Bolet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Slide 1 Author: CUSD 200 Last modified by: Gianfrancesco, Nina Created Date: 9/8/2006 12:56:32 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bolet

Boletín de Kindergarten Clase de Mrs.
Gianfrancesco Semana de 7-11 de octubre
Tema de la semana Durante esta semana corta, estudiaremos una autora que se llama Lois Ehlert. !Sus obras de escritura son ricos y sus illustraciones son maravillosas!
Siguiente Semana Lunes devolver fólder de viernes Martes aprender acerca de Lois Ehlert Miércoles leer Color Farm Jueves Leer Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Viernes !Caja de sorpresa! Bibliotecadevolver libro Siguiente Semana Lunes devolver fólder de viernes Martes aprender acerca de Lois Ehlert Miércoles leer Color Farm Jueves Leer Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Viernes !Caja de sorpresa! Bibliotecadevolver libro

Seguridad contra incendios Nos pasamos muy bien la semana aprender mantener seguros contra incendios. Comente con su hijo/a que debemos hacer en caso de emergencia. Además, haga el paquete de actividades familiares.
Sitio de web No olvide! Se puede ver todos los boletines y mucho de la tarea en nuestra pagina de web. También, he puesto links a juegos educativos y videos para que los niños puedan practicar las letras y números en casa. Está http//
No hay clases el lunes, 14 de octubre (día de
Cristóbal Colón)
Nota de la maestra Aprenderemos los números 11-20. Por favor de ayudarle a su hijo/a contar hasta 20 por lo menos, y también ayúdele reconocer esos números fuero de orden.
Kindergarten Newsletter Mrs. Gianfrancescos
Class Week of Oct. 7-11
Theme of the Week During this short week, we will be doing an author study about Lois Ehlert. She is a wonderful author and illustrator, and writes some great Fall inspired books!
Next Week Monday Return Friday Folder Libraryreturn books Tuesday Learn about the author Lois Ehlert Wednesday Read Color Farm Thursday Read Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Friday Surprise Box! Next Week Monday Return Friday Folder Libraryreturn books Tuesday Learn about the author Lois Ehlert Wednesday Read Color Farm Thursday Read Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Friday Surprise Box!

Fire Safety We had a great week learning about fire safety! Talk with your child about what to do in case of an emergency. Also, you may do the family activities in the fire safety packet that was sent home.
Website Dont forget! You can view all the newsletters and most of the homework pages on our class website. Ive also put up links to websites with educational games, as well as videos to help the students practice letters and numbers at home!! Its http//
No school Monday, October 14 (Columbus Day)
Teachers Note We will be learning the numbers 11-20. Please practice counting to at least 20 at home and help your child recognize and write those numbers. Also, when reading to your child at night see if they can pick out our sight words I, a, can, see and the.
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