent out to the Reviewer with a link to review
    the Analysis.

Bill Analysis Returning
If the reviewer determines that a bill assignment
needs additional work completed they can easily
return it to the preparer.
  1. Optionally enter a comment that will be placed
    into the log.
  2. Click the RETURN button and the bill analysis
    assignment will be sent back to the preparer.

Bill Analysis Approve
At the division level, the assignment is approved
by the division coordinator. Once approved, the
assignment will no longer be in the division
coordinators work queue. The agency coordinator
will be notified.
  • Kate clicks the APPROVE button.

Bill Analysis - Complete
All divisions must approve their bill analysis.
If any are not complete, the agency coordinator
cannot do the final completion.
  • Click the complete button to finalize the bill

Bill Analysis Notes
  1. Notice that a comment has been entered into the
    notes tab on the bill review form. This comment
    will be sent to all users that have the bill
    bookmarked in their end of day email or if they
    have it hot bookmarked it will be sent on the
    hourly update.

Bill Analysis Work Flow Diagram
The diagram below depicts the combined workflow
capabilities of the LegTrack system.
Bill Analysis Adding Divisions
Each analysis must have at least one division
assignment. The division is derived by selecting
a team member that is assigned to the division.
Typically the agency coordinator will assign the
bill analysis to a team member that performs the
function of the division coordinator.
  1. Click the NEW DIVISION ANALYSIS link button at
    the bottom of the data grid. This will create a
    new entry in the data grid.
  2. In this example, two divisions have been given
    assignments that are due on 1/15/05.

Bill Analysis Agency Rollup
Usually when there is more than one division
assignment, it is necessary to combine them into
a single agency rollup.
  1. Notice that the Sam Wentz is responsible for the
    division 600 bill analysis and also the agency
    rollup. The CHECK in the column labeled AGENCY
    ANALYSIS is what separates the division and
    agency analysis.

Other Features
  • Print
  • View Com
  • See Answers

Bill Analysis Printing
The default output for a bill analysis is PDF.
Options exist for printing to a Microsoft Word or
Excel file.
  1. Click the PRINT link button.
  2. To overwrite the output, choose the alternate
    medium from the drop down list.

Bill Analysis PDF Output
Bill Analysis - Research
Notice that the bill number, version, and
division id are enabled as a hyperlink. This
link will open a new window and direct you to the
LSC site for the associated bill.
  • Click this link to access the bill information at
    the LSC site.

Bill Analysis Comments/Status Log
  1. Click the VIEW COMMENTS AND STATUS LOG to see the
    historical record.

Bill Analysis - Overview
The overview displays the high level view of each
individual division assignment. Here the users
can see the status for each division. This is
especially useful for the agency coordinator or
the team member responsible for completing the
agency rollup.
  1. Note that the division 100 bill analysis has been
    RECEIVED and assigned to Kate for review.
  2. Note that the division 600 bill analysis has been
    assigned to Sam but he has not acknowledged it
    yet so the status is still ASSIGNED.
  3. Clicking the blue arrow will bring you to the
    details of the bill analysis.

Bill Analysis Work Queue
Each team member involved in bill analysis
assignment processing has their own work queue.
This is how users know which assignments are
pending. The list may include work assigned to
you or work that you have assigned to another
  • Clicking WORK QUEUE gives a user their
    personalized list.
  • Clicking ALL shows every bill analysis your
    agency has, at any status for the entire
    legislative session.
  • To open a Bill Analysis select a row indicator.
    Once selected click an additional time.

Bill Analysis Searching
  1. Enter a key word and any analysis for bills with
    the key word in the bill title will be listed.
  2. For a title search be sure to select TITLE before
  3. For a bill number search be sure to select BILL
    NO before searching.
  4. Click the SEARCH button or press enter.

Bill Analysis Advanced Filter
  • To access the advanced filter options, click the
    filter button.
  • Enter filter settings or select from the drop
    down list.
  • Click Apply filter.
  • The filter settings are applied and each bill
    analysis that matches your criteria is listed and
    will be displayed in the results pane of the Work

Bill Analysis Print Work Queue
A print feature exists for printing your work
queue or search results. The printed output
shows the details of each division analysis.
This is a useful feature for the agency
coordinator, and any team members responsible for
agency rollup analysis. This report shows them
the status across all other divisions responsible
for a division analysis.
Bill Analysis Deleting a Version
This is permanent! Note that only the BA
Coordinator role can do the delete operation. To
delete the bill analysis version, first select it.
  1. Select the version from the drop down list.
  2. Click the DELETE link button.

Bill Analysis Copy Version
This is a useful feature that works in a similar
fashion as the COPY THIS VERSION except it allows
the user to copy it to a completely independent
bill. It can only be run on a COMPLETED bill
analysis. Its great for copying the bill
analysis to a companion bill.
  1. Select the SOURCE version you want to copy from
  2. Click the COPY TO Link button to start the
  3. Enter a bill number and version.
  4. Click the copy button

Preparing Fiscal Notes
Miscellaneous Information
Due to increased demands on the web application
server, it has become important to enforce an
inactivity timeout period. Currently that
timeout is set to 20 minutes. Take note that
ACTIVITY is defined as clicking a button or a
link that performs an action that sends and
receives data to and from the web server.
When you see this message, simply click the OK
button. This simulates activity and resets the
timer to the beginning of a new interval
(currently 20 minutes). In the event that you
have left your machine and were not available to
click the OK button, when you return and do click
the button, timeout will take place and you will
be asked to SIGN INTO the system again. At least
you know that it has timed out, and you will not
do unnecessary work.
Q Drive/Hyperlinks
End of Training
Table of Contents
  • Thank You for Using ASD Business Systems!

Bookmark a Bill
You can Bookmark a bill from the workbench by
selecting the bill in the results pane and
pressing the bookmark button. The Bill must be
  • An alternate method of Bookmarking a bill is to
    open the bill and click on the Bill Information
    tab. Then click on the Bookmark checkbox.

E-mail Notifications
  • Ordinarily, when you bookmark a bill you will
    receive automatic e-mail notifications whenever a
    bill changes status, or someone adds a new
    comment about that bill. The e-mail will arrive
    at the end of the day. All your LegTrack
    notifications will ordinarily come bundled in one
    e-mail each day. All staff listed as Team Members
    will get the same e-mail notifications.
  • If a bill is of very high priority, you can
    request hourlye-mail notification of status
    changes and new comments. Click on the checkbox
    next to Instant E-Mail to activate.
  • Please note that Hearing Schedule updates are
    sent hourly.

Browse a Group of Bills
Browsing will save you time. Instead of opening
one bill at a time, its easier to click the
BROWSE button and use the navigation controls on
the REVIEW/EDIT screen to review each bill record.
  1. First search for the set of bills you want to
    browse. Remember that browsing is for examining
    activated bills. In the event that your search
    retrieves bills that are not activated, they will
    be excluded from the set of browse records.
  2. Click the BROWSE button to open the REVIEW/EDIT
    form in browse mode.

Browse a Group of Bills
You will Browse records on the Review/Edit form.
We will review this in much more detail soon.
Move 1 record forward.
Move to the last record.
Current record indicator
Move 1 record back.
Move to the first record.
Advanced Filter
Advanced filtering allows users to specify more
criteria than title or bill number in their
searches. Multiple criteria can be combined into
a single search.
  1. To access the advanced filter settings, click the
    FILTER button.

Advanced Filter Apply Filter Screen
  1. The user may enter Filter criteria into text
    boxes, or choose values from the drop down lists.
  2. The user may set a filter on multiple bill type
    classifications by simply holding down the CTRL
    key on the keyboard while clicking their
    selections with their mouse.
  3. Press APPLY FILTER to execute the query and
    retrieve search results.

Filter Search Results
  1. Notice that the FILTER ON message indicates that
    the search list has a filter applied.
  2. Clicking either the ALL OR BOOKMARKED button
    removes your filter and sets the search list back
    to ALL bills or BOOKMARKED bills.
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